Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Crypto coin trader joe blackburn

Last february, I landed my dream job, after two years of hoping it would happen.

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Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

I had four weeks off between changing jobs, and that’s when I fell in love with crypto, right before the ethereum run. I started the job, but every day, I thought to myself, “I’m losing money being at work!” what makes CCT different?

Faces of crypto: joe blackburn

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

The cryptocurrency world has sparked large online and offline communities of early adopters fascinated by the potential of blockchain technology. Many investors come from non-traditional backgrounds and have reinvented themselves, found friends, and even become household names within certain circles. Crypto enthusiasts come from all corners of the globe, from all walks of life.

Over the next few weeks, stayawhile will give members of the community the opportunity to share their stories in their own words.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

To start off our series, we spoke with joe blackburn, a 32 year old mississippi native who spends his days working at an exxon-mobil plant in baton rouge, louisiana. By day, he works as a loading operator, arranging the shipment of hazardous chemicals. When he’s not at the plant, he runs one of the largest facebook groups for the crypto-trading community. His group, crypto coin trader, has over 36,000 members.

How did you get into crypto?

Last february, I landed my dream job, after two years of hoping it would happen. I had four weeks off between changing jobs, and that’s when I fell in love with crypto, right before the ethereum run. I started the job, but every day, I thought to myself, “I’m losing money being at work!”

Tell us more about the facebook group.

I started it this past april with five of my friends. We call ourselves “the hit squad” because we all dreamed big, but now that we’re successful, our dreams don’t seem so big or so huge any more. They seem attainable. We started our group because we were discouraged by the other crypto communities that we’d found. Everybody said they were trying to escape corrupt government banking systems, but these same people seemed to be corrupt in their own way.

What makes CCT different?

I wanted to build a community. I’m a southern boy, I’m from the south where there are small towns and small town values. What I believe makes us different is community and family, the accountability and the small-town feel, and I carry that over to my relationships in CCT.

I spent 7 years in the military, and I love personal relationships. I make an effort to answer every message that I’m sent (unless they’re clearly spam.) it’s who I am.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

When we review our members, we want to know are you here for personal gain? Because if so, we don’t want you. Do you want to see the betterment of crypto? People who bought into that wanted to join.

Who are the group’s admins?

I created the page, but i immediately included three of my best friends: nate flanders, justin hart, and ben barlow. We added jedidiah taylor. He just launched his own ICO, decent.Bet.

I picked them because they started with me. I consider it our group, not just mine. I’m the more outspoken one. I do the videos and the interviews. We all started out with very little crypto.

Revv nissan was an automatic moderator. He’s only 26 years old, but he’s my mentor. He has a huge social media presence.

Now CCT is so big. What next?

Since it’s grown so big, it’s harder to reign it in. We police the group very intently. I set very strict guidelines, and we decline as many people as we approve. When we reached 20,000 members, we worried that things would get out of hand. But they haven’t.

CCT has grown so successful that people have asked to buy it — even offered to pay six-digit numbers, but I would never sell. CCT is my baby. It’s my favorite thing in the world, and it’s not about money.

Will you ever crypto trade full time?

My job is a very mentally stressful job, but I love it. I don’t do it because I have to work, but this job is my dream. Now that I finally got it, I want to keep it. I’m not prepared to make the commitment to go crypto full time. I have crypto and love crypto, but I’m not a multi-milllionaire where I can sit on my stack.

What do you do when you’re not trading crypto?

Crypto takes up a lot of my time, but I also like to hunt and fish. I’m the father of a 20-month daughter and my wife marianna. She’s not an active trader but she holds crypto. My favorite thing to do is spend time with my daughter. I’m not some bigwig, not some huge crypto superstar. I’m just your average normal, everyday guy who has unique abilities to do this better than other people. I want to maintain that humility.

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What is happening with crypto - joe blackburn

Crypto coin trading with joe blackburn

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.
Joe blackburn

crypto coin trader

We are happy to have joe blackburn back on the show, almost one year since his last appearance on techtalkradio. Joe is the founder of crypto coin trader, a facebook group built on providing information and answering questions for those looking at crypto currency. Justin found the group and said we should have joe on because they really care about what they do. Back in 2017 when we first talked with joe, everytime you turned around, somebody was talking about crypto! Sometimes it was great, other times it was from those belittling the idea of investing in crypto currency. We started seeing more of "bitcoin" in the media with even an episode of big bang theory focused on a lost wallet. Silicon valley on HBO even took a stab and rightfully so at mining digital currency with an alt coin they created.

Over the past year it was almost like some waited for the incredible shoot the moon gains to fall while others leveraged 401k's and homes to buy in. Unfortunatly, something did happen and the once increasing numbers began to decrease. We heard the term "hodl" and while some embraced it, others cashed out.

Joe blackburn and the members of crypto coin trader on facebook have done a tremendous job providing answers to questions, cutting through hype and even tracking down bogus altcoin claims. We are happy to have joe back on the show to discuss where crypto currency is and where it can go. It is certainly not dead and for those that are "in the HODL mode" there are hopes for gains once again. Tune in for this fun discussion with joe backburn.

For more information
visit the crypto coin trader facebook group

A new crypto coin trader website will be launching soon! Check it out

Here is the video interview we did with joe blackburn of crypto coin trader last year, december 2017

Crypto coin trader joe blackburn

Sometimes it feels like the republic of bad cryptopia is the center of the blockchain universe. But we know that we’re more like a moon… with a lambo on it… and plenty of bacon.

There are many cool communities and pockets of blockchain buddies all over the world. And today we welcome joe blackburn, founder of crypto coin trader, a facebook community with over 100,000 members. Joe is also the host of the bitcoin radio podcast. And he laughs at our jokes. So we like him.

And you will too. Settle in for a great crypto convo and some laughs on episode #301 of the bad crypto podcast.

Full show notes at: http://badco.In/301

Apple podcast: http://badco.In/itunes

Google podcasts: http://badco.In/google


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Facebook mastermind group: /badcrypto

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If you'd like to donate a bit of cryptocurrency to the bad crypto podcast, feel free to send copious amounts to the following locations:

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Do your own due diligence and research. Joel comm and travis wright are NOT FINANCIAL ADVISORS. We are sharing our journey with you as we learn more about this crazy little thing called cryptocurrency. We make NO RECOMMENDATIONS. Don't take anything we say as gospel. Do not come to our homes with pitchforks because you lost money by listening to us.

We only share with you what we are learning and what we are investing it. We will never "pump or dump" any cryptocurrencies. Take what we say with a grain of salt. You must research this stuff on your own! Just know that we will always strive for RADICAL TRANSPARENCY with any show associations.

The cryptoverse belongs to all of us

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Joe blackburn

Feb 22, 2019 · 9 min read

Without vibrant online communities, cryptocurrency will never achieve mass adoption or fulfill blockchain’s revolutionary potential to free us from the bonds of corrupt institutions.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

C ryptocurrency is on the precipice. Despite all its promise, there’s a chanc e the market could crash entirely, never to recover. This crypto-winter is not unwarranted and not undeserved. Propagated by social media platforms, irrational exuberance transformed what was once a noble movement into a sea of garbage and scams. In order for us to rise from the ashes of this bear market, we must demand accountability and transparency, and we must make the cryptoverse accessible to all.

Cryptocurrency was life-changing for me, and planted in me a passion for mass adoption. Contrary to popular belief, cryptocurrency did not bring great monetary riches for me, however, what it did bring was true wealth. The wealth of knowledge, new experiences, and being at the forefront of one of the most exciting technological revolutions of our time. I want to share that wealth with all people.

I am from a small town in mississippi. As an american southerner, I can relate to so many different types of people and dynamics, and I have seen and experienced many of the problems people face around the world. The agriculturally based southern economy that I grew up in is no different than a lot of underdeveloped countries around the world. Culturally and economically, we are so often excluded from the knowledge and resources enjoyed in the big cities on the west coast and in the north east.

Unfortunately, the rich and thriving regions in the united states dominated the technological revolution that brought us the internet and social media. Since these platforms exert tremendous influence over our culture at large as well as our day to day lives, it is the thoughts and ideas of a select few privileged, big city elites that informs the structure and the primary narrative in everything we do. In this way, even though it has brought some incredible advances in connectivity and engagement, this technology has left a lot of people behind.

How we began: information deserts

I came into this space like many of you thinking, “hey, maybe it will go up one day?!” it was a lottery ticket. I didn’t know a single thing about bitcoin, and there wasn’t a good place for me to find decent information. All of the finance message boards would either immediately delete my post, or, worse, scold me for trumpeting a “scam,” or, “trying to buy drugs.” while facebook groups about crypto were easy to find, it didn’t take long to realize that quality and trustworthy information was nearly impossible to find.

Thinking back to those times and the way I was treated for just asking questions, it can be disheartening to see new people treated the same way today by people in the space. By creating crypto coin trader (CCT), I’ve been able to incorporate my experiences into a community and conversation about groundbreaking technology.

As my CCT family grew over the years to 115,000 people, I’ve made it my mission to make sure that people from all walks of life and every corner of the world have a voice. It’s been wonderful. Not just the numbers, but the vast diversity of experiences and thought that this group brings.

Unregulated, fast-paced and addicting

Before CCT, I wanted and needed to find a true calling, something that was hurting and needed my help and my talents as much as I craved its challenges. I remember when CCT hit 1000 members, before you knew it we were at 10,000, then 25,000 and ultimately crossing over that 100,000 member mark. It’s an incredible honor. I can truly say that I’ve found my calling, it’s not something that most people find, so I fully understand how special and rare it is.

From the very beginnings of CCT, we wanted a space where our friends could share news and information about crypto and we learned how to moderate it to enforce the values we wanted to bring to the cryptosphere.

Along the way, we’ve made some mistakes and had to master the art of comprehensive vetting. In doing so, we’ve discovered some of the hardest working and most innovative people and companies in the crypto and blockchain space. People we’re proud and honored to call our friends, the die-hards and phoenixes that are in crypto until the end and have ridden all the highs and lows together with us.

The problem with social crypto

As brilliant and creative as the people of this space are, we have missed our chances to socially mature and grow on a platform level. We cannot mature and be ready for true mass adoption until the means of information improves, and we do not currently have a top tier source of information, or a community forum that can foster depth and authenticity.

If you scroll through reddit, telegram, or facebook, you’ll notice that the comments are essentially monochromatic. Even when people disagree, the dissent will exist within narrow parameters — it won’t contain novel insights on fundamental questions of token economics, resource distribution, or foundational technology.

That’s because these platforms are designed to play to our biases and provide instant gratification. In 2016 and 2017, these platforms perpetuated a fixed mindset where we consistently took the easy way out and determined whether projects were ‘winners’ or ‘losers’ based on the price of their token alone.

Despite gaping holes in content and technology, white papers were believed as facts and influencers were always right. The transparency and accountability that could have been gained with healthy, vibrant communities was never achieved, and we found ourselves in a sea of unchecked garbage and scams.

That mania of the 2016/2017 era set up the winter we are weathering to this very minute. The same mindset that fueled the irrational exuberance of the bull run has now spurred the corrosive infighting we see in crypto social media today. Now that the prices have gone down, the atmosphere on most platforms is very negative and hostile with most comments searching for a source they can blame for making us all ‘losers.’

These influencer hubs were not designed with the type of deep, thoughtful community building tools necessary for a budding revolution to thrive. They each contributed in different ways to the demise of a once promising dream.

T elegram is a non-stop free-for-all epic disaster in the form of a massive high school group text, destined for the mute button. No one likes this platform. It’s like the IRS of crypto and the tax rate is 99%. For some reason, the size of a project’s telegram group became one of crypto’s core metrics. Just stop. This platform is an embarrassment for crypto. It’s not safe for work, not safe for your mom, and not safe for *any* would be crypto investors.

T witter is chaotic and noisy — a crowded room of voices screaming on top of one another, many of whom are bots, most of which communicate nothing of substance. Twitter is instant news but the skepticism of the market relegates crypto to re-tweets from major influencers who typically mean well, yet lack the character-count to bring additional substance.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

R eddit has interesting thoughts and well-researched discussions, but no real way to connect to the projects themselves. Generally the ‘sickest burn’ is upvoted to the top.

Y outube has some good crypto videos, but they’re buried under a landfill of garbage videos that aren’t only incredibly boring, they’re also relentless shills. Very few have professional production values or compelling, charismatic hosts. Comment threads are full of the typical angry ranting that is the norm on youtube.

F acebook has provided a lot of of the things the crypto community needs, including the ability to have moderated content and live videos, but it’s just not structured in a way that helps people learn and grow. It could never be the ideal place to sift through and discuss relevant crypto topics.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

None of the social media platforms offer the ability for communities and projects to really connect, and none of them allow for the moderation of content that the projects share with the communities. Misleading things can be communicated to followers with no reprisal — causing permanent damage to trust and reputations in the space.

The cryptoverse was not ready for the attention back in 2013 and 2014, and three years later in the spring of 2017 we looked the same, just a bit older. We’ve been exposed as amateurs by everyone once again as we tumbled back down to our current USD value.

So…when you hear that new people still aren’t entering the crypto market, can you really blame them for being skeptical? Is it their fault? If you had to tell a traditional investor who came to you asking about crypto and blockchain, where would you send them? Bitcointalk, youtube, facebook… or telegram? (insert palm to face emoji here).

Can anyone tell me at this very moment, right now, we are ready for another well-publicized bull run? Are we ready for the influx of attention? How can we expect mass adoption when we look like toddlers coloring in a book.

Building healthy and vibrant communities

Look at the growth and history of bitcoin on a yearly chart. Bitcoin, which celebrated its 10th birthday this past january has grown faster than any major currency in history. In the past, I let time do the talking and bitcoin has always prevailed. However, this time is different. We need to clean up and look the part. Every now and then you have to put a suit on and comb your hair. Decentralization doesn’t have to be so jankity.

At the end of the day, we want to continue looking in the mirror and feeling good about our place in the cryptosphere. Even though crypto is based on decentralization and fierce independence, it still needs leadership and community working together in order to thrive.

Our new CCT platform will be a true home for crypto communities.

…A place with readily available information for noobs to get started in a way that feels safe and welcoming with judgment-free forums for them to ask questions from subject matter experts.

….A place where there is a clear code of conduct not just for the community members, but also for the crypto companies, so no bogus partnerships, or announcements of announcements, or anything misleading can be communicated.

…A place where novel, innovative, and compelling contributions from the community are acknowledged and rewarded so we can stop the corrosive infighting, and instead, deepen the debate.

…A place where we can focus on learning, improving, and growing from our mistakes.

…A place to ask the hard questions and challenge the space as a whole.

…A place that can be an island for worthwhile, engaging, and educational crypto videos.

…and a place where neutral and entirely transparent moderation give all of the above the best chance possible of success.

In order for crypto to gain the levels of credibility and trust needed to achieve mass adoption, it needs a social media platform that is custom-built for crypto. New people need to feel safe investing in crypto, and they need to be part of healthy, vibrant communities in order to stay and hodl.

It needs a well-moderated space that allows for both companies and users to interact with openness and transparency and for communities to be built on direct communication and real life friendships.

Hopefully, with healthy communities, crypto 2.0 will achieve the forgotten promises of the original movement. Borderless societies, free to transact without intervention from corrupt governments or unethical corporations. Verifiable data privacy and a new internet. A true transformation with heavy, intentional investments in more equitable wealth distribution to achieve true democracies that act as a delivery system for human rights.

We are creating this platform to achieve that, because we’d like to see the true potential of crypto come to fruition.

Crypto coin trader started as a group of friends, we grew into a community, and we will rebuild on top of the holes left by those who came into crypto for the wrong reasons. I see this project every time I look into the mirror. It is who I am as a person. It has the fingerprints of every person who has ever posted and commented in CCT ingrained in its DNA. The idea that we shaped this through our love for the space, and built it on the collection of all our thoughts and ideas, is a testament to what this space and group can accomplish. It is just the beginning.


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Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Dan walter – stone pigman walther wittmann LLC

Dan walter is a member of stone pigman walther wittmann LLC. He advises emerging and established companies on their legal options at every stage of their business’s life cycle and regularly assists with partnership and corporate taxes, federal and state tax credits and incentives, real estate and corporate transactions, executive compensation and general corporate matters. He is a tax law specialist, certified by the louisiana board of legal specialization.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Joe blackburn – crypto coin trader (CCT)

Joe blackburn is currently the president and co-founder of crypto coin trader. Joe has been involved with many projects within blockchain and the cryptocurrency space.

The explosion of cryptocurrencies since his introduction in 2014, has allowed him to catapult the momentum into the soon to be released website.

Social media, community management and community engagement have been at the forefront of joe’s expertise in the blockchain space.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Rachel siegel – crypto finally

Rachel siegel is a content creator, influencer & speaker in the blockchain space.

Her work is geared towards mass adoption of common consumer culture through entertainment targeting millennial audiences. You can find her video content at www.Youtube.Com/cryptofinally or keep up to date on social media @cryptofinally on twitter & instagram.
Rachel comes from a production background working for companies such as HPE, lion king, wicked, blue man productions (blue man group) & weight watchers. This includes several spots for NBC, NPR, rolling stone, telemundo & ESPN.

She has a background in live events including work for madison square garden NYC, millennium park chicago & the public theater shakespeare in the park NYC.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Jacob lill – coincierge club CTO

Jacob lill has an impressive track record of building sustainable businesses and developing innovative technologies that allow his businesses to have a vast and efficient positive impact.

Jacob’s innovative spirit started at a young age in the alternative medical industry. Jacob quickly became the largest alternative medical provider in colorado and nevada, working directly with the state governments to create smarter regulations. After reaching this level of success, he began helping other business leaders in the industry to optimize their operations and increase the value provided to patients.
During his time in the alternative medical industry, he saw a problem and the real needs of end-of-life patients, so he launched a large non-profit cooperative and created a charitable organization dedicated to assisting end-of-life patients with their high medical costs and personal expenses.

After jacob became interested in the sharing economy, he went on to start a real estate group specializing in alternative housing. In less than two years, jacob built and franchised a national brand with over a hundred million dollars of assets under management.

After spending several years being fascinated by crypto currencies and learning about blockchain technologies, jacob stepped down from his CEO role to fully engulf himself in everything blockchain. He has focused on building technologies and systems that allow for increased connection and simplified communication.
Jacob is currently involved with many projects in the blockchain space and has fully dedicated his time, resources and skillsets to help these projects bring the benefits of these technologies to the mainstream.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Benjamin leff – leff ventures

Benjamin leff is an expert token sale community manager with experience growing and managing large online communities across multiple social media channels. Founder of leff ventures, ben is highly knowledgeable in creating grassroots excitement for new blockchain investments by leveraging years of experience building extensive industry relationships. Ben is a firm believer in the power of creating a project around the needs of the community which varies from the traditional business model in the blockchain world; this comes from his experience in consulting several ICO/blockchain projects from mauritius to the united states to vietnam and the UAE. From volunteering as a global ambassador for liquid exchange to co-hosting the houston bitcoin meetup with over 2,700 local members, ben believes that mass adoption lies in the hands of the community at-large.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Rob lalka – tulane university professor

Rob lalka is professor of practice at the A.B. Freeman school of business and the executive director of the albert lepage center for entrepreneurship and innovation. Lalka is the co-founder of medora ventures, a consulting firm that supports investments with returns for shareholders, the local community, society overall, and generations to come.

He moved to new orleans from washington, DC, where he was a director at village capital and a senior advisor at the howard G. Buffett foundation. Before that, lalka served in the U.S. Department of state’s office of global partnerships and was on the secretary of state’s policy planning staff.

Lalka graduated from yale university and holds his master’s degree in global public policy from duke university. He and his wife, lynn, reside in new orleans’ broadmoor neighborhood, where he serves as a commissioner for the broadmoor improvement association.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Victoria adams phipps

Victoria adams phipps is a nonprofit executive who was pivotal in solidifying new orleans’ status as a hub of entrepreneurial activity. She is the vice president of programs at the new orleans business alliance, the economic development engine for the city, and executive director of 504ward, an initiative to attract and retain young professional talent. Prior to joining the NOLABA team, victoria was executive producer of new orleans entrepreneur week, a week-long festival celebrating innovation and entrepreneurship. She worked with organizations like google, jpmorgan chase, salesforce.Com, and uber to engage over 50,000 event attendees, driving $4.3MM in funding and resources to local startup ventures. Her efforts contributed to new orleans being ranked #5 city where entrepreneurship is booming by entrepreneur magazine andsolidified inc. Magazine’s declaration that new orleans is the “coolest startup city in america.”

Victoria is a board member of the greater new orleans fair housing action center and a member of the board of directors at junior achievement of greater new orleans, where she chairs the programs and volunteers committee. She is a local member of global shapers, an active member of the junior league of new orleans, and an alumna of the new leaders council institute. Victoria was named to gambit’s 2016 40 under 40 list and was recognized as new orleans magazine’s top female achievers in 2018.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Ricky bennett – the richway

Ricky bennet is the CEO and founder of the richway. He was an all-american college basketball player at houston baptist university. After college he went on the play professional basketball, his basketball career was cut short due to injury in 2007.

After 18 months of no success in corporate america and after losing every penny that was earned during his basketball career, he started his first home-base business. Ricky helped that company exceed over a billion in sales while also creating a multi million dollar business himself from 2008-2013.

Early 2014 he started his own sales group around a class 1 medical device and turned it into a million dollar business in just months.

Now he is leading the way as the worlds first personal enrichment coaches, the richway.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Sterlin lujan – bitcoin.Com

Sterlin lujan is a futurist, freedom activist, visionary, and public speaker. He is the former communications ambassador and opinion editor for bitcoin.Com. His background is steeped in activism, journalism, academia, and cryptocurrency technologies. He worked with bitcoin.Com from 2015 and until 2019. Prior to his foray into cryptocurrency, he studied psychology and clinical counseling. He has a bachelors degree in psychology from texas A&M university. He is happily married to his beautiful wife cecillia and they live together in texas. He is currently working on finishing his first book, a collected works called, dignity & decency: rhapsodic musings of a modern anarchist.

Faces of Crypto: Joe Blackburn, crypto coin trader joe blackburn.

Carl fravel – decentraland district leader and advisor

Proven experience in strategic planning, building and managing multiple high-performance teams in both startups and larger private and public companies, creating efficient operations, assembling advanced technology research and architecture groups, consulting on organizational development, writing business plans, coaching executives, training managers, defining and developing new products and services, providing architectural leadership, and successfully launching into new markets.

· 30+ years technical and technology management experience, in both software and hardware
· sharply-honed skills in implementing effective structure within highly creative teams
· early stage high-tech company executive experience – vision, strategy, business plans, funding, staffing, product management, architecture, R&D, operations, marketing, product launches, boards of directors
· angel and VC fund raising successfully closed, capitalization, investor relations
· on-time and on-budget product development and IT project management
· multiple successes with 1.0 and mature products, many full-life-cycle experiences
· requirements-driven architecture, design, implementation, QA, usability, feature control
· management of co-development partnerships and OEM licensing, trade shows, and technical collateral
· domain knowledge in software and service architecture, distributed computing infrastructure, ecommerce, community and collaborative web applications, development tools, ides, frameworks, components, public apis, web services, digital media technologies, software-hardware interfacing, electronics manufacturing, windows, LAMP, java, C++, C, HTML, javascript, AJAX, XML, web 2.0
· leadership style of open communications, consultative decision making, trust, grooming contributors for higher productivity and managers for excellence

so, let's see, what we have: the cryptocurrency world has sparked large online and offline communities of early adopters fascinated by the potential of blockchain technology. Many investors come from non-traditional backgrounds… at crypto coin trader joe blackburn

