Superforex nasdaq

Superforex nasdaq

Профессиональные услуги, инновации в технологиях, открытость и лояльность - это лишь некоторые из причин выбора наших клиентов.

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Superforex nasdaq

Superforex nasdaq

Superforex nasdaq

Наша страсть и преданность своему делу и индустрии, то что отличает нас от наших конкурентов. В компании superforex мы стремимся к разработке и реализации первоклассных технологий для обеспечения высокого уровня услуг, который способен удовлетворить даже самых требовательных клиентов. Мы осознаем важность ведения бизнеса в безопасной и стабильной среде, поэтому вся наша деятельность основана на прозрачности и честности. Мы предоставляем нашим клиентам большой выбор финансовых услуг и инвестиционных продуктов для успешной торговли и предлагаем различные ее варианты, для удовлетворения потребностей как частных, так и корпоративных клиентов. Компания superforex - это международный биржевой брокер, лицензированный комиссией по международным финансовым услугам (IFSC). Мы предоставляем финансовые и инвестиционные услуги высшего качества частным и корпоративным клиентам, обеспечивая доступ к более 100 рынкам европы, азии и ближнего востока. Мы предлагаем клиентам большой выбор финансовых инструментов для алгоритмической или самостоятельной торговли, управления капиталом и инвестициями. Наша высокообразованная и опытная команда профессионалов, преданных своему делу, занимается постоянным усовершенствованием и развитием услуг компании superforex.

Superforex nasdaq

Вы можете попробовать работу всех сервисов компании superforex, открыв полноценно функционирующий демо-счет. Этот тип счета отлично подходит, чтобы попробовать на практике существующие торговые стратегии и создать свою. Однако вы не сможете получить реальную прибыль с демо-счетом. Когда вы будете готовы торговать реальными деньгами, вы сможете открыть реальный счет.

Компания superforex - это международный биржевой брокер, лицензированный комиссией по международным финансовым услугам (IFSC). Мы предоставляем финансовые и инвестиционные услуги высшего качества частным и корпоративным клиентам, обеспечивая доступ к более 100 рынкам европы, азии и ближнего востока. Мы предлагаем клиентам большой выбор финансовых инструментов для алгоритмической или самостоятельной торговли, управления капиталом и инвестициями. Наша высокообразованная и опытная команда профессионалов, преданных своему делу, занимается постоянным усовершенствованием и развитием услуг компании superforex.

Профессиональные услуги, инновации в технологиях, открытость и лояльность - это лишь некоторые из причин выбора наших клиентов. Наша страсть и преданность своему делу и индустрии, то что отличает нас от наших конкурентов. В компании superforex мы стремимся к разработке и реализации первоклассных технологий для обеспечения высокого уровня услуг, который способен удовлетворить даже самых требовательных клиентов. Мы осознаем важность ведения бизнеса в безопасной и стабильной среде, поэтому вся наша деятельность основана на прозрачности и честности. Мы предоставляем нашим клиентам большой выбор финансовых услуг и инвестиционных продуктов для успешной торговли и предлагаем различные ее варианты, для удовлетворения потребностей как частных, так и корпоративных клиентов.

Мы, в компании superforex, знаем ценность денег; мы знаем также, как важны они для трейдеров. Поэтому мы разработали систему безопасности, благодаря которой у клиентов есть уверенность в том, что их депозиты будут доступны только им. Клиенты могут выбрать среди большого количества безопасных платежных систем, наиболее удобную для себя. Наш сайт использует SSL сертификат, который обеспечивает сохранность ваших данных. Ваши деньги защищены благодаря нашей политике сегрегированных счетов. Кроме того, мы предлагаем программу страхования депозита, которая позволяет трейдерам хеджировать инвестиции от убытков.

Superforex nasdaq

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Вы когда-нибудь беспокоились о том, может ли сделка обернуться против вас и стоить вам вашего депозита? Такого не случится! Superforex разработал инновационную программу страхования вкладов, которая позволяет вам сохранить депозит, даже если что-то пойдет не так.

Forex copy

Сервис forex copy - это уникальное предложение, которое позволяет вам просматривать базу успешных трейдеров и копировать их сделки, чтобы зарабатывать на этом. Forex copy -это настоящий путь к успеху, он сможет сэкономить вам огромное количество часов, которое вы потратите на изучение рынка.


Приглашаем вас принять участие в захватывающих конкурсах на демо и реальных счетах! Мы проводим как регулярные, так и разовые соревнования для трейдеров. Все демо контесты абсолютно бесплатны, но за небольшую плату вы можете попробовать свои силы в реальных конкурсах с отличными призами.

Bonus program

We offer 6 bonuses for our clients. You can use all our bonuses for more profitable trading. We also have a no deposit bonus for beginners. All earned income from bonus trading is available for withdrawal.

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Superforex nasdaq

Вы можете попробовать работу всех сервисов компании superforex, открыв полноценно функционирующий демо-счет. Этот тип счета отлично подходит, чтобы попробовать на практике существующие торговые стратегии и создать свою. Однако вы не сможете получить реальную прибыль с демо-счетом. Когда вы будете готовы торговать реальными деньгами, вы сможете открыть реальный счет.

Компания superforex - это международный биржевой брокер, лицензированный комиссией по международным финансовым услугам (IFSC). Мы предоставляем финансовые и инвестиционные услуги высшего качества частным и корпоративным клиентам, обеспечивая доступ к более 100 рынкам европы, азии и ближнего востока. Мы предлагаем клиентам большой выбор финансовых инструментов для алгоритмической или самостоятельной торговли, управления капиталом и инвестициями. Наша высокообразованная и опытная команда профессионалов, преданных своему делу, занимается постоянным усовершенствованием и развитием услуг компании superforex.

Профессиональные услуги, инновации в технологиях, открытость и лояльность - это лишь некоторые из причин выбора наших клиентов. Наша страсть и преданность своему делу и индустрии, то что отличает нас от наших конкурентов. В компании superforex мы стремимся к разработке и реализации первоклассных технологий для обеспечения высокого уровня услуг, который способен удовлетворить даже самых требовательных клиентов. Мы осознаем важность ведения бизнеса в безопасной и стабильной среде, поэтому вся наша деятельность основана на прозрачности и честности. Мы предоставляем нашим клиентам большой выбор финансовых услуг и инвестиционных продуктов для успешной торговли и предлагаем различные ее варианты, для удовлетворения потребностей как частных, так и корпоративных клиентов.

Мы, в компании superforex, знаем ценность денег; мы знаем также, как важны они для трейдеров. Поэтому мы разработали систему безопасности, благодаря которой у клиентов есть уверенность в том, что их депозиты будут доступны только им. Клиенты могут выбрать среди большого количества безопасных платежных систем, наиболее удобную для себя. Наш сайт использует SSL сертификат, который обеспечивает сохранность ваших данных. Ваши деньги защищены благодаря нашей политике сегрегированных счетов. Кроме того, мы предлагаем программу страхования депозита, которая позволяет трейдерам хеджировать инвестиции от убытков.


Superforex nasdaq

About me superforex SF is an international brokerage house licensed by the international financial services commission (IFSC). We guarantee the safety of traders’ monetary assets and protects them from non-trading risks.

Superforex nasdaq

After a sharp collapse of the markets on wednesday by the end of the american session, we are seeing a slowdown and a correction. At the moment, the fall is due to tension in the markets, when all stocks showed a negative movement. The trading volume decreased significantly and the majority decided to exit the market until better times. Technical indicators.

Superforex nasdaq

At the moment we are seeing an upward movement. The price slowed down and moved away from the 1.3220 mark. To date, a consolidated technical analysis of indicators points to a purchase. We believe that at the moment the pair is in the correction. Despite the fact that the ultimate goal of the upward movement in the short term remains at the mark of 1.33. We.

Superforex nasdaq

At the moment, we are seeing that the pair found the support level at the mark of 1.1450 and adjusted to the level of 1.1510, after which it went down again. Yesterday, the US dollar slipped sharply during the american session. We saw a correction in almost all pairs linked to the dollar. Now we can say that the downward movement will continue. It is possible.

Superforex nasdaq

At the moment, we are seeing that the support level of 1.3050 has been worked out again and the pair has corrected from it. We also see falling peaks. This indicates the presence of a downtrend. The pair approached the center of the channel and may soon break through the middle of the bollinger bands. If the price breaks through this line and goes into the lower.

Superforex nasdaq

On our chart, we observe that since the start of the trading session, the dollar rate is increasing and our pair has again gone down. After friday's correction and the completion of profit taking by investors at the end of the week, we go down again. Our technical indicators point to a sale. We believe that the level of 1.1470 will be tested again and if it.

Superforex nasdaq

At the moment, the downward movement continues for the second week in a row. This means that a mid-term downtrend has been formed and we observe that the price has corrected from the level of 1.1460 to the mark of 1.1510. We believe that the downward movement will continue. Therefore, we advise you to take short positions and consider the targets of 1.1460 and.

Superforex nasdaq

On our chart, we see a strong formed uptrend. The quote is always in the upper bollinger band; the volumes increase again, and the stochastic is in the overbought zone. We believe that the upward movement will continue and you should look for points to enter long positions. We believe that the price will adjust to the center of the channel and from there we.

Superforex nasdaq

At the moment we are seeing a correction for the pair. From the mark of 1.1510 the price turned up. Now the price is in the lower bollinger band and has not yet crossed the middle line. Most technical indicators point to a sale. We believe that the price will continue the downward movement after the completion of the correction. Therefore, we advise you to look.

Superforex nasdaq

At the moment we are seeing the strengthening of bears and a powerful downward impulse. The technical indicators point to a sale on this pair. After a slight adjustment, the downward movement resumed and we believe that it is worth taking short positions. Therefore we advise you to look for points to enter the sale and set take profits near the mark of 1.2930

Superforex nasdaq

After a strong downward impulse, the pair stayed near the mark of 1.1590 and currently consolidated at this point. Our technical indicators point to a sale. We believe that the 1.1590 mark will be overcome and in this case the quotes will move to support levels. Therefore, we advise you to look for points to enter short positions and consider your targets at the.

Superforex nasdaq

On our chart, we see that the price has resumed the downward movement and at the moment the formation of the third downward wave is in progress. Judging by the downward impulse, we believe that the current level of resistance, to which the price has approached, will be overcome. The price will go to the marks of 1.3010 and 1.2960. Therefore, we advise you to look.

Superforex nasdaq

Under the influence of a number of events, including the speeches of the heads of the ECB and the FED, release of the US GDP data for the 2nd quarter of 2018, data on the labor market and the balance of foreign trade in the US. In the confrontation between the euro and the dollar, the most convincing seems the USD, which, usually supporting with strong.

Superforex nasdaq

Today, volatility has fallen sharply because investors expect the outcome of the FED meeting and their decision to change the rate. Most likely, the rate will be raised, which will lead to a strengthening of the USD. Therefore, the most optimal solution is to open the deals to sell, in favor of USD.

Superforex nasdaq

At the moment, we see that the pair dropped sharply after reaching the level of 1.3290 and lost more than 200 points. The price moved to the lower bollinger band and interrupted the upward movement. We believe that if the price can not overcome and gain a foothold above the mark of 1.3160, the downward movement can be continued and a “head and shoulders” pattern.

Superforex nasdaq

On the chart, we observe that the price stopped in the range between 6.800 and 6.600. At the moment, the price goes to the lower bollinger band. The stochastic is in the overbought zone and the MACD is above the histogram. We believe that the price may go below the support level to the level of 6.150. We advise you to look for points to enter short positions and.

Superforex nasdaq

We see that the pair easily overcame the resistance level of 1.1720 and the new one is near the 1.1790 mark. Against the background of the weakening of the reserve currency, this pair demonstrates the upward movement and we believe that it will continue. The stochastic is currently in the overbought zone and for now feels comfortable there. Despite the average.

Superforex nasdaq

At the moment, our pair was able to overcome the level of resistance near the level of 1.3150 and it continues the upward movement. We observe that now the pair is updating the maximum values since july of this year. The price is in the upper bollinger band and technical indicators point to a purchase. The pair has already won back over 500 points and continues.

Superforex nasdaq

Currently we see that the price returns to the previous level of resistance. Taking into account the technical indicators data, the ascending movement is gaining momentum. Considering the dollar trends this week, we believe that the pair will be strengthened. Therefore, we advise you to look for points for entering long positions and consider your goals on the.

Superforex - superforex.Com

Superforex official


Superforex is a new brokerage company with worldwide operations. Since you may not have heard about is yet, here is a proper introduction:

Superforex is an internationally regulated brokerage house licensed by the international financial services commission (IFSC). Our business is dedicated to providing clients from more than 100 markets around the world with a large selection of financial instruments for algorithmic or self-trading, money management and investment, so they can trade on the forex market. We are also the winners of forex report’s best newcomer award for 2015.

At superforex we offer you a wide range of trading instruments. By opening an account with us, you will be able to use more than 300 trading tools, such as currency pairs (including exotic pairs), cfds on american shares, cfds on precious metals, oil, futures on agriculture and world indices (dow jones, nasdaq, DAX, nikkei), among others. You can check the full list here.

Superforex official


Come & meet us on 17.09 in singapore at showfx world!

Our team will be represented there by an analyst semyon tochilin, with the theme: "forex strategy for the novice or how to choose the optimal trade strategy for a beginner."

Don`t lose a chance to discuss trading situation with superforex analitics and become a superforex trader or to speak about partnership conditions with our business development team.

You’ll also have the unique chance to participate in a lottery and win up to $500. Other amazing offers are also awaiting you in singapore.

Will be glad to answer all your questions. See you there!

Superforex nasdaq

Superforex official


Partnership - the best commission on the market!

Increase your income doing nothing.
Superforex partners can enjoy the most competitive commission on the market - up to 75% on the spread. As long as your clients continue to trade, you will earn commission based on their activity. Superforex does not impose a ceiling on commission revenue, which means the amount you earn depends entirely on the trading activity of your clients. We also offer you a sub-introducing broker type of partnership, where you benefit from trades conducted by your clients’ clients.
Don`t lose a chance to receive your additional income.

You can contact the partnership department if you’d like to learn more.

Superforex nasdaq

Super forex


Trying to get started with forex trading?

Now you can get more profit from begining. Get more value for your money by claiming our 40% welcome bonus! For unlimited period of time superforex’ new members will get a 40% bonus on each initial deposit. The 40% welcome bonus is aimed at increasing the trading volume of customers’ accounts and thus helps you to realise better trading profit.

With it you’ll always get more available funds than you deposit!

You can claim the bonus here .

Superforex official


Keep your money safe with our deposit insurance!

To make our customers feel safe while trading we at superforex have developed a deposit insurance program. With it everyone choosing to trade with superforex can enjoy the freedom of trading without any worries of losing his funds regardless of transactions outcome.
The deposit insurance program allows customers to insure up to 100% of their deposit and earn it back in case of loss.
Learn more here


Active trader

Superforex rebate system!

Clients and partners alike can enjoy an even better forex experience with superforex thanks to our rebate system:

Partners: stimulate the people in your affiliate group to trade more by sharing parts of your commission with them! They will have more funds to trade with, earning you more commission in the future. You can set up how much you give back to each person however you like.

Clients: the money we pay to the partner who attracted you can now find its way back you via our rebate system. You’ll have more funds to use in your trades as a gift from the head of your affiliate group and superforex.​

You can find more information here


Active trader

Super forex extensive partnership program!

If trading is not your game but you still want to participate in the world’s most liquid financial market - forex, superforex knows the perfect way to accomplish that. You will be perfect for our extensive partnership program!

With 9 different partnership types and an active support program, there is something to suit every type of person. We provide our partners with a full set of online and offline promotional materials, information, partner-only privileges, and consistent support by our partnership department who will be there to help you every step of the way.

Learn how to become a superforex partner here

Superforex nasdaq

Superforex official


Superforex would like to wish you eid mubarak!

We urge you to look around and give thanks to everyone who has supported you throughout your life - your family and friends.
We remind you that people are their strongest when we are united by peace, love, and understanding.
We encourage you to show kindness to those less fortunate than you. Let us be good to each other - not only today, but always.

Superforex nasdaq

Superforex nasdaq



Superforex official


60% energy bonus from superforex!

With superforex you can take advantage of a number of special offers and bonuses, designed to suit all preferences and trading styles. For our most active traders we created the exciting 60% energy bonus - a way to get more money with every deposit you make.
How does it work?
Every time you make a deposit to your account you will receive a 60% bonus, regardless of the amount of the deposit.
Learn more about how to obtain the 60% energy bonus .


Active trader

Come & meet us on 17.09 in singapore at showfx world!

We remind you there is only 2 days left before the annual conference in singapore "showfx asia"!

Our team will be represented there by our analyst semyon tochilin, who will give a talk on how to choose a successful forex strategy as a beginner.

Don't lose the chance to discuss trading situations with superforex analists and become a superforex trader, or to speak about partnership conditions with our business development team.

You’ll also have the unique chance to participate in a lottery and win up to $500. Other amazing offers are also awaiting you in singapore.

We'll be glad to answer all your questions. See you there!

Superforex nasdaq

Superforex official


Superforex trading points loyalty program

to reward our most dedicated customers we developed the superforex loyalty program - a system which allows you to accumulate points and trade them for prizes.
The loyalty program is open to all customers who create real accounts with us. Upon registration all members automatically enter the contest and start collecting points for rewards.
Learn more about how the program works & browse prizes .

Superforex official


Auto-reset balance program

As part of our commitment to providing the best brokerage services on the market, we would like to introduce you to our new auto reset balance program - an effective tool that will prevent you from suffering from a negative balance ever again.
The superforex auto reset balance program plays the role of a protective shield against a negative account balance. If you make a poor trading choice that would cause your balance to become negative, the auto reset balance system will close your deals, anchoring your balance and your credit at 0. In this way you will not owe money to the broker. You will simply need to replenish your account if you wish to continue trading.

Superforex nasdaq


Active trader

September 17 passed a long-awaited event - financial conference «showfx asia» singapore.

The guests of conference were taken by the world famous "marina bay sands hotel". Each year, the conference brings together traders, forex brokers, beginners and other players in the financial markets of asia.
The main purpose of «showfx asia» is improving the professionalism of traders and consolidation of all forex community members.
The event was attended by well-known speakers karen foo, zen alldredge, ezekiel chew, choow koon lip, harsh japee and many others.
Superforex team thoroughly prepared for the conference and showed itself at the highest level. Our company's analyst semyon tochilin gave a talk on theme "forex strategy for the novice or how to choose the optimal trade strategy for a beginner."
it should be noted about the atmosphere, it was friendly and relaxed, everyone can ask questions and get competent answers.
For all participants, we prepared prizes - certificates, apple tablets, and iphone mobile phone. Superforex raffled certificates worth a total of $ 1000. Also, everyone who came to the stands and the completed questionnaires, received an additional gainful bonus offers.
We thank all the participants of «showfx asia», and will be glad to see you in our team!

Superforex adds pharma, airline, and stay-at-home stocks for trading

Follow the trend to invest in pharma, airline, and stay-at-home stocks.

Superforex nasdaq
Superforex nasdaq

The superforex cfds catalog has been updated.

You can now choose among contracts related to some of the world’s most fascinating companies to diversify your trading portfolio.

See the list of newly added stock cfds that you can now trade on superforex MT4.

ASTRAZENECA astrazeneca is a pharmaceutical company headquartered in cambridge, england. Listed on the london stock exchange, nasdaq stockholm and the new york stock exchange. BARCLAYS barclays is an international financial group based in london, england. It offers a wide range of services such as wealth management, mortgages and credit, as well as retail, wholesale and investment banking sectors. BIONTECH biontech is a biotechnology company headquartered in mainz, germany. Developing active immunotherapy for patient-specific approaches to disease treatment CINEWORLD cineworld is a london-based film company in the united kingdom. It is the second largest movie chain in the world, with 9,518 screens on 790 sites in 10 countries: bulgaria, czech republic, hungary, ireland, israel, poland, romania, slovakia, the united kingdom and the united states. EASYJET easyjet is an airline headquartered in luton, england. GLAXO glaxosmithkline is one of the world’s largest global pharmaceutical companies headquartered in london, england. HSBC HSBC holdings is one of the world’s largest megabanks, headquartered in canary wharf, london, england, with a focus on commercial banks. It was founded in 1991 with the hong kong and shanghai banking corporation, which was founded in 1865 in hong kong. IAG international airlines group is a multinational airline holding company with a registered office in madrid, spain and a business headquarters in london, england. INTERTEK intertek is a testing, inspection and certification company based in london, england. One of the world’s leading certified companies. It conducts inspections and tests in each industrial field, and certifies standards set by public institutions. LEVI levi strauss is a united states-based apparel manufacturer and jeans brand. Known as levi’s. LLOYDS lloyds banking group is a british banking and insurance group company centered on lloyds banking. The current group was founded in 2009 by the merger of lloyds TSB and HBOS. LSE london stock exchange group plc is a UK-based stock exchange and financial information company. Headquartered in london, england. LUFTHANSA lufthansa is germany’s largest airline based in cologne, germany. It is the so-called “flag carrier” of germany. Currently, many airlines outside germany are also under the umbrella. M&S marks & spencer is a british retailer that sells private label clothing, shoes, gift items, household goods and food. In addition to having more than 300 stores in the UK, it has franchise stores in about 30 countries. MODERNA this american pharmaceutical company is most widely known for developing an innovative mrna vaccine against covid-19. Moderna’s vaccine is the united states’ leading choice in the fight against the coronavirus, largely because it doesn’t need to be stored in extreme conditions, making it more easy to distribute. PINTEREST pinterest is a US social networking service company. Run a website where users can share photos of their interests and hobbies. Users can post video how-to videos as well as photo ideas for events such as hobbies, everyday scenery, cooking, interiors, and weddings. The company’s platform also provides product purchasing services. Headquarters is in san francisco. ROYAL-CARIB royal caribbean group is a US cruise company. Manages and operates cruise line plans for royal caribbean international, celebrity cruises, silversea, azamala, TUI cruises and hapag-lloyd cruises. Operates restaurants, casinos, gift shops, photography, spas, fitness, art auctions, etc. On board the cruise ship. RSA RSA insurance group plc is an international comprehensive insurance company. Providing personal, commercial and professional insurance products and services directly to clients. SAP SAP SE is europe’s largest software company headquartered in walldorf, in the midwestern part of germany. Companies listed on the frankfurt stock exchange and the new york stock exchange. SKECHERS skechers USA is an american shoe manufacturer. Design, manufacture and sell shoes for men, women and children to suit different lifestyles. SOCIETE-GEN societe generale is a mega bank following BNP paribas in france. With clients both individuals and companies in more than 80 countries around the world, it operates private banking and also handles investment trust transactions. SPOTIFY spotify technology is a music streaming provider in luxembourg. Allows users to buy music on demand and offers premium and advertising support services. Premium subscribers can stream unlimited quality online and offline music. TARGET target corporation is the fifth-largest retailer in the united states by sales. It operates 1844 retail stores, including the discount department store chain target. TATA-MOTORS tata motors is an automobile company headquartered in mumbai, maharashtra, india. It is one of the major companies that make up the tata group, and has production bases in thailand, argentina, and south africa, as well as in india. TENCENT tencent is a holding company based in shenzhen, guangdong province, people’s republic of china, which provides social networking services, instant messengers, web hosting services, etc. Through its internet-related subsidiaries. TESCO tesco is a UK-based company whose main business is retail. It is also expanding into finance, telecommunications, gas stations, mail order, etc. UNITED-AIR united airlines holdings is a US aviation holding company. It develops passenger and freight transportation through its wholly owned subsidiary united airlines and local airlines. WELLS-FG wells fargo & company, headquartered in san francisco, california, is based in the west and has the largest number of branches in the united states as of july 2017. As of 2018, it is the third largest bank in the united states in terms of asset value. ZOOM zoom video communications is a company headquartered in san jose, california, united states. Known as zoom.

Superforex nasdaq

Your chance to become successful on forex!

Many of us have ever heard about forex at least once in a life, but only few of us decided to know what it is.

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Superforex nasdaq

Superforex is an international brokerage house licensed by the international financial services commission (IFSC), which provides top quality financial and investment services to individual and corporate clients on more than 100 markets across europe, asia and the middle east.

At superforex we offer you a wide range of trading instruments. By opening an account with us, you will be able to use more than 300 trading tools, such as currency pairs (including exotic pairs), cfds on american shares, cfds on precious metals, oil, futures on agriculture and world indices (dow jones, nasdaq, DAX, nikkei), among others. You can check the full list here .

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Superforex reviews

118 • great

Superforex nasdaq

Superforex nasdaq

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Superforex nasdaq

Reviews 118

Superforex nasdaq

Fantastic and fast response from broker.

Superforex nasdaq

Superforex a reliable broker in africa

Superforex nasdaq

Thanks for the app!

Wanted to leave a decent rate after the mobile app update - now it’s much easier to manage my account. Works way faster then the web version. I’d like to add the possibility to verify an account right in the app as well.

Trading wise no issues for me. I didn’t apply for bonuses, have solely my money on my ecn account. Support managers have always replied to me and tried to help, not just kicking me with standard phrases.

Superforex nasdaq

At first they make it look good…

At first they make it look like a good oppertunity to go for the bonus deals. But when you've excepted the bonus deals you are limited to some very bad and shady rules:
1: stoploss can't be placed thight to the positions.
2: orders sometimes can't be executed when the market doesn't move, this makes your position stuck.
3: when accepting the bonus deals you can't withdraw your profit. You can only withdraw twice the amount you have deposited. AND if you have deposited lets say 100 dollars you can only withdraw 100 dollars of profit whenever you traded 100 lots aswell. Because of this rule it is practically impossible to withdraw profits.
4: take profits cant be placed close to the current price
5: they keep falling back to their saying: "it's in the agreement you agree with when accepting the bonus". But this list with conditions is pretty big and a lot to read when you want to create the account. Tiny letters politics I call this.
6: spreads are awfull, you are not able to make quick trades.

I might had more bad things to say about superforex, but I can't remember them right now. Ill update them below if I rememberd some.

#######!I JUST WANT TO WARN YOU!#######
the spreads are awfull, you cant withdraw profits like it should, stoplosses and take profits are worthless because of the minimum distance with the current price and the orders cant be executed for like 3-5minutes.

I hope everyone will listen to this awfull experiance with superforex. Don't make the same mistakes I made.

###added after the reply of superforex###

This is what I mean by their responses. It isn't for nothing that 16% of the reviews are on a 1 star review. And that the ones that call it excelent won some sort of lottery instead of trading it themself. Be aware people!

Hello, first of all, we can't find a client with your name - daan kouwen. Can you provide us your account number? We are not sure if you are a real client.

Next, all brokers have a freeze level which is indicated in our agreement.

Superforex is not a dealing desk and from our side, there is no problem with execution. We have trading servers in different parts of the world and they are working fine. Make sure your internet connection is stable with enough speed.

We don't have limits for withdrawal on real trading accounts. Seems like you applied for the no deposit bonus. There is a bonus agreement you have to follow. In order to withdraw profit, all conditions should be followed strictly and that is our rule which was accepted by all clients who applied for the bonus.

Trading terms on no deposit bonus accounts are different and you may not apply for it and trade with your own funds without bonus rules.

Our T&C is not that long to read. Bonus agreement is just 1,5 pages. 2 main rules for the NDB are - enough profits + enough traded lots for withdrawal.

Speaking about spreads, our ECN accounts have very low spreads. You can try one yourself.

To sum up, superforex has reached more than 600.000 clients. All clients can trade using their funds with no special rules. Just follow the rules if you apply for a bonus offer. We will be waiting for your account number to check if you are a real client or whether this review is fake.

you have provided your account number so we could see that you've applied for the easy deposit bonus. This bonus has a 1,5 pages T&C, just 15 clauses in total.

You've applied for the bonus and agreed to it. It's very strange to see that now you disagree. We ask you to delete your review because of slander against us. Otherwise, we'll have to stop serving you as a customer because of this libel review.

Superforex reviews

118 • great

Superforex nasdaq

Superforex nasdaq

Write a review

Write a review

Superforex nasdaq

Reviews 118

Superforex nasdaq

Fantastic and fast response from broker.

Superforex nasdaq

Superforex a reliable broker in africa

Superforex nasdaq

Thanks for the app!

Wanted to leave a decent rate after the mobile app update - now it’s much easier to manage my account. Works way faster then the web version. I’d like to add the possibility to verify an account right in the app as well.

Trading wise no issues for me. I didn’t apply for bonuses, have solely my money on my ecn account. Support managers have always replied to me and tried to help, not just kicking me with standard phrases.

Superforex nasdaq

At first they make it look good…

At first they make it look like a good oppertunity to go for the bonus deals. But when you've excepted the bonus deals you are limited to some very bad and shady rules:
1: stoploss can't be placed thight to the positions.
2: orders sometimes can't be executed when the market doesn't move, this makes your position stuck.
3: when accepting the bonus deals you can't withdraw your profit. You can only withdraw twice the amount you have deposited. AND if you have deposited lets say 100 dollars you can only withdraw 100 dollars of profit whenever you traded 100 lots aswell. Because of this rule it is practically impossible to withdraw profits.
4: take profits cant be placed close to the current price
5: they keep falling back to their saying: "it's in the agreement you agree with when accepting the bonus". But this list with conditions is pretty big and a lot to read when you want to create the account. Tiny letters politics I call this.
6: spreads are awfull, you are not able to make quick trades.

I might had more bad things to say about superforex, but I can't remember them right now. Ill update them below if I rememberd some.

#######!I JUST WANT TO WARN YOU!#######
the spreads are awfull, you cant withdraw profits like it should, stoplosses and take profits are worthless because of the minimum distance with the current price and the orders cant be executed for like 3-5minutes.

I hope everyone will listen to this awfull experiance with superforex. Don't make the same mistakes I made.

###added after the reply of superforex###

This is what I mean by their responses. It isn't for nothing that 16% of the reviews are on a 1 star review. And that the ones that call it excelent won some sort of lottery instead of trading it themself. Be aware people!

Hello, first of all, we can't find a client with your name - daan kouwen. Can you provide us your account number? We are not sure if you are a real client.

Next, all brokers have a freeze level which is indicated in our agreement.

Superforex is not a dealing desk and from our side, there is no problem with execution. We have trading servers in different parts of the world and they are working fine. Make sure your internet connection is stable with enough speed.

We don't have limits for withdrawal on real trading accounts. Seems like you applied for the no deposit bonus. There is a bonus agreement you have to follow. In order to withdraw profit, all conditions should be followed strictly and that is our rule which was accepted by all clients who applied for the bonus.

Trading terms on no deposit bonus accounts are different and you may not apply for it and trade with your own funds without bonus rules.

Our T&C is not that long to read. Bonus agreement is just 1,5 pages. 2 main rules for the NDB are - enough profits + enough traded lots for withdrawal.

Speaking about spreads, our ECN accounts have very low spreads. You can try one yourself.

To sum up, superforex has reached more than 600.000 clients. All clients can trade using their funds with no special rules. Just follow the rules if you apply for a bonus offer. We will be waiting for your account number to check if you are a real client or whether this review is fake.

you have provided your account number so we could see that you've applied for the easy deposit bonus. This bonus has a 1,5 pages T&C, just 15 clauses in total.

You've applied for the bonus and agreed to it. It's very strange to see that now you disagree. We ask you to delete your review because of slander against us. Otherwise, we'll have to stop serving you as a customer because of this libel review.

So, let's see, what we have: superforex nasdaq вы можете попробовать работу всех сервисов компании superforex, открыв полноценно функционирующий демо-счет. Этот тип счета отлично подходит, чтобы попробовать на практике at superforex nasdaq

