We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

Forex funding fee

It’s a calling that is beyond material possessions and financial freedom. It provides a reason to rise after each failure and disaster.

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We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

It stimulates the feelings of joy and gratitude with pain and fear within one experience. “why do you want to be a funded trader?”

We fund traders worldwide

Do you have what it takes to get funded?

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We’re funding traders who want to leverage their trading skills and maximise their earning potential.
Pass our evaluation and start trading our fully funded account with potential growth up to $2,000,000.

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We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

Each and every one of us has a purpose in life. A purpose so powerful that it resonates deep within our entire conscious and subconscious being. The personal dream is a life mission that very few people manage to discover within themselves.

It’s a calling that is beyond material possessions and financial freedom. It provides a reason to rise after each failure and disaster. It stimulates the feelings of joy and gratitude with pain and fear within one experience.

It all boils down to this one question you need to ask yourself:

“why do you want to be a funded trader?”

Join our elite group of the most committed, disciplined funded traders who are all simultaneously taking the CTI funded trader program that will bring the best high-performance funded trader that you know you are.

Unleash the inner trader and choose one of our forex funded accounts. Do you have what it takes to successfully complete the CTI funded trader program challenge and trade up to $2,000,000 of our capital RISK-FREE?

Pricing & fees

What is a spread?

When a price for a market is quoted, you will actually see two prices. The first price, known as the bid, is the sell price and the second price is the buy price, known as the offer. The difference between the sell and buy price is called the spread.

Where can I find my cost per trade?

Information about your ‘cost per trade’ is made available directly on the trading platform under “trade history”. Cost per trade is comprised of spread cost and commissions. The ‘spread cost’ value displayed on the platform, is the “mid-point spread cost” as defined by NFA.

Metatrader 4 - information about your ‘cost per trade’ is made available directly on the trading platform under the ‘account history’ tab. ‘cost per trade’ is also available in a report available on the MT4 platform. To access the report of your spread cost, click on the ‘company’ tab on MT4 and then ‘cost per trade’ from the list of links on the left side of the window. The ‘spread cost’ value displayed on the platform, is the “mid-point spread cost” as defined by NFA.

How is my spread cost calculated?

The NFA defines spread cost based on the “mid-point spread cost.” in typical market conditions, this is the difference between the rate at which your order was executed and the mid-point of the bid/offer spread at the time your market order was received. Keep in mind that conditional orders become market orders once they are triggered. Mid-point spread cost typically reflects the cost of your trade outside of any commissions.

During extreme market conditions, the time period from when a market order is received as compared to when the order is ultimately executed may increase. This increase in time period can result from many factors including but not limited to: market volatility, available liquidity, pre-trade available margin check, and price validation etc.

The potential delay in order execution during extreme market conditions may cause wide variations of your spread cost at time of execution measured as the difference between bid/offer vs. The mid-point at time of execution. For example, these variations may result in a smaller than normal cost figure, or even a positive cost figure, in the case of limit orders filled at a better rate than the rate at which your limit was triggered. Conversely, these variances may reflect a larger than normal cost if your stop order rate was executed worse than the rate at which it was ultimately triggered. As noted above, these variations can result from many factors, including but not limited to market volatility, available liquidity, pre-trade available margin check, and price validation, etc.

Are there any data exchange fees associated with forex trading?

FOREX.Com does not charge data exchange fees. However, you may incur a financing/rollover charge if you hold your positions overnight. Learn more about rollovers.

What is a financing/rollover fee?

Financing fees, also known as rollovers, are charges that you pay in order to hold a position open overnight. The daily financing fee is automatically applied to your account each day that you hold an open position (including weekends). Learn more about our rollover rates.

Does FOREX.Com charge inactivity fees?

A fee of $15 (or 15 base currency equivalent) per month is charged to accounts after there is no trading activity for 12 months.

Do you offer fixed spreads?

No, FOREX.Com does not offer fixed spreads.

Do I need to pay taxes on my trades and transactions?

Yes, forex and options trading are subject to taxes. Please contact a tax professional for more information.

Is there a currency conversion charge?

Trading in markets that settle in a different currency from your account's base currency may incur a currency conversion charge. For example, if your account base currency is US dollars and you trade USD/JPY, your realized profit or loss as well as any associated fees, charges, and commissions will be automatically converted from JPY back to US dollars before posting to your account. Our standard charge for this conversion is +/-0.5% from the market rate at the time of conversion. Conversely, you will not incur this charge if you only trade products that settle in your account’s base currency, such as EUR/USD in a US dollar based account.

Stop trading small accounts

The world’s best subscriptions based FX trading solution. Fundisus provides all participants with funded accounts to access the spot market.

Who are we?

Fundisus is a revolutionary proprietary trading solution. Fundisus has years of industry knowledge and makes use of cutting-edge proprietary trading techology; thus, we are on active trading firm which understands the needs of traders in the market.

We offer $50,000 to start trading forex market with

Traders are compensated on a profit split basis only.

Our funded accounts are EA compatible


Let us tell you more

Your personal liability is limited to your subscription payment.

As all funding is provided by the firm, traders do not risk any of their own trading capital. Even if losses are incurred, the firm will still bear the costs. There are no other trading accounts available that offer this trading opportunity. Use a real account instead of a practice trading account. Preserve your own capital when speculating in FX trading.

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All professional traders start with a $50K trading book, regardless of their background, experience or track record. We give all our traders an equal opportunity to prove themselves as a profitable trader, or have artificial intelligence trading software manage their account hands-free. Profit withdrawals of 5% blocks are independent from the growth targets of 10%.

If you can make a 10% return on your $50K trading book – growing your account to $55k – we will double your initial funding to $100k, or $105k net. The 10% amount of $5k must be maintained in the account and may not be withdrawn. This is independent of any 5% profit withdrawals. Traders have to separately maintain the 10% for the growth target.

If you can make another 10% return on your $100K trading book – growing your account to $115k net – then we will double your account value once again, up to $200k, or $215k net. Again, the $15k amount must be kept in the account.

For the final stage, you must make 10% once again on your $200K trading book, giving you a net of $235k. If you can succeed here we will allocate $1million to you and you will have the opportunity to interview for a fund manager position.


Take our capital,

Accelerate your funded account up to $1.28 million dollars

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

What is your trading personality?

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.


Apply risk measures in your trading to receive a low target for more funding.

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.


Take the freedom to trade your style with no restrictions.
Trade with high leverage and no mandatory stop orders.


Choose your funded account model

Profit target is determined by the profit goal for the current stage, from which the5ers will increase your trading capital responsibility.

Profit is the sum of all realized and unrealized positions including commission and swap charges. Once the target is hit, the trader is requested to close all running trades, and report the achievement to the fund.

It is only for the first stage of the program, the profit target is lower, 6% for the low-risk plans, and 12% for the aggressive programs. With all the rest of the stages, the profit target is 10% for the low risk, and 25% for the aggressive programs.

The equity stopout level is the lowest value of the account allowed. Once the account equity value is below this level, the fund will close all running trades, and disable trading and access.

The stopout level is a fixed value of loss allowance measured from the starting balance account of each level. As much the trader profit in the account, so his/hers loss allowance increases. Example: the starting balance is $10,000, the account is with $200 profit, the equity stopout level is $9,600; this gives the trader $600 loss allowance, if the profit increases to $500, the loss allowance is now $900.

The leverage applied for the trading account. The trader is allowed to utilize the full leverage applied for the account with no further enforcement.

Aggressive programs are set to 1:30 leverage, powers by 30 times the market buying allowance. Low risk programs are set at 1:6 leverage, powers by 6 times the market buying required.

Setting a stoploss for every trade is required when participating in the low risk programs. Only in the low risk plans, each and every position must consist of a proper stoploss at value not greater of 1.5%. The fund risk monitor, allows up to 2 whole minutes for placing a proper stoploss.

Failing to maintain stoploss discipline will result by switching the program to aggressive mode.

The maximum time required to complete the profit target for the first level of the program. To be clear, the maximum expiry time is applied ONLY for the very FIRST stage of the program. In all other progressed levels, there will be NO expiration time limit for active traders.

The maximum number of calendar days is set for 180 for the low risk plans, and 60 calendar days for the aggressive plans.

Once hitting the profit target alone with the rest of the qualification objectives, the5ers will increase your capital responsibility, with all the objectives increased proportionally.

At the first stage accomplishment, you will be receiving 4 times greater from initial capital of your first account. For every other steps (but the first one) the growth upscaling is twice of the last initial capital.

The deal with the5ers is that you bring the trading and we bring all the trading capital, we take the full risk for trading loss - but the profits will be shared with you. We will pay you a commission of 50% of the trading profits.

Payout is issued every month starting the second level of the program. Only at the first stage payout is paid once the stage is fully completed.

Good to know, receiving payouts is never being deducted from your forward progression toward the next milestone. With the5ers you get both the growth and the payouts. No need to decide.

A thought about percentage. Some may say a better percentage offer could be found elsewhere. We say, don’t judge by the percentage - judge by the potential money you actually receive. With our fast growth plan, you are increasing your actual money profit potential much faster than anywhere else.

The5ers guarantees maximum trading capital in funding, which is currently a 1.28 million dollars real funded account.

1.28 million is a big account to manage, however, this is not our final offer for you. Once you accomplish your goal on the 1.28 M account, we will discuss with you further growth and targets.

By signing up for the5ers programs you receive an instant funded account right away, with trading access to the fund’s pool account. We give a fair opportunity for every trader to present his/her trading skills on a real-capital-funded account. We take full responsibility to handle potential trading losses, which should be secured by a one-time participation fee.

Your participation fee is not trading securities. We are not a broker, not representing any financial institutes. Your once-off fee is paying you into the most rewarding funding program experience in the industry.

The fee is not refundable once you had made your first action in the funded account. Remember, you are being assigned to a real funded account from the very beginning. Any profits you will be making will be shared with you eventually.

Of course, we provide much more than just funded accounts. Trading with the5ers is a whole trading experience, including funding, accelerated growth with extreme income potential, full dedicated team of professionals ready to cater to your professional and administrative requirements, we provide education, and trading events, a live trading room, and extensive performance statistics dashboard.

Double capital at profit milestone up to 1.28 million guaranteed!

The5ers offer the most extreme and accelerated growth rate. At every milestone you are acquiring, the5ers will double your initial capital handling, also doubling the trading objectives, in terms of maximum loss allowance (aka equity stop out level), leverage, and stoploss (for applicable programs).

Milestones for the low-risk programs are set to 10% net profit, for the aggressive plans, a 25% target is set.

Financing fees for forex trades

Find out how we calculate our financing charges, so you can better understand the cost/credit and other associated potential charges when you trade with us.

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

If you have an open position on your OANDA trading account at the end of each trading day (at 5 p.M. (ET)), the position is considered to be held overnight and will be subject to either a ‘financing cost’ or ‘financing credit’.

The ‘financing cost’ or ‘financing credit’ is calculated on a per position basis and may be a debit or credit, depending on whether it is a buy/long or sell/short position. The cost or credit also takes into account the impact of our admin fee and reflects the interest differential between the currencies involved in this trade.

The credit or debit depends on the applicable funding rate as described below:

  • Financing cost or credit = position value x applicable funding rate x1/365

  • Position value = size of your position x price of instrument at 5 p.M. (ET).

How we calculate funding rates

Funding rates (or swap rates) vary depending on instrument and may change on a daily basis. These are quoted as an annual rate. Each instrument has two quoted rates: one for a buy/long position and the other for a sell/short position.

A negative funding rate will result in a cost being debited from your account while a positive funding rate will result in a credit made into your account.

The daily financing charge or credit will be claimed/ passed from/to your account each day, and will be visible in your transaction history accessible via your account portal.

Our funding rates for forex consist of a blend of underlying liquidity providers’ tom-next swap rates, adjusted by our x% admin fee (annualized).

Admin fee table

Financing costs affected by holidays and weekends

FX trades are typically settled on a T+2 basis, and the funding rate reflects the cost to push forward the settlement date by one day so that you can hold the position indefinitely. If you hold a position on wednesday at 5 p.M., the funding rate will typically be three times the amount to reflect pushing forward the settlement by three days instead of one day.

This is because at the end of wednesday the settlement date needs to be pushed forward from friday to monday, and the funding rate reflects the cost to hold the position over the weekend. There are no financing charges or credits on saturday or sunday. The actual funding rate on any given date may reflect more than one day depending on the instrument or due to market holidays.

Rates and costs for today's date are approximate and will not be finalized until 5 p.M. ET.

*long financing charge = the financing charge in USD on a 100,000 unit long position of the given instrument.
^short financing charge = the financing charge in USD on a 100,000 unit short position of the given instrument.

Example of how the financing cost would be calculated if you had a long 100,000 EUR/USD trade open at 5 p.M. (ET) on a day in which the long rate was -3.00%.

Financing cost = (100,000 x 1.15826) x -3.00% x 1/365 = -9.52 USD.

Frequently asked questions

What are the financing costs for OANDA corporation clients?

If you have an open position on your account at the end of each trading day (5 p.M. ET), the position is considered to be held overnight and subject to either a ‘financing cost’ or ‘financing credit’ to reflect the interest differential between the currencies involved in this trade.

What are the inactivity fees applicable at OANDA corporation?

An inactivity fee is a monthly charge that is levied on your account if there has been no trading activity for a period of 12 months. Please note, inactivity fees will not be charged when there is an open position.

How does OANDA calculate its funding rates?

Please check the funding rates section of frequently asked questions.

Ready to start trading? Open an account in minutes

Already have a live trading account? It's easy to fund your account using one of the following payment methods.

Transparent trading costs

We are upfront about our fees so you know how much you are paying when you trade with us.

Advanced trader

Get access to reduced spreads, discounted commissions and access to third-party platforms.

When can I trade with OANDA?

Our operation hours coincide with the global financial markets. Find out when you can trade with us.

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

© 1996 - 2021 OANDA corporation. All rights reserved. "OANDA", "fxtrade" and OANDA's "fx" family of trademarks are owned by OANDA corporation. All other trademarks appearing on this website are the property of their respective owners.

Leveraged trading in foreign currency contracts or other off-exchange products on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for everyone. We advise you to carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for you in light of your personal circumstances. You may lose more than you invest. Information on this website is general in nature. We recommend that you seek independent financial advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. Trading through an online platform carries additional risks. Refer to our legal section.

OANDA corporation is a registered futures commission merchant and retail foreign exchange dealer with the commodity futures trading commission and is a member of the national futures association. No: 0325821. More information is available using the NFA basic resource.

Trading FX on margin is high risk and not suitable for everyone. Losses can exceed investment.

Profit forex signals funding program

10000 monthly pips, 90% accuracy, myfxbook verified. Outstanding performance, up to 300% profit per month.

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

Become FOREX FUNDED trader.

No subscription fee. One time refundable payment.


Join our forex funding program and start making money.

We provide proper assistance to our members regarding to essential matters such as the timing of placing any entry (buy/sell), when to rake in higher revenue and when a loss is expected. This is to ensure that our clients enjoy the best forex signal services with least risks.

No subscription fee! 70% PROFIT SHARE

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No subscription fee. One time refundable payment. Payment for application will be refund to you, with your first payout.

Profit forex signals has a world-renowned reputation for funding and backing profitable traders, we have always considered ourselves to be at the cutting edge of our industry. We trade on all major asset classes on multiple exchanges with our own capital. By becoming a member of the team, you become part of our success.

You believe that you are excellent trader but you lack of funds or simple do not want to risk own funds. No worries at all, we are looking for highly talented traders and we will give you $100 000,00 REAL funded account. We cover loses and we share profit with you. Trading with us means never risk any of your money. You will not be liable to any loses either. We take a full risk from day one. We double the size of trading account every time when you reach 10% profit.


So you can keep 70% profit while we will take 30% profit share. We cover loses!



Never wait to reach your XY% profit to get paid. Instead, you will get paid for any profit % you make in any given month without affecting your account growth.

How it works ?

Very simple, there is just two phases what you need to pass and that is all. Phase one вђ“ SHOW US YOUR SKILL and phase two SHOW YOUR MIGHT!


Show us your skill. Prove that you can profit. Demonstrate us that you have winning strategy. Show us that you can manage risk. Earn forex funded trading account! You will get from us account (from one of our partner broker) in which you will trade. Show us that you are able to trade and if you become our funded trader we will double your account from next month. There is only few simple rules what you need to follow and that is all.

We give you one month to become our funded trader.

Phase one is 30 days. We believe that it is enough to prove your self and become trader for one of most famous forex provider.

Rules what you need to follow:

    You get $100 000 real trading account to start with it. Trade any forex pair what you like, no restriction at all. You can trade indices, metals, stocks. Have at least 5 active trades per week. From open to close trade. 15% maximum draw down. Maximum $15000. $5000 maximum daily loses. Trade any time of day. You can keep trades overnight and over weekend. Trade maximum with 10 lots per trade. Hedging is allowed. Profit target $15000.


If you enter in phase two means that you passed our verification process. So congratulation you are our funded trader. All trading rules keep same from phase one, so BRING PROFIT TO US AND YOU! Monthly profit payout. We will refund you your application fee during your first payout. Each month till 5th in month you will receive your profit. If you decide to compound profit, no problem, we will surely take out our profit share.

Application fee is €200, will be refunded during first payout!

Rules what you need to follow in second phase:

    You get $200 000 real trading account to start with it. Trade any forex pair what you like, no restriction at all. You can trade indices, metals, stocks. Have at least 5 active trades per week. From open to close trade. 15% maximum draw down. Maximum $30000. $10000 maximum daily loses. Trade any time of day. You can keep trades overnight and over weekend. Trade maximum with 10 lots per trade. Hedging is allowed. Violating any of rule, during any phase or time period will bring termination of service, and you will not be paid even if your account is in profit. Also all accounts related with your name will be terminated, it is not import in which status and phase they are.

Forex traders funding – do you have the right funded account ?

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

FREE trading course - download this free course right now.

Inside this course you will learn the 8 step method we use to establish order entry from any time frame.

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

How do you know ? Compare! And if you are in the wrong one… switch!

  1. We don’t limit you to day trading…..You can hold swing and long term trades with us, as long as you want.

  2. We don’t limit your account size. That’s the key to your potential and future earnings. No account size limits with us and consequently no ceiling on your earnings.

  3. No monthly recurring fees with us. Many charge near $100/month for your funded account….Over 10 years, that’s $12,000 for an account with limits. Our fee is 1/7th of that with no limits.

  4. Many force you into time consuming and expensive training or have you put up matching funds. Not us. Your account is funded day 1.

  5. We give you institutional spreads and margins. A real bonus.

  6. Plus you get 24/7 support and access to our virtual trading room where you can interact with top fx pros while they trade.

Visit us at www.Globalfxtradinggroup.Com click on trader funding.

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

If you can trade fx, we’ll fund you…no limits. We share profits with you and you are not responsible for losses. Talk to us….We’re the global leader in services to the fx industry including funding, education, world class automation tools, virtual trading rooms, and personal coaching…..Offices in chicago and london.

To learn more about our funding programs: https://lnkd.In/ghn7qzs jeff wecker former member CBOT CEO fx global trading group offices in chicago and london….Www.Globalfxtradinggroup.Com

Our goal has been to take the success we’ve had, and through the transfer of knowledge, help other traders survive and prosper in the years ahead.

PS…reminder: fx pros say you need at least $100,000 in your account to consistently make $10,000/month and reduce the risk of blowing out.

Jeff wecker CEO global fx former member CBOT

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Professional trader, forex and CFD, currency trading. Ace level 5 declared april 2013. Trading consultants inc. A USA corporation domiciled in wyoming since april 2012.

Trader funding

The 5%ers offer one of the most flexible, rewarding, and lucrative forex trader funding programs in the industry with NO evaluation, instant funding, and low-cost, one-time fees, and the freedom to trade as you wish - because you know how you best trade, and you should not be forced to conform, they tailor your progression based on your profile, whether you are a lower risk or more aggressive trader*

The process

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

  • Quick signup with a one-time fee

  • Instant funding, NO evaluation

  • Opportunity to QUADRUPLE initial funding with target achievement

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

  • Guaranteed monthly payout

  • 50/50 profit share agreement from day 1

  • Profit payouts DO NOT affect account growth progression, ever.

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

  • Double funding each time your target is achieved

  • 10%/25% targets, depending on risk profile

  • Guaranteed up to $1.28 million USD

Why trade with the 5%ers?

Always trade with real money

Everything is done with real money - because there is NO demo trading at any point, it means you can begin earning from day one

Zero risk

There is zero risk to you - you bring the talent, they bring the capital, you both share in the success

Low-cost entry

There are no subscription fees or hidden fees of any kind. Just a one-time fee is all it takes to get started

All traders welcome

Easily achieved milestone targets and flexible trading conditions make the 5%ers an excellent choice for all traders

All trading system/styles

No restrictions are placed on strategy or style. Ever. You know how you trade best - why would they try to change that?

24/7 access

The FX trades 24/5, but the 5%ers also allow you to hold over the weekend, not just overnight, giving you 24/7 access

Monthly payouts

Your profit share is paid out to you monthly, guaranteed, with no minimum threshold and account doubling for every target achievement

Ongoing support

The 5%ers provide excellent support through live chats, email, telephone and forms and even have an on-staff trade psychologist


The 5%ers use metatrader4 (MT4) - the world's most popular trade-execution platform - exclusively, making it convenient for any trader

Browse all available accounts from the 5%ers below.

Use the toggle to switch between their low-risk account parameters and their aggressive-risk account parameters. Remember, you have the freedom and the flexibility to trade as you wish and they simply tailor your parameters to your style – determined through your actual trading performance. Pretty cool.

A low-risk trader is defined as someone who actively employs risk management techniques in their trading, such as use of stop/losses and lower leverage. These traders benefit from lower targets to achieve fund doubling, but of course, are mandated by consistent use of risk management techniques.

  • We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

Low-risk funded trader account 1 – $24,000 USD | start with $6,000 USD

Low-risk funded trader account 2 – $40,000 USD | start with $10,000 USD

Low-risk funded trader account 3 – $52,000 USD | start with $13,000 USD

Low-risk funded trader account 4 – $80,000 USD | start with $20,000 USD

An aggressive trader is defined as someone who trades freely, someone who doesn't necessarily follow a strict guide of risk management principles. Benefit from the freedom the 5%ers allow, and trade with total autonomy with an aggressive funded trader account

Do more. Pay less.

These transactions are free:

  • Paying a merchant directly from your skrill wallet

  • Receiving money to your skrill account

  • Sending money to an international bank account with skrill money transfer

We Fund Traders Worldwide, forex funding fee.

Local payment methods

  • Bank transfer

  • Fast bank transfer

  • Neteller

  • Paysafecard

  • Paysafecash

  • Rapid transfer

  • Trustly

Global payment methods

  • Credit card AMEX

  • Credit card diners

  • Credit card JCB

  • Credit card mastercard

  • Credit card visa

Please note that if you use your credit card for gambling purposes your issuer may charge a ‘cash advance' fee. This fee is outside skrill’s control, and we receive no part of it.

Local payment methods

EUR 5.50 (EUR 5.50)

Global payment methods

Fee: EUR 5.50 (EUR 5.50)

Skrill money transfer

International transfer

No fee when you use skrill money transfer to send money to an international bank account.

Domestic transfer

Domestic fee per transaction.This fee will be charged when the transfer begins and ends in the same country.

Receive money

Skrill money transfer does not charge recipients any fee to receive

Skrill to skrill

Send money for customers registered after 8 april 2020

1.45%, min 0.50 EUR fee is applied if you have funded your wallet via card or bank account.

*if you haven't made any deposit to your skrill account, or have deposited via NETELLER, paysafecard or bitpay, a higher fee of 4.49%, min 0.50 EUR will apply.

Send money for customers registered between 18 march - 7 april including

1.45%, min 0.50 EUR fee is applied if you have funded your wallet via card or bank account.

**if you haven't made any deposit to your skrill account, or have deposited via NETELLER, paysafecard or bitpay, a higher one-time fee of 10%, min. EUR 100 will apply. All subsequent send money transactions will be charged with a 2.99% fee.

Send money for customers registered before 18 march 2020

The regular skrill fee for sending money is 1.45%, min EUR 0.50.

***if you haven’t made any deposit to your skrill account, or have deposited only via NETELLER, paysafecard or bitpay, a higher one-time fee of 20%, min. EUR 30 will apply.

Receive money

Receiving money is always free of charge

You will see the applicable fee before you complete your transaction.

Keep skrilling

Your skrill account is free for personal use as long as you log in or make a transaction at least every 12 months.

Otherwise a service fee of EUR 5.00 (or equivalent) will be deducted monthly from your account.

Currency conversion

For transactions involving currency conversion skrill adds a fee of 3.99% to our wholesale exchange rates. The exchange rates vary and will be applied immediately without notice to you.

If your skrill account is denominated in a currency other than euro, your cryptocurrency transactions will be subject to currency conversions. In this case, we will apply foreign exchange fee of 1.5%.

Prepaid card fees

Our fees are transparent, so you always know where you stand. Here are the fees we charge for using our skrill prepaid mastercard ® :

  • 10 EUR card application

  • 10 EUR annual fee

  • 3.99 % FX fee

  • 1.75 % ATM fee

  • POS transactions are free

  • Skrill virtual card application – first is free, any subsequent card is 2.5 EUR.

Simple and transparent fees

Crypto buy / crypto sell

Crypto P2P

Fee: 0.50 % per transaction


Please note that the skrill cryptocurrency service is not regulated by the financial conduct authority.
Your use of the skrill cryptocurrency service is subject to the cryptocurrency terms of use.
You should also familiarise yourself with the cryptocurrency risk statement.

In accordance with the skrill account terms of use:

provision of inaccurate or untruthful information and lack of cooperation fee (s. 4.5) up to EUR 150
chargeback fee (s. 8.3) EUR 25 per chargeback
attempted cash upload fee (s. 8.12) EUR 10 per upload
prohibited transactions fees (s. 11) up to EUR 150 per instance
reversal of a wrong transaction fee (s. 12.7) up to EUR 25 per reversal attempt

Important notice

As of 22 february 2021 the following fees shall apply:

  • Withdrawal fee from a skrill account to a NETELLER account – 3.49% per transaction

  • International transfer send money fee for the use of skrill money transfer – up to 4.99% per transaction - applicable to international money transfers in the same send and receive currency only

  • International transfer send money FX markup fee - up to 4.99% per transaction.

For money movers and makers

Copyright © 2021 skrill limited. All rights reserved. Skrill ® is a registered trademark of skrill limited. Skrill limited is incorporated in england (company number 04260907) with its registered office at 25 canada square, london E14 5LQ. Authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority under the electronic money regulations 2011 (FRN: 900001) for the issuance of electronic money and payment instruments. The skrill prepaid mastercard is issued by paysafe financial services limited pursuant to a licence from mastercard international. Paysafe financial services limited (FRN: 900015) is authorised by the financial conduct authority under the electronic money regulations 2011 for the issuance of electronic money and payment instruments. Mastercard ® is a registered trademark of mastercard international. Skrill limited has been temporarily registered under the money laundering, terrorist financing and transfer of funds (information on the payer) regulations 2017 as a cryptoasset business until 9 july 2021, pending the determination of its application by the financial conduct authority.

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