Vorteile beim Handel mit RoboForex als Forex-Broker, www.roboforex.com login.
Www.Roboforex.Com login
In seinem am häufigsten gehandelten format wird ein index als ein portfolio von aktien definiert, das einen bestimmten markt oder marktsektor repräsentiert wenn unsere kunden auf ihre handelskonten einzahlen, wird keine provision erhoben, da roboforex alle kosten für einzahlungen abdeckt.
Top forex bonus list
Wählen sie je nach ihrem wunsch und nicht aufgrund der kosteneffizienz das zahlungssystem aus.
Vorteile beim handel mit roboforex als forex-broker
Roboforex bietet seinen kunden nur die komfortabelsten handelsbedingungen.
- Enge spreads
ab 0 pips - Schnellste
orderausführung - 3 kontowährungen
(EUR, USD, GOLD) - Micro-konten mit einer
mindestlotgröße von 0,01 - 8
anlageklassen - Affiliate-programm
50% gewinnbeteiligung
Roboforex bonusprogramme
Roboforex bietet seinen kunden die besten werbeangebote auf den finanzmärkten.
Beginnen sie jetzt bei roboforex mit dem handel und entfesseln sie die gigantischen vorteile!
Profit share bonus
von bis zu 60%
- Bonus von bis zu 20.000 USD.
- Kann während des "drawdown" verwendet werden.
- Einzahlung ab 10 USD.
- Lassen sie sich den erhaltenen gewinn auszahlen, wenn sie mit ihren eigenen geldmitteln handeln.
Bonus erhalten
Classic bonus
von bis zu 120%
- Bonus von bis zu 50.000 USD.
- Kann während des "drawdown" nicht verwendet werden.
- Einzahlung ab 10 USD.
- Handeln sie mit bonusgeldern und lassen sie sich den gewinn auszahlen.
Bonus erhalten
Cashback (vergütungen)
von bis zu 15%
- Erhalten sie cashback bereits ab einem handelsvolumen von nur 10 lots.
- Für alle verifizierten kunden verfügbar.
- Erhalten sie echtes geld als cashback und lassen sie es sich sofort auszahlen.
Erfahren sie mehr
Bis zu 10%
auf das kontoguthaben
- Zahlungen für das handelsvolumen beginnen bereits ab 1 lot.
- Keine einschränkungen: sofortige auszahlung.
- Erhalten sie jeden monat % auf ihr kontoguthaben.
Erfahren sie mehr
- Ersteinzahlung
- Ausführungsart
- Spreads
- Instrumente
- Boni
- Plattformen
Der beliebteste kontotyp bei roboforex. Geeignet für trader mit unterschiedlicher handelserfahrung auf dem devisenmarkt.
"prime" konten sind für erfahrene trader geeignet und haben die besten eigenschaften von ECN konten.
"pro-cent" konten ermöglichen tradern, neue handelsstrategien mit kleinen einzahlungen zu testen.
"ECN" konten sind für professionelle trader bestimmt, die optimale handelsbedingungen mit den geringsten spreads möchten.
R trader
R trader ist eine plattform der neuen generation, die ein klassisches design, benutzerfreundlichkeit, moderne technologien und den zugang zu den größten globalen finanzmärkten vereint.
- 100 USD
- Marktausführung
- Variabel ab 0 pips
- Über 12.000 aktien, indizes,
forex, etfs, cfds, kryptowährungen - Nicht verfügbar
- R trader - web-plattform
Das demo-konto ist eine ausgezeichnete gelegenheit, handelsbedingungen zu testen, die von roboforex bei echtgeldkonten angeboten werden, ohne kapital dafür zu investieren.
- Nicht erforderlich
- Marktausführung
- Abhängig vom kontotyp
- Abhängig vom kontotyp
- Begrenzte anzahl an angeboten
Abhängig vom kontotyp
Die beliebteste plattform für den handel auf dem forex-markt mit einer großen menge von informationsmaterialien, handelsrobotern und indikatoren.
- 3 arten der orderausführung
- 9 zeitrahmen für charts
- 50 integrierte indikatoren für die technische analyse
- Verschiedene arten von orders
Die neueste version der metatrader plattform bietet die möglichkeit, netting und hedging-systeme auszuwählen.
- 4 arten der orderausführung
- Mehrwährungs-tester
- Markttiefe
- 6 arten ausstehender orders
Roboforex handelsplattformen
Roboforex präsentiert mobiletrader und webtrader, proprietäre plattformen, flexiblere und moderne alternativen zu den desktop-plattformen.
- Möglichkeit, von einem browser auf einem IOS-oder android-basierten mobilgerät zu handeln.
- Die gleiche funktionalität wie auf desktop-plattformen.
- Kontrollieren sie ihre positionen von überall auf der welt.
Eine plattform für viele vermögenswerte und mit leistungsstarken tools für die technische analyse und den schnellsten finanz-charts in der branche.
- Mehr als 12.000 aktien, indizes, FX und etfs.
- Mindesteinzahlung ist 100 USD.
- Einzigartiger handelsroboter-builder, der keine programmierkenntnisse erfordert.
Exklusive trading-plattformen
Roboforex präsentiert mobiletrader und webtrader, proprietäre plattformen, flexiblere und moderne alternativen zu den desktop-plattformen.
Sicherheit ihrer geldmittel
Ihre geldmittel sind vollständig abgesichert, wenn sie mit roboforex handeln.
- Regulierte tätigkeiten: IFSC-lizenz
nr. 000138/107 - Schutz vor
negativem kontostand - Teilnehmer am entschädigungsfonds
der finanzkommission - Qualitätszertifikat für die
jetzt handel beginnen
8 anlageklassen
Mit hilfe der roboforex konten und plattformen erhalten sie zugang zu den größten globalen märkten.
Wir bieten einen transparenten und zuverlässigen zugang zum FX-handel mit mehr als 40 währungspaaren
Vorteile des forex-handels
- Institutionelle spreads ab 0 punkten
- Plattformen metatrader4, metatrader5, ctrader, R trader
- Hebel von bis zu 1:2000
- Schnellstmögliche ausführung
Zugriff auf mehr als 12.000 aktien über die plattform R trader und auf mehr als 50 aktien über die terminals metatrader 4/5
Vorteile des aktienhandels
- Mindesteinzahlung: 100 USD
- Kostenlose online-börsendaten
- Hebel von bis zu 1:20
- Plattformen metatrader4, metatrader5, R trader
In seinem am häufigsten gehandelten format wird ein index als ein portfolio von aktien definiert, das einen bestimmten markt oder marktsektor repräsentiert
Vorteile des handels mit indizes
- Plattformen metatrader4, metatrader5, R trader
- Enge spreads - keinen aufschlag
- Hebel von bis zu 1:100
- Mehr als 10 instrumente
Handeln sie in der schnell wachsenden globalen ETF-branche mit einem verwalteten vermögen von mehr als 3 billionen US-dollar
Vorteile des handels mit etfs
- Mindesteinzahlung: 100 USD
- R trader-plattform
- Hebel von bis zu 1:20
- Kapitalmaßnahmen werden automatisch vom system unterstützt und bearbeitet
Handeln sie etfs auf gewachsene rohstoffe wie kaffee, kakao, zucker, mais, weizen, soja, obst
Vorteile des handels mit agrarrohstoffen
- Mindesteinzahlung: 100 USD
- R trader-plattform
- Mehr als 100 instrumente
- Hebel von bis zu 1:20
Handeln sie cfds und rohstoff-etfs auf energie, einschließlich öl, erdgas, heizöl, ethanol und gereinigter terephtalsäure
Vorteile des handels mit energie
- Enge spreads
- Plattformen metatrader4, R trader
- Ideales instrument für day-trader
- Mindesteinzahlung: 10 USD
- Hebel von bis zu 1:100
Handeln sie cfds und rohstoff-etfs auf edelmetalle wie gold, platin, palladium, silber sowie die währungspaare gold/dollar und silber/dollar.
Vorteile des handels mit metallen
- Absicherung gegen politische instabilität und eine dollarschwäche
- Mindesteinzahlung: 10 USD
- Plattformen metatrader4, metatrader5, ctrader, R trader
- Hebel von bis zu 1:1000
Bitcoin, litecoin und ethereum erwiesen sich als investment und spekulation mit großem potenzial
Vorteile des handels mit kryptowährungen
- Plattformen metatrader4, metatrader5, R trader
- Mehr als 7 kryptowährungen
- Hebel von bis zu 1:50
- 24/7 handel
0% provision
Wenn unsere kunden auf ihre handelskonten einzahlen, wird keine provision erhoben, da roboforex alle kosten für einzahlungen abdeckt. Wählen sie je nach ihrem wunsch und nicht aufgrund der kosteneffizienz das zahlungssystem aus.
Darüber hinaus bietet roboforex seinen kunden zweimal im monat die möglichkeit, geld ohne provision abzuheben.
- Der auszahlungsantrag wird in
weniger als 1 minute verarbeitet - Das system arbeitet 24/7
- Einfach, zuverlässig und schnell
Mehr als 20 möglichkeiten zur geldeinzahlung
Investieren sie mit forex
Für einfache und kurzfristige investitionen
- 1.000 trader stehen zur auswahl
- Detaillierte statistiken über die handelsergebnisse des traders
- Möglichkeit, das abonnement jederzeit abzubestellen
Die copyfx-plattform wurde für jene trader geschaffen, die nach einer einfachen und bequemen möglichkeit suchen, geld zu investieren.
Roboforex marktanalysen
Fibonacci retracements analysis 12.01.2021 (EURUSD, USDJPY)
Ichimoku cloud analysis 12.01.2021 (EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD)
Japanese candlesticks analysis 12.01.2021 (USDCAD, AUDUSD, USDCHF)
Exklusive marktanalysen
Claws & horns, eine unabhängige organisation, die broker mit einer reihe notwendiger analyse-tools bereitstellt.
Fxwirepro ™ ist ein führendes unternehmen für finanzanalysen und bietet FX-teilnehmern auf der ganzen welt ein echtzeit-research an.
Roboforex: änderungen beim handelszeitplan (weihnachts- und neujahrsfeiertage)
Roboforex erhielt prestigeträchtige auszeichnungen des finanzsektors
Das roboforex-team startet rfund - einen neuen alternativen investmentfonds
Gewinner von mehr als 10 preisgekrönten auszeichnungen
Roboforex wurde von den angesehensten experten der finanzindustrie anerkannt..
Mehr als 800.000 aus 169 ländern.
Best investment products (global)
Best partnership program (LATAM)
Most trusted
Most transparent
asian forex broker
Best global mobile
trading app
Best broker
of the CIS
Offizieller sponsor des "starikovich-heskes-teams" bei der dakar 2017
Professionelles rennteam, das in europa, australien und afrika mehr als 60.000 kilometer abseits der straße zurücklegte.
Offizieller sponsor des muay thai-kämpfers andrei kulebin
Ein mehrfacher thai-boxweltmeister, ein erfahrener trainer und ein verdienter meister des sports.
Roboforex ltd ist ein internationaler broker, der durch die IFSC reguliert wird. Die lizenznummer lautet 000138/107, reg.-nr. 128.572.
Risikowarnung: beim handel mit hebelprodukten wie forex/cfds besteht ein hohes risiko. 58.42% der konten von privatanlegern verlieren geld, wenn sie mit diesem anbieter cfds handeln. Sie sollten nicht mehr riskieren als sie sich leisten können zu verlieren. Es ist möglich, dass sie mehr als ihre gesamte investition verlieren. Sie sollten nicht handeln oder investieren, wenn sie das wahre ausmaß ihres verlustrisikos nicht vollständig verstehen. Beim handeln oder investieren müssen sie immer ihren erfahrungsgrad berücksichtigen. Dienste zum kopieren von trades implizieren aufgrund der art dieser produkte zusätzliche risiken für ihre investitionen. Wenn die damit verbundenen risiken für sie unklar erscheinen, wenden sie sich bitte an einen externen spezialisten für eine unabhängige beratung. Roboforex ltd richtet sich nicht an EU/EWR-kunden. Wir sind nicht aktiv im hoheitsgebiet der USA, kanadas, japans, australiens, bonaires, curaçaos, osttimors, liberias, saipans, russlands, sint eustatius, tahitis, der türkei, guinea-bissaus, mikronesiens, der nördlichen marianen-inseln, svalbards und jan mayens, des südsudans und anderer eingeschränkter länder.
Wir bei roboforex verstehen, dass trader ihre gesamte aufmerksamkeit dem handel widmen und sich keine sorgen um die angemessene sicherheit ihres kapitals machen sollten. Daher ergriff das unternehmen zusätzliche maßnahmen, um die erfüllung seiner verbindlichkeiten gegenüber den kunden zu gewährleisten. Wir haben eine haftpflichtversicherung mit einem limit von 5.000.000 EUR abgeschlossen, die eine marktführende deckung gegen unterlassungen, betrug, fehler, fahrlässigkeit und andere risiken beinhaltet, die zu finanziellen verlusten der kunden führen können.
© roboforex, 2009-2021. Alle rechte vorbehalten.
Ventajas del trading con el corredor de divisas roboforex
Sin límites en la provisión de beneficios notables para los clientes de roboforex.
- Spreads reducidos
desde 0 pips - Ejecución de órdenes
más rápida - Hasta 3 divisas de cuenta
(EUR, USD, GOLD) - Cuentas micro con
tamaño de lote mínimo de 0.01 - 8 clases
de activos - Programa de afiliados
pagos de hasta el 50%
Programas de bonos de roboforex
Roboforex ofrece a sus clientes las mejores ofertas promocionales en los mercados financieros.
¡empiece a operar con roboforex ahora y aprovéchese de sus grandes beneficios!
Bono de ganancia compartida
hasta el 60%
- Bono de hasta 20.000 USD.
- Puede usarse durante el "drawdown".
- Depósito desde 10 USD.
- Retire la ganancia recibida al operar con sus propios fondos.
Recibir el bono
Bono clásico
hasta el 120%
- Bono de hasta 50.000 USD.
- No puede usarse durante el "drawdown".
- Depósito desde 10 USD.
- Negocie con los fondos del bono y retire las ganancias.
Recibir el bono
Reembolso (devoluciones)
hasta el 15%
- Reciba un reembolso por un volumen negociado de 10 lotes.
- Disponible para todos los clientes verificados.
- Reciba dinero real como reembolso y retírelo instantáneamente.
Más información
Hasta el 10%
sobre el saldo de la cuenta
- Pagos por volumen negociado a partir de 1 lote.
- Sin restricciones: retire instantáneamente.
- Reciba un % sobre el saldo de la cuenta cada mes.
Más información
Tipos de cuenta
- Primer depósito
- Tipo de ejecución
- Spreads
- Instrumentos
- Bonos
- Plataformas
El tipo de cuenta más popular de roboforex, adecuado para traders principiantes y experimentados.
Las cuentas "prime" combinan las mejores características de las cuentas ECN y son ideales para los traders más avanzados.
Las cuentas pro-cent ofrecen la posibilidad de negociar microlotes y son ideales para los principiantes que quieran probar nuestras condiciones de trading realizando inversiones mínimas.
El tipo de cuenta ECN está pensado para los traders profesionales que buscan las mejores condiciones de trading con spreads reducidos.
R trader
R trader es una plataforma web multidivisa que combina la tecnología moderna, un diseño clásico, pero llevado a un nuevo nivel, y acceso a los principales mercados financieros del mundo.
- Primer depósito 100 USD
- Tipo de ejecución ejecución de mercado
- Spreads flotante, desde 0 pips
- Instrumentos más de 12,000 acciones, índices,
forex, etfs, cfds, criptodivisas - Bonos no disponible
- Plataformas R trader - web platform
Si abre una cuenta demo en roboforex, podrá comprobar nuestras condiciones detrading (instrumentos, spreads, swaps, velocidad de ejecución) sin invertir dinero real.
- Primer depósito no requerido
- Tipo de ejecución ejecución de mercado
- Spreads depende del tipo de cuenta
- Instrumentos depende del tipo de cuenta
- Bonos número de ofertas limitado
- Plataformas
depende del tipo de cuenta
Plataformas de trading
La plataforma más popular para operar en el mercado de forex, que incluye un banco de conocimientos, robots de trading e indicadores.
- 3 tipos de ejecución de órdenes
- 9 marcos temporales para operar
- 50 indicadores integrados para el análisis técnico
- Variedad de tipos de órdenes
La última versión de la plataforma metatrader con la posibilidad de usar sistemas de cobertura y compensación.
- 4 tipos de ejecución de órdenes
- Comprobador multidiva
- Profundidad de mercado
- 6 tipos de órdenes pendientes
Plataformas de trading de roboforex
Para aquellos traders que estén siempre fuera, les ofrecemos las plataformas de trading exclusivas de roboforex: webtrader y mobiletrader.
- Negocie desde cualquier navegador o dispotivo móvil (ios, android).
- Obtenga la misma funcionalidad que en las plataformas de escritorio.
- Controle sus posiciones y órdenes desde cualquier parte del mundo.
Plataforma de trading multidivisa basada en la web con los gráficos financieros más rápidos del sector y herramientas avanzadas para el análisis técnico.
- Más de 12,000 acciones, índices, FX, etfs, criptodivisas.
- Depósito mínimo: 100 USD.
- Creador de robots de trading. No se requieren habilidades de programación.
Centro de plataformas de trading
Plataformas exclusivas
Para aquellos traders que estén siempre fuera, les ofrecemos las plataformas de trading exclusivas de roboforex: webtrader y mobiletrader.
Seguridad para los fondos del cliente
Sus fondos están totalmente seguros cuando negocia con roboforex.
- Actividades reguladas: licencia IFSC
núm. 000138/107 - Protección
de saldo negativo - Miembro del fondo
de compensación de la comisión financiera - Calidad de ejecución certificada
empiece a operar ahora
8 clases de activos
Descubra los principales mercados del mundo a través de las cuentas y plataformas de roboforex.
Ofrecemos acceso transparente y fiable a la negociación de forex con más de 40 pares de divisas
Beneficios al negociar en forex
- Spreads institucionales desde 0 pips
- Plataformas metatrader4, metatrader5, ctrader
y R trader - Apalancamiento hasta 1:2000
- La ejecución más rápida posible
leer más
Acceda a más de 12,000 stocks a través de la plataforma R trader y más de 50 a través de las terminales metatrader 4/5
Beneficios al negociar acciones
- Depósito mínimo: 100 USD
- Datos del mercado de acciones online gratis
- Apalancamiento: hasta 1:20
- Plataformas metatrader4, metatrader5 y R trader
leer más
En su formato más habitual, un índice se define como una cartera de acciones que representa un mercado en particular o un sector del mercado
Beneficios al negociar índices
- Plataformas metatrader4, metatrader5 y R trader
- Spreads reducidos - sin markups
- Apalancamiento: hasta 1:100
- Más de 10 instrumentos
leer más
Negocie en el sector de más rápido crecimiento mundial, con más de 3 billones de dólares en activos bajo gestión: los etfs
Beneficios al negociar etfs
- Depósito mínimo: 100 USD
- Plataforma R trader
- Apalancamiento: hasta 1:20
- Eventos corporativos soportados y gestionados por el sistema automáticamente
leer más
Materias primas blandas
Negocie etfs de materias primas agrícolas como café, cacao, azúcar, maíz, trigo, soja, fruta
Beneficios al negociar materias primas blandas
- Depósito mínimo: 100 USD
- Plataforma R trader
- Más de 100 instrumentos
- Apalancamiento: hasta 1:20
leer más
Negocie cfds y etfs de materias primas del mercado de energía incluyendo petróleo, gas natural, combustible de calefacción, etanol y ácido tereftálico purificado
Beneficios al negociar energías
- Spreads reducidos
- Plataformas metatrader4, R trader
- Instrumento ideal para day traders
- Depósito mínimo: 10 USD
- Apalancamiento: hasta 1:100
leer más
Negocie cfds y etfs de materias primas de metales preciosos incluyendo oro, platino, paladio y plata, así como los pares oro/dólar y plata/dólar
Beneficios al negociar metales
- Cobertura contra la inestabilidad política y la debilidad del dólar
- Depósito mínimo: 10 USD
- Plataformas metatrader4, metatrader5, ctrader y R trader
- Apalancamiento hasta 1:1000
leer más
Bitcoin, litecoin y ethereum han demostrado tener un gran potencial para la inversión y especulación
Beneficios al negociar criptodivisas
- Plataformas metatrader4, metatrader5 y R trader
- Más de 7 criptodivisas
- Apalancamiento: hasta 1:50
- Trading 24/7
leer más
Cuando nuestros clientes depositan en sus cuentas de trading, la comisión es siempre del 0%. Roboforex cubre todos los gastos. Seleccione el sistema de pago en función de su comodidad y no por el ahorro.
Roboforex también compensa la comisión de sus clientes por retiro de fondos 2 veces al mes.
Retiradas instantáneas
- Sistema de retirada de fondos automática: retiradas en un minuto para ciertos métodos de pago.
- Sistema operativo 24/7.
- Con roboforex, es fácil, rápido y fiable.
Más de 20 opciones de depósito
Conviértase en un inversor de forex
Para inversiones sencillas
a corto plazo
- Elija entre más de 1,000 traders.
- Acceda a estadísticas detalladas sobre el rendimiento de cada trader.
- Cancele la suscripción en cualquier momento.
La plataforma copyfx será perfecta para aquellos que buscan una forma sencilla, pero confiable, de invertir en forex.
Analíticas de mercado de roboforex
Roboforex: cambios en el calendario de trading (festivos de navidades y año nuevo)
Roboforex ha recibido premios prestigiosos del sector financiero
Roboforex presenta rfund - un nuevo fondo de inversión alternativo
Calendario económico
Analítica de mercado exclusiva
Claws & horns es una firma de análisis financiero independiente que ofrece a los brokers un conjunto de herramientas analíticas necesarias.
Fxwirepro™ es una empresa líder en el análisis financiero que ofrece a los participantes de los mercados informes en tiempo real.
Ganador de más de 10 prestigiosos galardones
Roboforex fue reconocido por los expertos más reconocidos del sector financiero.
Más de 800.000 clientes de 169 países.
Best investment products (global)
Best partnership program (LATAM)
Most trusted
Most transparent
asian forex broker
Best global mobile
trading app
Best broker
of the CIS
Patrocinador oficial del equipo de rally "starikovich-heskes" en el dakar 2017
Pilotos experimentados con más de 60.000 kilómetros off-road en europa, áfrica y australia bajo sus cinturones.
Patrocinador oficial del luchador de muay thai, andrei kulebin
Un campeón mundial de boxeo tailandés, un entrenador experimentado y un honrado maestro de deportes.
Roboforex ltd es un broker internacional regulado por la IFSC con número de licencia: 000138/107, número de registro 128.572.
Los residentes de españa y de países de la unión europea son servidos por robomarkets ltd en www.Robomarkets.Es. Ir al sitio web.
Advertencia de riesgo: hay un alto nivel de riesgo envuelto en la negociación de productos apalancados como forex/cfds. El 58.42% de las cuentas de inversores minoristas pierde dinero negociando cfds con este proveedor. Usted no debería arriesgar más de lo que realmente se pueda permitir perder, porque es posible que pierda más que su inversión total. No debería operar o invertir a menos que comprenda totalmente la verdadera extensión de su exposición al riesgo de pérdida. Al operar o invertir, siempre debe tener en cuenta su nivel de experiencia. Los servicios de copy trading implican riesgos adicionales para su inversión debido a la naturaleza de tales productos. Si los riesgos implícitos no le parecen claros, por favor, consulte con un especialista externo para un consejo independiente. Roboforex ltd no está dirigido a clientes de la UE/EEE. No trabajamos en territorio de EE.UU., canadá, japón, australia, bonaire, curaçao, timor oriental, liberia, saipán, rusia, sint eustatius, tahití, turquía, guinea-bissau, micronesia, islas marianas del norte, svalbar y jan mayen, sudán del sur y otros países restringidos.
En roboforex, comprendemos que los operadores deben concentrar todos sus esfuerzos en el trading y no preocuparse del nivel apropiado de seguridad de su capital. Por lo tanto, la compañía ha adoptado medidas adicionales para garantizar el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones con los clientes. Hemos implementado un programa de seguro de responsabilidad civil con un límite de 5,000,000 EUR, que incluye cobertura líder en el mercado contra omisiones, fraude, errores, negligencia y otros riesgos que pueden conllevar a pérdidas financieras de los clientes.
© roboforex, 2009 -2021.
Todos los derechos reservados.
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Invest into bitcoin, bitcoin cash, dash, EOS, ethereum, litecoin, ripple.
Metatrader 4 mobile application
Metatrader 4 portable application will allow you to trade from anywhere in the world. Designed specifically for ios/android-based smartphones and tablets, this mobile terminal offers traders a familiar interface with slight modifications and the same set of tools and features as the desktop terminal.
Metatrader 4 web platform
Also, you have an opportunity to use a web version of metatrader 4 platform, which is supported by all available browsers. The web terminal offers the same features and performance as the desktop version, and is still available in all languages supported by roboforex websites. Manage your positions freely and easily from any place in the world.
Metatrader market
If you want to acquire a new trading robot, an expert advisor, or an indicator, go to metatrader market in metatrader 4 terminal and choose from hundreds of products presented there. All application have free demo versions in the market, so they may be tested before you buy them. Moreover, some users allow to download and use their products absolutely for free.
МТ4 account types
"prime" accounts combine all best features of ECN accounts and are suitable for advanced traders.
ECN account type is intended for professionals, who prefer the best trading conditions with tight spreads.
Pro-cent accounts provide an opportunity to trade micro lots and is best suitable for beginners, who want to test our trading conditions with minimum investments.
The most popular account type at roboforex, which is suitable for both beginners and experienced traders.
Official sponsor of "starikovich-heskes" team at the dakar 2017
Experienced racers with more than 60,000 off road kilometers in europe, africa, and australia under their belt.
Official sponsor of muay thai fighter andrei kulebin
A many-time thai boxing world champion, an experienced trainer, and an honored master of sports.
Roboforex ltd is an international broker regulated by the IFSC, license no. 000138/107, reg. Number 128.572.
Risk warning: there is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as forex/cfds. 58.42% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose the entire amount of your account balance. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice. Roboforex ltd does not target EU/EEA clients. We don't work on the territory of the USA, canada, japan, australia, bonaire, curaçao, east timor, liberia, saipan, russia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turkey, guinea-bissau, micronesia, northern mariana islands, svalbard and jan mayen, south sudan, and other restricted countries.
At roboforex, we understand that traders should focus all their efforts on trading and not worry about the appropriate level of safety of their capital. Therefore, the company took additional measures to ensure compliance with its obligations to the clients. We have implemented a civil liability insurance program for a limit of 5,000,000 EUR, which includes market-leading coverage against omissions, fraud, errors, negligence, and other risks that may lead to financial losses of clients.
© roboforex, 2009-2021.
All rights reserved.
Roboforex demo accounts
The best way to test trading conditions
- Similar to real accounts
- Suitable for all trading platforms
- Choose from various asset types
open demo account
Test trading strategies without investing your own money
Roboforex demo accounts are different from real ones in that you don't need to deposit any real money for trading on them. In all other aspects, demo accounts are fully identical to roboforex real accounts. This is why using a demo account is one of the most powerful ways to test your trading strategies or eas in real market conditions.
When trading on roboforex demo accounts, you can benefit from "cashback (rebates)" program, which allows you to get additional income. By receiving virtual rebates on demo accounts, you have an opportunity to assess all advantages of the program and calculate how much you may get with this program after switching to a real account. You have an opportunity to open any number of demo accounts free of charge, although any of them will expire in 90 days.
Free of charge
Open a demo account and start trading without any financial investments.
Powerful tool
On a demo account, you can master your trading strategies without spending not a dime of real money.
Study platforms
You can trade on a demo account through any roboforex platform.
Wide range of trading instruments
You can trade the same assets on demo accounts as on real ones.
We offer transparent and reliale access to trading FX with more than 40 currency pairs.
Access to more than 12,000 stocks through R trader platform and more than 50 via metatrader 4/5 terminals.
In its most regularly traded format, an index is defined as a portfolio of stocks that represents a particular market or market sector.
Soft commodities
Trade etfs on grown commodities such as coffee, cocoa, sugar, corn, wheat, soybean, fruit.
Trade cfds and commodity etfs on energy market including oil, natural gas, heating oil, ethanol and purified terephthalic acid.
Trade cfds and commodity etfs on precious metals including gold, platinum, palladium, silver as well as gold/dollar and silver/dollar pairs.
Bitcoin, litecoin and ethereum proved to have great potential for investment and speculation.
Trade fast-growing global ETF industry with over $3 trillion in assets under management.
State-of-the-art platforms
With a demo account, you can test any roboforex platform, from classic metatrader 4 terminal to innovative R trader solution.

Choose your demo account
You can open multiple roboforex demo accounts and test our trading conditions.
Demo pro clients choice
Demo professional's choice
Demo R trader
Replicates parameters and trading conditions of pro-standard accounts, the most popular account type at roboforex.
Demo account parameters are similar to prime accounts, which are intended for professional traders.
This account enables working through R trader platform with access to the largest global markets.
Security of client's funds
Official sponsor of "starikovich-heskes" team at the dakar 2017
Experienced racers with more than 60,000 off road kilometers in europe, africa, and australia under their belt.
Official sponsor of muay thai fighter andrei kulebin
A many-time thai boxing world champion, an experienced trainer, and an honored master of sports.
Roboforex ltd is an international broker regulated by the IFSC, license no. 000138/107, reg. Number 128.572.
Risk warning: there is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as forex/cfds. 58.42% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose the entire amount of your account balance. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice. Roboforex ltd does not target EU/EEA clients. We don't work on the territory of the USA, canada, japan, australia, bonaire, curaçao, east timor, liberia, saipan, russia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turkey, guinea-bissau, micronesia, northern mariana islands, svalbard and jan mayen, south sudan, and other restricted countries.
At roboforex, we understand that traders should focus all their efforts on trading and not worry about the appropriate level of safety of their capital. Therefore, the company took additional measures to ensure compliance with its obligations to the clients. We have implemented a civil liability insurance program for a limit of 5,000,000 EUR, which includes market-leading coverage against omissions, fraud, errors, negligence, and other risks that may lead to financial losses of clients.
© roboforex, 2009-2021.
All rights reserved.
Metatrader 4
One of the most popular platforms on the currency market
Metatrader 4 classic terminal is still an unquestionable leader among retail traders. It has all features and tools that are necessary for both beginners and experienced traders of the financial market. Moreover, the terminal includes embedded functionality and opportunities, which are typical only for MQL platforms.
- 3 types of order execution
- 50 ready-to-use indicators for technical analysis
- Basic tools for graphic analysis
- Opportunity to program your own trading robot
One-click trading
Algorithmic trading
Metatrader market
Fundamental analysis
Cryptocurrencies in metatrader 4
Invest into bitcoin, bitcoin cash, dash, EOS, ethereum, litecoin, ripple.
Metatrader 4 mobile application
Metatrader 4 portable application will allow you to trade from anywhere in the world. Designed specifically for ios/android-based smartphones and tablets, this mobile terminal offers traders a familiar interface with slight modifications and the same set of tools and features as the desktop terminal.
Metatrader 4 web platform
Also, you have an opportunity to use a web version of metatrader 4 platform, which is supported by all available browsers. The web terminal offers the same features and performance as the desktop version, and is still available in all languages supported by roboforex websites. Manage your positions freely and easily from any place in the world.
Metatrader market
If you want to acquire a new trading robot, an expert advisor, or an indicator, go to metatrader market in metatrader 4 terminal and choose from hundreds of products presented there. All application have free demo versions in the market, so they may be tested before you buy them. Moreover, some users allow to download and use their products absolutely for free.
МТ4 account types
"prime" accounts combine all best features of ECN accounts and are suitable for advanced traders.
ECN account type is intended for professionals, who prefer the best trading conditions with tight spreads.
Pro-cent accounts provide an opportunity to trade micro lots and is best suitable for beginners, who want to test our trading conditions with minimum investments.
The most popular account type at roboforex, which is suitable for both beginners and experienced traders.
Official sponsor of "starikovich-heskes" team at the dakar 2017
Experienced racers with more than 60,000 off road kilometers in europe, africa, and australia under their belt.
Official sponsor of muay thai fighter andrei kulebin
A many-time thai boxing world champion, an experienced trainer, and an honored master of sports.
Roboforex ltd is an international broker regulated by the IFSC, license no. 000138/107, reg. Number 128.572.
Risk warning: there is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as forex/cfds. 58.42% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose the entire amount of your account balance. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice. Roboforex ltd does not target EU/EEA clients. We don't work on the territory of the USA, canada, japan, australia, bonaire, curaçao, east timor, liberia, saipan, russia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turkey, guinea-bissau, micronesia, northern mariana islands, svalbard and jan mayen, south sudan, and other restricted countries.
At roboforex, we understand that traders should focus all their efforts on trading and not worry about the appropriate level of safety of their capital. Therefore, the company took additional measures to ensure compliance with its obligations to the clients. We have implemented a civil liability insurance program for a limit of 5,000,000 EUR, which includes market-leading coverage against omissions, fraud, errors, negligence, and other risks that may lead to financial losses of clients.
© roboforex, 2009-2021.
All rights reserved.
Welcome bonus 30 USD
Register and receive initial funds for trading.
Initial funds
For new clients of the company, who verified their personal information.
Withdraw the profit
From trading using both your own and extra funds.
No restrictions
Welcome bonus funds aren’t written off from your account even during "drawdown".
How to receive welcome bonus
Open an account
Bonus funds are available for cent and standard MT4/MT5-based accounts with USD or EUR as a base currency.
Verify your account
Pass the simple verification procedure of your identity, address, and phone number in your members area.
Deposit funds to your account
Deposit at least 10 USD to your account via a bank card * .
* - funds can be deposited only via china unionpay, maestro, mastercard, and VISA cards. Deposits made by means of virtual cards issued by payment systems, as well as prepaid cards are not taken into account.
What types of accounts can I receive 30 USD to?
Initial 30 USD are available to all newly registered roboforex clients with cent and standard accounts.
The most popular account type at roboforex, which is suitable for both beginners and experienced traders.
Trading microlots. This account type is best for beginners, who want to test trading with small deposits.
Official sponsor of "starikovich-heskes" team at the dakar 2017
Experienced racers with more than 60,000 off road kilometers in europe, africa, and australia under their belt.
Official sponsor of muay thai fighter andrei kulebin
A many-time thai boxing world champion, an experienced trainer, and an honored master of sports.
Roboforex ltd is an international broker regulated by the IFSC, license no. 000138/107, reg. Number 128.572.
Risk warning: there is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as forex/cfds. 58.42% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose the entire amount of your account balance. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice. Roboforex ltd does not target EU/EEA clients. We don't work on the territory of the USA, canada, japan, australia, bonaire, curaçao, east timor, liberia, saipan, russia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turkey, guinea-bissau, micronesia, northern mariana islands, svalbard and jan mayen, south sudan, and other restricted countries.
At roboforex, we understand that traders should focus all their efforts on trading and not worry about the appropriate level of safety of their capital. Therefore, the company took additional measures to ensure compliance with its obligations to the clients. We have implemented a civil liability insurance program for a limit of 5,000,000 EUR, which includes market-leading coverage against omissions, fraud, errors, negligence, and other risks that may lead to financial losses of clients.
© roboforex, 2009-2021.
All rights reserved.
Roboforex: login, minimum deposit, withdrawal time?

Roboforex ltd is an international broker, and a member of the roboforex group. The other subsidiary is called robomarkets ltd and is based in europe. By clicking here, you will be redirected to its review.
There is a lot to see in roboforex. This broker is stuffed to the brim with options, features and information. At times it can get a tidbit intimidating to those that are still have along way to go. Read the review to find out just what roboforex has to offer.
Roboforex is regulated in the mesoamerican country of belize by their respective body: the international financial services commission. Their main goal is to promote belize as a financial offshore center while also providing the appropriate regulatory measures to support said endeavor. As an offshore regulatory organization, belize has been home for many shady brokerages, many of whom have been either banned or exposed as scams. However, in recent years the regulatory agency has tightened its grip and has taken a more serious approach towards license issuing. For one, it requires proof of at least $500 000 capital before granting a license. Their efforts have resulted in them being known as the best offshore regulatory entity. Nevertheless, the leverage ratio remains flexible.
The average spread is for EUR/USD is around 2 pips for the standard account. For the pro-cent and pro-standard accounts it’s 1.4 pips. ECN-pro NDD (without commission attached) account holders can expect a spread of 0.1 pips, while with ECN-fixspread NDD it’s 1.6 pips. Prime account users will see a spread of 0.2 pips (without commission attached).
The broker has taken full advantage of its remote location, far away from ESMA controlled territory, by offering a staggering maximum leverage of 1:2000. This is wildly high, uncommon even with off shore regulations. We urge traders to tread carefully, since one wrong step can easily empty an account.
This abundance expands to the assets. They are more than plentiful and open doors to many possibilities: forex, stocks, indices, etfs, soft commodities, metals, energies, cryptocurrencies and cryptoindexes.
In order to accommodate its large clientele, roboforex has issued its services in the following languages: russian, malay, portuguese, ukrainian, arabic, chinese, lithuanian, czech, latvian, indonesian, hebrew, polish, spanish, italian, german, chinese, estonian and vietnamese.
The broker has included an impressive number of trading platforms, ensuring that all tastes are met accordingly. These are: metatrader 4, metatrader 5, ctrader and rtrader.
Here we are again with this renowned platform, and for a reason! MT4 stands tall against other trading terminals. Consider using expert advisors to set your automated trading while you do other business, or take full advantage of what MT4 has to offer: strategy backtesting, advanced chart settings, customized trading indicators, one-click trading and much more. Included is algorithm trading that helps traders get the best trading strategies using complex mathematical algorithms. You can even access multiple MT4 accounts at the same time using MT4 multiterminal.
The average spread is for EUR/USD is around 2 pips for the standard account. For the pro-cent and pro-standard accounts it’s 1.4 pips. ECN-pro NDD account holders can expect a spread of 0.1 pips (without commission), while with ECN-fixspread NDD it’s 1.6 pips. Prime account users will see a spread of 0.2 pips (without commission).
ECN-pro NDD holders are commissioned with $4 per standard lot. This changes the actual value of the cost of trading to for the ECN-pro NDD account to 0.5 pips.
Prime accounts are also taxed. The $3 per lot fee changes the spread of 0.2 pips to the actual 0.5 pips.
The leverage can go as high as 1:2000, making room for huge wins and/or devastating losses.
Give MT4 a swirl on smart phones (apple, android), tablets, on a web browser, and/or as a stand alone desktop terminal.
Metatrader 5 is the successor of MT4, yet it has a hard time replacing it since most traders base their entire coding and trading software on MT4. However, this by all means does not connote any issues within the platform. On the contrary. MT5’s characteristics, that were built upon MT4, make it more professional and dynamic. Not to mention that MT5 allows for trades in centralized market, plus it’s certified by many stock exchanges. All features for MT4 are present and fully functioning on MT5, including market indicators, trading bots, algorithm trading and VPS, just to mention a few.
The average spread is for EUR/USD is around 2 pips for the standard account. For the pro-cent and pro-standard accounts it’s 1.4 pips. ECN-pro NDD account holders can expect a spread of 0.1 pips (without commission), while with ECN-fixspread NDD it’s 1.6 pips. MT5 does not support the prime account type.
ECN-pro NDD holders are commissioned with $4 per standard lot. This changes the actual value of the cost of trading to for the ECN-pro NDD account to 0.5 pips.
The leverage can go as high as 1:2000.
Give MT5 a chance on smartphones (apple, android), tablets, on a web browser, and/or as a stand alone desktop terminal.
Ctrader handles with ease and possesses a much better visual style than both MT4/5. The interface is highly customizable, giving end users a much needed aesthetic touch of their own.
One of the main features of ctrader is the ability for traders to access provider’s liquidity making room for better pricing and lower spreads. There is also automated trading, and great back testing facilities.
The unique feature of ctrader comes in the shape of a supplementary component called calgo. Users can write their own trading algorithms using a set of C# instruments, and can have bots to do trading in their place. Calgo has its own standalone platform, yet it seems a bit confusing as to why they didn’t combine it with ctrader as a built in option.
The average spread is for EUR/USD is around 2 pips for the standard account. For the pro-cent and pro-standard accounts it’s 1.4 pips. ECN-pro NDD account holders can expect a spread of 0.1 pips (without commission), while with ECN-fixspread NDD it’s 1.6 pips. Prime accounts are not usable on the ctrader.
ECN-pro NDD holders are commissioned with $4 per standard lot. This changes the actual value of the cost of trading to for the ECN-pro NDD account to 0.5 pips.
The leverage can go as high as 1:2000. This sort of leverage is a double edged blade, and on which side you balance will have a huge impact on your investment.
Ctrader is available on smart phones (apple, android), tablets, on web browsers, and/or as a stand alone desktop terminal.
The R trader is obviously the main focus of the broker. Its design is nothing special, even bland at times, yet it counters this by giving traders many options and tools to further their trades. R trader is mainly a platform for dealing with cfds on shares. In fact there are well over 9400 CFD’s on shares alone which is astounding. The leverage on stocks is limited to 1:20.

Expect a leverage up to 1:200 for currency pairs. This is a sudden shift from the previous leverages, making the risk smaller, but also the profits.
We opened a DEMO account which indicated a spread of 0.1 pips for the EUR/USD pair. There is only one account type for this platform, as pointed by a support agent (the website was genuinely confusing about this matter):

The $3 per lot fee for forex pairs ($15 per 1 million base currency per side) changes the 0.1 pips trading cost to an actual value of 0.4 pips.
R trader boasts a web trader. It does not come with a downloadable software for desktop.
The minimum deposit is $10. For prime account holders it $5 000.
Roboforex opens up many payment methods: visa, mastercard, epayments, qiwi, neteller, fasapay, skrill, webmoney, local bank transfer, paysec.
The base account currencies are as follows: USD, EUR, CNY, BTC, ETH, GOLD.
All e-payments are networked instantly. Visa/mastercard can take up to 5 minutes. Paysec takes up to 5 business days to fund your account, while local bank transfer transfers depend on the bank in operation.
Roboforex is proud to offer 0% deposit fees.
The same methods of depositing are used for withdrawing: visa, mastercard, epayments, qiwi, neteller, fasapay, skrill, webmoney, local bank transfer, paysec.
The processing time for all withdrawal methods is said to be 2 days. Once processed by the broker it may take up to 5 days for the money to arrive into the user’s personal bank account for local bank transfers and paysec, while for the rest of the methods it may take up to 1 business day.
The following are the fees applied by roboforex: paysec users are charged with 1.7% of their total withdrawal request; local bank transfer withdrawals are charged with 1.6%; webmoney with 0.8; skrill and epayments with 1%; fasapay with 0.5%; neteller with 1.9%; qiwi and poli are free of charge.
The minimum withdrawal amount for neteller is $5. For all other methods the minimum sum for withdrawing is $1.
Roboforex is a massive broker, that has allowed itself to grow far more than the average one. This is mainly due to the looser regulatory entity that supervises the brokerage. Yet we cannot ignore the abundance: a galore of assets to trade with, 3 trademark platforms and 1 proprietary, assortment of payment methods, little to no fees attached to those methods, insignificant commissions and much more. It’s overwhelming, and this can have a double sided effect.
How to connect to my account in the terminal?
These instructions are applicable for connection to your accounts in metatrader 4/5 terminals, as well as their mobile applications designed by metaquotes.
Connecting to the desktop version of metatrader 4/5
- In the main menu bar of the terminal, choose "file" and then "login to trade account".
- In the pop-up window, enter the number of your trading account ("login") and the password you received after the registration. Be careful and do not confuse your trading account password with members area password.
- In the "server" field, choose the server for your account type and click "login".
- In order to save account information and not to enter it next time you login, tick the "save account information" box.
- If the entered information is correct, the indicator in the bottom right hand corner will turn green-red.
Connecting to the mobile version of metatrader 4/5 for ios
- Go to the "settings" tab (the icon with a "+" sign) and select "new account".
- Next, use the "login to an existing account" menu item.
- In the list of servers, find the desired one, enter your account number and password, if you want tick the "save password" box.
Connecting to the mobile version of metatrader 4/5 for android
- Select "manage accounts" in the sidebar.
- Click on the "+" sign in the upper right corner of the screen and go to the "login to an existing account" section.
- In the list of servers, find the desired one, enter your account number and password, if you want tick the "save password" box.
Compatibility of servers and types of accounts at roboforex
Metatrader 4
- Roboforex-demo – demo accounts, including contest ones.
- Roboforex-demopro – demopro accounts, including contest ones.
- Roboforex-pro, roboforex-pro-2 – pro-standard accounts.
- Roboforex-procent, roboforex-procent-2, roboforex-procent-3, roboforex-procent-4 – pro-cent accounts.
- Roboforex-procent-5 – cent affiliate accounts.
- Roboforex-ECN – ECN accounts.
- Roboforex-prime – prime accounts.
Metatrader 5
- Roboforex-pro - pro-standard, pro-cent, demo pro accounts.
- Roboforex-ECN - ECN, prime, demo accounts.
If you’re not able to connect to your account using the ways described above or the terminal says "invalid account", use our instructions for solving the problem.
Official sponsor of "starikovich-heskes" team at the dakar 2017
Experienced racers with more than 60,000 off road kilometers in europe, africa, and australia under their belt.
Official sponsor of muay thai fighter andrei kulebin
A many-time thai boxing world champion, an experienced trainer, and an honored master of sports.
- Home
- For clients
- Education
- How to connect to my account in the terminal?
Roboforex ltd is an international broker regulated by the IFSC, license no. 000138/107, reg. Number 128.572.
Risk warning: there is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as forex/cfds. 58.42% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose the entire amount of your account balance. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice. Roboforex ltd does not target EU/EEA clients. We don't work on the territory of the USA, canada, japan, australia, bonaire, curaçao, east timor, liberia, saipan, russia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turkey, guinea-bissau, micronesia, northern mariana islands, svalbard and jan mayen, south sudan, and other restricted countries.
At roboforex, we understand that traders should focus all their efforts on trading and not worry about the appropriate level of safety of their capital. Therefore, the company took additional measures to ensure compliance with its obligations to the clients. We have implemented a civil liability insurance program for a limit of 5,000,000 EUR, which includes market-leading coverage against omissions, fraud, errors, negligence, and other risks that may lead to financial losses of clients.
© roboforex, 2009-2021.
All rights reserved.
Affiliate program
Revenue share 50%
Instant partner commission
Loyalty program up to 20%
Of the total partner commission
Example of the partner commission calculation
You attracted
50 clients
Their total trading volume
is 500 lots in EURUSD
500 * 13 = 6,500 USD
* for more details about broker’s revenue for financial instruments go to contract specifications.
** the affiliate commission rate for transactions involving cryptocurrencies is up to 50% (depending on the type of account) of the company’s revenue.
50% of profit for cryptocurrencies
24/7 trading the most advanced instruments
Why roboforex affiliate?
No payout limits
no restrictions on the maximum payments per month or per client.
Daily payments
we automatically transfer your partner commission to your account on a daily basis.
No deals restrictions
we pay for all trades without any limits.
No bonus restrictions
we pay for the trading volume made using the bonus funds without any restrictions.
24/7 support
roboforex support is available 24/7 to your assistance.
Simple analytics
the partner can receive the complete information about clients they attracted in the corresponding sections of members area in real-time.
Loyalty program
Roboforex loyalty program will help to increase your profit up to 20%.
The program implies that the partner will get additional percentage of the total sum of the partner commission received by them on monthly results.
Your profit
500 - 15,000 USD
Your profit
15,000 - 30,000 USD
Your profit
more than 30,000 USD
Payout starting from
Loyalty program payouts are transferred automatically to the partner’s account on a monthly basis.
Boost your profit by 1.8x times
With increased markup client accounts
General account types
Receive a multi-level commission by choosing “VIP” or “expert” program
“VIP” program
Within the frameworks of our “VIP” program, you can receive the affiliate commission in the amount of 50% of the company’s revenue for your “direct” clients (1st level) and 10% of the commission received by your sub-partners (2nd level).
1st level
Of roboforex’s revenue for “direct” clients.
2nd level
Of your sub-partners’ commission.
“expert” program *
Our 5-level “expert” program implies a multi-level affiliate commission – 30% of the company’s revenue for your direct clients and an additional percentage from the commission of your sub-partners of different levels. The key task of partners on each level is to attract direct clients for regular trading.
1st level
Of the company’s revenue.
Direct clients.
2nd level
Of sub-partners’ commission.
3rd level
Of sub-partners’ commission.
4th level
Of sub-partners’ commission.
5th level
Of sub-partners’ commission.
* - to receive the “expert” status", contact the affiliate department after registering at the company.
Most popular partner product
For easy short-term investments
- Choose among over 1,000 traders
- Get detailed statistics on trader's performance
- Unsubscribe at any time
Copyfx platform will be perfect for those who search for a simple but reliable way to invest in forex.
More than 20 ways to deposit funds
Contact the partnership department:
Official sponsor of "starikovich-heskes" team at the dakar 2017
Experienced racers with more than 60,000 off road kilometers in europe, africa, and australia under their belt.
Official sponsor of muay thai fighter andrei kulebin
A many-time thai boxing world champion, an experienced trainer, and an honored master of sports.
Roboforex ltd is an international broker regulated by the IFSC, license no. 000138/107, reg. Number 128.572.
Risk warning: there is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as forex/cfds. 58.42% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose the entire amount of your account balance. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice. Roboforex ltd does not target EU/EEA clients. We don't work on the territory of the USA, canada, japan, australia, bonaire, curaçao, east timor, liberia, saipan, russia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turkey, guinea-bissau, micronesia, northern mariana islands, svalbard and jan mayen, south sudan, and other restricted countries.
At roboforex, we understand that traders should focus all their efforts on trading and not worry about the appropriate level of safety of their capital. Therefore, the company took additional measures to ensure compliance with its obligations to the clients. We have implemented a civil liability insurance program for a limit of 5,000,000 EUR, which includes market-leading coverage against omissions, fraud, errors, negligence, and other risks that may lead to financial losses of clients.
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ООО "робомаркетс" обладает свидетельством № 15 от 08.04.2019, выданным национальным банком республики беларусь. УНП: 193179482.

Информация о платежах
Провайдером платежей банковскими картами является процессинговая система WEBPAY. Система обеспечивает возможность оплаты продуктов и услуг картами VISA/mastercard всех типов, а также картами национальной системы БЕЛКАРТ.
WEBPAY отличает следование самым высоким стандартам безопасности клиентских данных. Передача конфиденциальной информации и персональных данных происходит по выделенному каналу с помощью самых актуальных на сегодняшний день методов шифрования, что исключает перехват данной информации третьими лицами. Все данные затем хранятся в зашифрованном виде на защищённых серверах системы WEBPAY.
Подробная информация о системе WEBPAY размещена на её официальном сайте, который доступен по адресу webpay.By.
Описание процедуры проведения платежа:
- Зайдите на страницу "пополнить аккаунт" раздела "управление средствами" в своём личном кабинете.
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- Нажмите "пополнить аккаунт".
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Обратите внимание, что после выполнения платежа с использованием банковской карты вам необходимо сохранить его данные для подтверждения совершённых операций в случае возникновения спорных ситуаций.
Возврат средств возможен только на карту, с которой была произведена оплата.
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- Информация о платежах
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