2,000 checks are good, $2000 free money.

$2000 free money

But the most frustrating argument here is the abrupt downplaying of the growth and employment catastrophe of the last 12 years, and the gigantic danger of returning to mild depression. "there is the possibility of some overheating, particularly if the economy's potential supply remains constrained by COVID protection measures," writes summers.

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2,000 checks are good, $2000 free money.

2,000 checks are good, $2000 free money.

2,000 checks are good, $2000 free money.

But as I have calculated (cribbing from economist J.W. Mason), growth from 2008-2019 was less than half the average from 1945-2007. As a result, total U.S. Output in 2019 was something like 15 percent below where it would have been had the previous trend been followed. That's a gap of about $3.3 trillion, bigger than the economies of virginia and california put together — before the pandemic struck. That was more than a decade of missing full employment and production, an economic disaster that helped produce trump. Presumably, the idea is to put pressure on mcconnell and the GOP candidates in the upcoming georgia senate runoff elections — and just possibly get more money into the hands of the american people. Yet some liberals are hesitant or outright against the checks. "there is no good economic argument for the $2,000 checks," writes economist larry summers in bloomberg. Paul krugman is more measured in the new york times, arguing that a better focus would be "on enhanced unemployment benefits for the millions of workers who, thanks to the pandemic, have no income at all." in the washington post, catherine rampell frets that checks are "not a terribly efficient use of resources."

$2,000 checks are good

2,000 checks are good, $2000 free money.

2,000 checks are good, $2000 free money.

So plotted senate democrats, who have fueled vermont's socialist senator with a healthy serving of cabot extra sharp, clad him in darn tough armor, aimed him at senate republicans, and pulled the trigger. Now that a super-majority in the house of representatives passed a bill giving $2,000 checks to most americans (topping up the $600 payment included in the recent pandemic rescue package), bernie sanders will reportedly filibuster the veto override of the recent military funding bill, with the backing of the democratic senate caucus, until senate majority leader mitch mcconnell agrees to a vote on the checks. He could break the filibuster, but it will take up the rest of the year.

Presumably, the idea is to put pressure on mcconnell and the GOP candidates in the upcoming georgia senate runoff elections — and just possibly get more money into the hands of the american people. Yet some liberals are hesitant or outright against the checks. "there is no good economic argument for the $2,000 checks," writes economist larry summers in bloomberg. Paul krugman is more measured in the new york times, arguing that a better focus would be "on enhanced unemployment benefits for the millions of workers who, thanks to the pandemic, have no income at all." in the washington post, catherine rampell frets that checks are "not a terribly efficient use of resources."

These objections are wrong. The checks are good and the senate should pass them with all speed.

To start with, it's important to note these checks won't be going to the wealthy, because they're already means-tested. Indeed, because they are necessarily based on people's 2019 income, many people who should be eligible now (due to job loss) will be left out. It would be smarter and simpler to give them to everyone and recoup the payments to the rich on the back end through taxation next year.

More importantly, neither summers, nor krugman, nor rampell note the fact that unlike the expanded unemployment insurance they say is a better option, checks include the large number of low-income people who are not eligible for unemployment because they do not work. As matt bruenig has shown many times, such people account for a huge portion of the poor (and especially the very poor), because poverty is overwhelmingly driven by people being unable to work. In 2016, roughly 70 percent of poor people were children, elderly, disabled, or caring for others — people who will mostly get checks. A cool $2,000 would be a great boon to poor people ill-served by america's crummy welfare state.

And when considering the middle and upper-middle class people who don't "need" the money, the fact is the top 1 percent have been absconding with the lion's share of income growth for the past 40 years. A $2,000 check will barely make a dent in that rigged income distribution. It's fine.

There is also a great political-ideological benefit here. Krugman at least grudgingly admits that the immediate politics are favorable because the checks are so popular (registering an astounding 78 percent approval in a recent poll), but the surrounding discussion might also start dissolving americans' prejudice against a social-democratic welfare state. People in this country have long had capitalist ethics beaten into them from birth — the idea that "you shall earn your bread in sweat" making profits for business owners — but it turns out that getting free money from the government is very nice! Now, a proper welfare state for normal, non-pandemic times would be aimed mostly at nonworkers, but the principle of free money is the important thing. Once we have accepted the idea that a primary task of the state is cutting checks to the masses, the only question is who should get them. A sensible conclusion is near-universal payments now, more categorized ones later (besides, everyone is a non-worker at some point in their lives).

But the most frustrating argument here is the abrupt downplaying of the growth and employment catastrophe of the last 12 years, and the gigantic danger of returning to mild depression. "there is the possibility of some overheating, particularly if the economy's potential supply remains constrained by COVID protection measures," writes summers. But as I have calculated (cribbing from economist J.W. Mason), growth from 2008-2019 was less than half the average from 1945-2007. As a result, total U.S. Output in 2019 was something like 15 percent below where it would have been had the previous trend been followed. That's a gap of about $3.3 trillion, bigger than the economies of virginia and california put together — before the pandemic struck. That was more than a decade of missing full employment and production; an economic disaster that helped produce trump.

A major reason for this disaster was the ingrained fear of inflation (the "overheating" summers is talking about) among economists scarred by the 1970s. The conventional wisdom before 2008 was that wage increases should be viewed with suspicion, lest they touch off a wage-price spiral, and the federal reserve should start hiking interest rates before inflation was seen, lest the dread inflation expectations get baked in. Except in reality, one cannot actually know with any certainty where full employment lies — and if you get it wrong, you will strangle jobs for no reason. Back in 2015, for instance, the federal reserve was estimating the economy could only handle unemployment of about 5.4 percent, which is why it started raising interest rates that year (albeit slowly, and it later reversed course). Except, whoops, it turns out late 2019 had an unemployment rate of 3.5 percent and not so much as a whisper of inflation.

So on the one hand, you have the possibility of moderate inflation, and on the other, the possibility of indefinite mild depression. Obviously the second option is far, far worse, which is why in 2015 krugman argued that we should keep spending "until you see the whites of inflation's eyes." we should be absolutely certain we've hit full employment rather than making half-baked guesses about how many jobs the economy can produce. (indeed one estimate suggests even this rescue bill will not be big enough.)

In this bleak context, $2,000 checks are a golden opportunity to make sure americans' wallets are nice and fat in 2021 so that the economy will pop back to real full employment when everyone is finally vaccinated — undoing some of the post-2008 damage, driving labor demand into the most disadvantaged demographics (like people with criminal records), and boosting president biden's popularity. A quick return to 2019's economy, if not better, is the one thing that might allow democrats to hang onto the house and maybe even take the senate in the 2022 midterms. Moreover, a bit of moderate inflation would have benefits — helping nominal debtors, and allowing the fed to raise rates without hurting employment, thus giving it some room to cut them again should recession strike.

So keep calm, congressional democrats, and go get 'em, bernie.

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This is different from donating blood.

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There’s no shortage of ways to make free money. All you have to do is look for them.

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2,000 checks are good, $2000 free money.

Logan is a practicing CPA, certified student loan professional, and founder of money done right, which he launched in 2017. After spending nearly a decade in the corporate world helping big businesses save money, he launched his blog with the goal of helping everyday americans earn, save, and invest more money. Learn more about logan.

How to claim up to $2,000 in free money for retirement with the 2021 saver's credit

The saver's credit, formally known as the retirement savings contribution credit, is designed to encourage low- to middle-income taxpayers to save for retirement.

We'll get to the qualification rules later, but the idea is that the credit can be worth as much as $1,000 per year, per person (married couples can get a credit of as much as $2,000). Depending on their income, the credit can be worth 10%, 20%, or 50% of contributions made to an eligible retirement account, up to a maximum of $2,000.

The credit can be taken for pretty much any tax-advantaged retirement account you can think of. You can use the saver's credit if you contribute to an employer's 401(k) plan at work, for example. Or if you open a traditional or roth IRA and make a contribution, you can use that to qualify for the saver's credit as well.

Who qualifies for the saver's credit?

As mentioned, the saver's credit is designed to give lower-income workers a tax break for retirement saving, so the general idea is that the lower the taxpayer's adjusted gross income (AGI), the more generous the credit becomes. For the 2021 tax year, here are the AGI limits and the percentage of qualified retirement contributions that can be used to calculate the saver's credit. And don't worry if this looks confusing at first -- we'll go over an example in the next section.

Credit -- % of contributions

Married filing jointly

Head of household

All other filers

Gallery: the 9 best types of retirement accounts (money talks news)

And if you're planning to take the credit on your 2020 tax return (the return you'll file in 2021), here are the income thresholds for that year. Remember, IRA contributions for 2020 can be made until the april 15, 2021, tax deadline.

Credit -- % of contributions

Married filing jointly

Head of household

All other filers

The maximum percentage available is 50% of qualified retirement contributions. Since the credit can be based on as much as $2,000 in contributions each year, this makes the maximum credit $1,000 per person, per year.

An example of how the saver's credit works

Here's an example of how this works. Let's say that you and your spouse file a joint tax return, and your combined AGI for the 2021 tax year is $60,000. This puts you in the 10% saver's credit range. If you each contribute $2,000 to retirement accounts for the year, your credit will be 10% of $4,000, or $400.

Free money to save for retirement

It's tough to overstate how great a tax break this is. The saver's credit is literally free money to save for retirement. And it's important to mention that this is in addition to the other tax advantages of retirement savings. For example, if you contribute to a traditional IRA, you can still deduct your contributions from your taxable income and take advantage of the saver's credit. If you qualify, this is a no-brainer for americans who wants to retire with financial security.

The $16,728 social security bonus most retirees completely overlook

If you're like most americans, you're a few years (or more) behind on your retirement savings. But a handful of little-known "social security secrets" could help ensure a boost in your retirement income. For example: one easy trick could pay you as much as $16,728 more. Each year! Once you learn how to maximize your social security benefits, we think you could retire confidently with the peace of mind we're all after. Simply click here to discover how to learn more about these strategies.

Earn under $65,000? Up to $2,000 in free retirement money could be yours

Saving for retirement can be difficult when you don't make a lot of money. But fortunately, there's a special provision in the tax code designed specifically to help lower- and middle-income americans build a bigger nest egg.

It's called the saver's credit, and it could provide you with up to a $1,000 tax credit as a single person or up to $2,000 as a married couple. Since tax credits reduce your tax bill on a dollar-for-dollar basis, that's basically like getting $1,000 to $2,000 in free money.

How to score up to $2,000 in free retirement money

The saver's credit is a tax credit that takes money off your tax bill when you make retirement contributions to eligible accounts such as an IRA or workplace 401(k). Specifically, you'll get back between 10% and 50% of the first $2,000 in contributions you make -- and that includes money taken directly out of your paycheck and put into a workplace plan.

Gallery: pros and cons of a reverse mortgage during the pandemic crisis (money talks news)

The table below show how large of a percentage of your contribution you can expect as a credit for the 2020 tax year, based on your adjusted gross income (AGI) and filing status. These numbers are indexed to inflation, and the income thresholds will be a little higher in 2021.

You'll receive a credit equaling

If you're single or married filing separately and your AGI is:

If you file as head of household and your AGI is:

If you're married filing jointly and your AGI is:

50% of your contribution

20% of your contribution

10% of your contribution

So, what does this mean for you? Suppose you're a married joint filer with an adjusted gross income of $38,000. You and your spouse would be entitled to a credit equaling 50% of the first $4,000 in contributions ($2,000 for each of you). If you contribute a combined $4,000, you'd get a tax credit of $2,000.

Of course, if your income was a little higher, your credit would be lower. If you had an AGI of $50,000 and contributed $4,000 as a married couple, you'd receive a credit valued at 10% of your contribution, or $400. While this isn't quite as generous, it's still free cash for retirement contributions that can help you build a more secure future.

And tax credits are much more valuable than tax deductions. While a $2,000 deduction would only reduce your tax bill by up to $240 if you're in the 12% tax bracket, a tax credit provides a dollar-for-dollar reduction. If you had previously owed $5,000 in taxes and you got a $2,000 credit, you would now owe only $3,000.

There are a few requirements to take advantage of the saver's credit, beyond just the income limits. For example, you can't be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return and must be at least 18 years old. You can't be a full-time student, either.

But if you're eligible, there's no reason to pass up free money. So aim to contribute at least the $2,000 as a single person or $4,000 as a couple for the maximum help from uncle sam in growing your nest egg.

10 stocks we like better than walmart

When investing geniuses david and tom gardner have an investing tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, motley fool stock advisor, has tripled the market.*

David and tom just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now. And walmart wasn't one of them! That's right -- they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.

Stock advisor returns as of 2/1/20

Earn under $65,000? Up to $2,000 in free retirement money could be yours

Don't leave this cash on the table!

Saving for retirement can be difficult when you don't make a lot of money. But fortunately, there's a special provision in the tax code designed specifically to help lower- and middle-income americans build a bigger nest egg.

It's called the saver's credit, and it could provide you with up to a $1,000 tax credit as a single person or up to $2,000 as a married couple. Since tax credits reduce your tax bill on a dollar-for-dollar basis, that's basically like getting $1,000 to $2,000 in free money.

2,000 checks are good, $2000 free money.

Image source: getty images.

How to score up to $2,000 in free retirement money

The saver's credit is a tax credit that takes money off your tax bill when you make retirement contributions to eligible accounts such as an IRA or workplace 401(k). Specifically, you'll get back between 10% and 50% of the first $2,000 in contributions you make -- and that includes money taken directly out of your paycheck and put into a workplace plan.

The table below show how large of a percentage of your contribution you can expect as a credit for the 2020 tax year, based on your adjusted gross income (AGI) and filing status. These numbers are indexed to inflation, and the income thresholds will be a little higher in 2021.

You'll receive a credit equaling

If you're single or married filing separately and your AGI is:

If you file as head of household and your AGI is:

If you're married filing jointly and your AGI is:

50% of your contribution

20% of your contribution

10% of your contribution

So, what does this mean for you? Suppose you're a married joint filer with an adjusted gross income of $38,000. You and your spouse would be entitled to a credit equaling 50% of the first $4,000 in contributions ($2,000 for each of you). If you contribute a combined $4,000, you'd get a tax credit of $2,000.

Of course, if your income was a little higher, your credit would be lower. If you had an AGI of $50,000 and contributed $4,000 as a married couple, you'd receive a credit valued at 10% of your contribution, or $400. While this isn't quite as generous, it's still free cash for retirement contributions that can help you build a more secure future.

And tax credits are much more valuable than tax deductions. While a $2,000 deduction would only reduce your tax bill by up to $240 if you're in the 12% tax bracket, a tax credit provides a dollar-for-dollar reduction. If you had previously owed $5,000 in taxes and you got a $2,000 credit, you would now owe only $3,000.

There are a few requirements to take advantage of the saver's credit, beyond just the income limits. For example, you can't be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return and must be at least 18 years old. You can't be a full-time student, either.

But if you're eligible, there's no reason to pass up free money. So aim to contribute at least the $2,000 as a single person or $4,000 as a couple for the maximum help from uncle sam in growing your nest egg.

$2,000 checks are good

2,000 checks are good, $2000 free money.

2,000 checks are good, $2000 free money.

So plotted senate democrats, who have fueled vermont's socialist senator with a healthy serving of cabot extra sharp, clad him in darn tough armor, aimed him at senate republicans, and pulled the trigger. Now that a super-majority in the house of representatives passed a bill giving $2,000 checks to most americans (topping up the $600 payment included in the recent pandemic rescue package), bernie sanders will reportedly filibuster the veto override of the recent military funding bill, with the backing of the democratic senate caucus, until senate majority leader mitch mcconnell agrees to a vote on the checks. He could break the filibuster, but it will take up the rest of the year.

Presumably, the idea is to put pressure on mcconnell and the GOP candidates in the upcoming georgia senate runoff elections — and just possibly get more money into the hands of the american people. Yet some liberals are hesitant or outright against the checks. "there is no good economic argument for the $2,000 checks," writes economist larry summers in bloomberg. Paul krugman is more measured in the new york times, arguing that a better focus would be "on enhanced unemployment benefits for the millions of workers who, thanks to the pandemic, have no income at all." in the washington post, catherine rampell frets that checks are "not a terribly efficient use of resources."

These objections are wrong. The checks are good and the senate should pass them with all speed.

To start with, it's important to note these checks won't be going to the wealthy, because they're already means-tested. Indeed, because they are necessarily based on people's 2019 income, many people who should be eligible now (due to job loss) will be left out. It would be smarter and simpler to give them to everyone and recoup the payments to the rich on the back end through taxation next year.

More importantly, neither summers, nor krugman, nor rampell note the fact that unlike the expanded unemployment insurance they say is a better option, checks include the large number of low-income people who are not eligible for unemployment because they do not work. As matt bruenig has shown many times, such people account for a huge portion of the poor (and especially the very poor), because poverty is overwhelmingly driven by people being unable to work. In 2016, roughly 70 percent of poor people were children, elderly, disabled, or caring for others — people who will mostly get checks. A cool $2,000 would be a great boon to poor people ill-served by america's crummy welfare state.

And when considering the middle and upper-middle class people who don't "need" the money, the fact is the top 1 percent have been absconding with the lion's share of income growth for the past 40 years. A $2,000 check will barely make a dent in that rigged income distribution. It's fine.

There is also a great political-ideological benefit here. Krugman at least grudgingly admits that the immediate politics are favorable because the checks are so popular (registering an astounding 78 percent approval in a recent poll), but the surrounding discussion might also start dissolving americans' prejudice against a social-democratic welfare state. People in this country have long had capitalist ethics beaten into them from birth — the idea that "you shall earn your bread in sweat" making profits for business owners — but it turns out that getting free money from the government is very nice! Now, a proper welfare state for normal, non-pandemic times would be aimed mostly at nonworkers, but the principle of free money is the important thing. Once we have accepted the idea that a primary task of the state is cutting checks to the masses, the only question is who should get them. A sensible conclusion is near-universal payments now, more categorized ones later (besides, everyone is a non-worker at some point in their lives).

But the most frustrating argument here is the abrupt downplaying of the growth and employment catastrophe of the last 12 years, and the gigantic danger of returning to mild depression. "there is the possibility of some overheating, particularly if the economy's potential supply remains constrained by COVID protection measures," writes summers. But as I have calculated (cribbing from economist J.W. Mason), growth from 2008-2019 was less than half the average from 1945-2007. As a result, total U.S. Output in 2019 was something like 15 percent below where it would have been had the previous trend been followed. That's a gap of about $3.3 trillion, bigger than the economies of virginia and california put together — before the pandemic struck. That was more than a decade of missing full employment and production; an economic disaster that helped produce trump.

A major reason for this disaster was the ingrained fear of inflation (the "overheating" summers is talking about) among economists scarred by the 1970s. The conventional wisdom before 2008 was that wage increases should be viewed with suspicion, lest they touch off a wage-price spiral, and the federal reserve should start hiking interest rates before inflation was seen, lest the dread inflation expectations get baked in. Except in reality, one cannot actually know with any certainty where full employment lies — and if you get it wrong, you will strangle jobs for no reason. Back in 2015, for instance, the federal reserve was estimating the economy could only handle unemployment of about 5.4 percent, which is why it started raising interest rates that year (albeit slowly, and it later reversed course). Except, whoops, it turns out late 2019 had an unemployment rate of 3.5 percent and not so much as a whisper of inflation.

So on the one hand, you have the possibility of moderate inflation, and on the other, the possibility of indefinite mild depression. Obviously the second option is far, far worse, which is why in 2015 krugman argued that we should keep spending "until you see the whites of inflation's eyes." we should be absolutely certain we've hit full employment rather than making half-baked guesses about how many jobs the economy can produce. (indeed one estimate suggests even this rescue bill will not be big enough.)

In this bleak context, $2,000 checks are a golden opportunity to make sure americans' wallets are nice and fat in 2021 so that the economy will pop back to real full employment when everyone is finally vaccinated — undoing some of the post-2008 damage, driving labor demand into the most disadvantaged demographics (like people with criminal records), and boosting president biden's popularity. A quick return to 2019's economy, if not better, is the one thing that might allow democrats to hang onto the house and maybe even take the senate in the 2022 midterms. Moreover, a bit of moderate inflation would have benefits — helping nominal debtors, and allowing the fed to raise rates without hurting employment, thus giving it some room to cut them again should recession strike.

So keep calm, congressional democrats, and go get 'em, bernie.

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Biden's push for $2,000 stimulus checks opposed by manchin: 'absolutely not'

Manchin said the top priority is getting people vaccinated

History will want to see trump at biden’s inauguration: doris kearns goodwin

Presidential historian and author doris kearns goodwin provides insight into president trump’s legacy, the importance of a peaceful transition of power and what’s next for trump.

Sen. Joe manchin said friday that he would "absolutely not" support sending americans a $2,000 stimulus check, potentially dealing a fatal blow to a key part of president-elect joe biden's coronavirus relief plan.

Twin victories by jon ossoff and raphael warnock in the georgia run-off elections this week clinched democrats a 50-50 split in the senate, with vice president-elect kamala harris able to cast a tie-breaking vote. The narrow majority will likely make moderate senators like manchin, a west virginia democrat, some of the most powerful members of the chamber.

“absolutely not. No,” manchin told the washington post on friday, when asked whether he supports a fresh round of stimulus checks. “getting people vaccinated, that’s job no. 1.”

“how is the money that we invest now going to help us best to get jobs back and get people employed?" he continued. "and I can’t tell you that sending another check out is gonna do that to a person that’s already got a check."

Biden initially wavered on whether he supported a $2,000 cash payment, but in the final days before the georgia runoffs — which played a key role in whether he'd be able to accomplish his legislative agenda — the incoming president threw his full weight behind the proposal.

"if you send jon and the reverend to washington, those $2,000 checks will go out the door," biden said on the eve of the special elections. "and if you send sens. Perdue and loeffler back to washington, those checks will never get there. It's just that simple. The power is literally in your hands."

Ossoff and warnock both vowed on the campaign trail to support the $2,000 checks if elected, and democrats have indicated this week they want to make good on the promise.

“one of the first things that I want to do when our new senators are seated is deliver the $2,000 checks to the american families,” senate minority leader chuck schumer, who will become majority leader, told reporters on wednesday.

A spokesperson for manchin told FOX business the senator wants to prioritize distributing and administering the COVID-19 vaccine "as quickly and safely as possible."

"he has also said repeatedly that when the biden administration comes in they can assess the needs of the american people and submit proposals to congress about how best to address those needs," said sam runyon, manchin's spokesperson. "when the time comes, senator manchin will evaluate those proposals. He has also made clear that the focus when delivering economic relief must be on those who are unemployed through no fault of their own.”

The federal government has already sent a majority of american households two direct cash payments: the first, worth up to $1,200 for individuals, went out in april, and the second, worth up to $600 for individuals, is still in the process of being delivered.

It's unclear if democrats would send a third round of $2,000 payments or whether they would propose increasing the recent $600 check to $2,000. It's also not clear whether house and senate democrats would try to pass the payments as a standalone bill or as part of a broader COVID-19 relief package.

Sen. Bernie sanders, I-vt., indicated during a CNN interview on thursday that he would push for a more comprehensive aid package that included a $2,000 payment, likely teeing up a battle with lawmakers like manchin.

"the first order of business, by the way, is to pass an emergency COVID-19 bill which, among many other things, says to working-class americans: we know you're in pain. And we're going to get you a $2,000 check for every working-class adult in this country. We are on your side," sanders said.

FOX business' edward lawrence contributed to this report

Joe biden's change of heart on $2,000 stimulus checks shows power of bernie sanders

2,000 checks are good, $2000 free money.

This story is being co-published with the daily poster

After weeks of progressive pressure, president-elect joe biden on monday promised to immediately deliver $2,000 stimulus checks to millions of americans if georgia democratic senate candidates raphael warnock and jon ossoff win their races this week. The comments come a month after biden reportedly told congressional democrats to accept stimulus legislation that included no checks.

"one state can chart the course—not just for the next four years, but for the next generation," biden said in a monday evening speech in atlanta. "by electing jon and the reverend you can make an immediate difference in your own lives, the lives of people all across this country because their election will put an end to the block in washington on that $2,000 stimulus check, that money that will go out the door immediately to people who are in real trouble."

Biden's change of heart comes only a month after he helped persuade congressional democrats to support stimulus legislation that did not include the checks, according to the new york times. At the time, biden suggested he did not oppose checks, but he pushed democrats to accept a deal without them, raising concerns that he may revert to his past support for budget austerity.

Biden's shift from endorsing legislation with no checks to now promising $2,000 checks follows a relentless campaign from vermont sen. Bernie sanders, who has pushed the wildly popular idea of $2,000 checks for most of the last year. His crusade was boosted by house progressives who also supported the measure—and their effort received a late, unexpected boost from president donald trump, who threatened to hold up stimulus legislation without more direct aid for workers.

The campaign ultimately reduced its ask to a second round of $1,200 checks and was supported in congress by republican sen. Josh hawley. It successfully pressured lawmakers to include checks in the stimulus bill that passed congress. However, biden's influence once again pushed democrats into accepting less than they had initially sought, ultimately reducing the checks to just half that.

When trump suddenly signaled his support for $2,000, house democrats quickly passed separate legislation for that amount.

In the senate, sanders was backed by five democratic lawmakers who voted to sustain his filibuster of the defense authorization bill to try to force a vote on the $2,000 checks. That tactic was short-circuited by republican senators and more than 40 senate democrats who sided with majority leader mitch mcconnell in motions to shut down the filibuster. Among the democrats helping shut down the filibuster was vice-president-elect kamala harris.

As sanders spotlighted the $2,000 checks legislation on capitol hill in the last month, georgia democrats warnock and ossoff began campaigning on the initiative.

This past week, warnock ran an ad with the line, "want a $2,000 check? Vote warnock." ossoff, meanwhile, tweeted on monday that "we can pass $2000 relief checks for the people, but we have to win this senate election."

Under pressure, republican incumbents david perdue and kelly loeffler issued last-minute statements of general support for the $2,000 checks, but never actually pressed mcconnell to allow a vote on the proposal. Perdue had previously opposed the entire concept of direct stimulus checks.

During that fight, biden stopped telling democrats to accept a deal with no checks, and initially signaled his support for the checks in muted terms; he said only "yes" when asked whether he approved of the proposal. His speech in georgia on monday was a much more enthusiastic declaration of support for the legislation—which could be signed by biden on his first day in office, if the democratic house and a newly democratic senate (if ossoff and warnock win) immediately passes the legislation.

"think about what it will mean to your lives," biden said of the $2,000 checks. "putting food on the table. Paying rent. Paying down your mortgage. Paying down the credit card, paying the phone bill, the gas bill, the electric bill."

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