Grand Capital Review 2020, grandcapital broker.
Grandcapital broker
"day of risk-free trading" provides all clients of grand capital trading on option accounts with a whole day of risk-free trading!
Top forex bonus list
- $500 for 5-day trading,
- Withdrawable profit.
Grand capital review 2020
Grand capital review
Latest updates about grand capital
Reviewed broker: grand capital
Regulation: financial commission finacom, EDR hong kong external dispute resolution organization
Trading software of grand capital and it's features
Trading platforms: metatrader 4, webtrader
Account types: micro, standard, ECN, options (binary)
VIP account: account balance of $50,000 and above receive 24% annual interest, no payment fees and personal manager
Islamic swap free accounts: available
Maximum leverage up to 1:2,000
Spread types: fixed, variable
Variable spreads start from 2.2 pips
Fixed spreads start from 1.7 plus commission $5 per standard lot
Educational material: available
Segregated accounts for client funds: yes
Expert advisors: allowed
Grand capital review : promotions and bonuses
At the time of this grandcapital review, the broker offered the following:
To the moon
Get free SERENITY tokens for trading on ECN prime and/or standard account!
- The promotion is valid through january 15th, 2018
- Place at least 3 trades (involving any cryptocurrency) on ECN prime or at least 5 trades (involving any assets except stocks CFD) on a standard account.
- SERENITY tokens can be used to pay for serenity financial platform services or sold on an exchange after the ICO ends. The nominal price of 1 token is 0.1 ETH.
Any deposit bonus +40%
40% bonus for each deposit with no limit to the amount!
- Larger deposit – larger trading volume (get 40% more than what you deposit)
- Enlarge every deposit (deposit any amount unlimited number of times and claim the bonus each time)
- Withdrawable bonus (make the bonus funds withdrawable with active trading
Day of risk-free trading
"day of risk-free trading" provides all clients of grand capital trading on option accounts with a whole day of risk-free trading!
Welcome bonus $500
New! No deposit bonus more than offered by other brokers.
- $500 for 5-day trading;
- Withdrawable profit.
Grand capital review : deposits and withdrawals
Minimum deposit requirement: $10
Payment methods: credit cards, skrill, neteller, payeer, perfect money, fasapay, webmoney, okpay, moneta.Ru, regularpay, china unionpay
Grand capital review : support and education
Customer support: email, phone, online chat
Educational material including videos, live sessions, ebook is available in the learning section of the broker's website
How was the rating of grandcapital performed compared to other brokers?
This 2020 forex broker review has been conducted though thorough research and assessment of rating and ranking among almost 300 international forex brokers. The final grade is given based on grandcapital FX broker performance and features.
Overall our online grand capital review was conducted with the details obtained from the demo trading and the forex brokers website. If you would like to add details to this online grandcapital or you find inaccurate details grand capital broker review please get in touch with us and the changes will be applied.
Instrumen profesional untuk perdagangan dan investasi
Untuk memulai, open akun trading
atau prapractice dengan demo.
- AUDCAD: 0,98497 / 0,98522
- AUDCHF: 0,68682 / 0,68712
- AUDJPY: 80,506 / 80,536
- AUDNZD: 1,07608 / 1,07634
- AUDUSD: 0,77244 / 0,77257
- CADCHF: 0,69725 / 0,69747
- #AA: 24,56 / 24,58
- #AMAZON: 3114,39 / 3114,97
- #APPLE: 128,93 / 128,95
- #AXP: 121,15 / 121,18
- #BA: 206,81 / 206,87
- #BABA: 227,50 / 227,54
- CAC40: 5655,6 / 5657,0
- DAX30: 13916,2 / 13917,2
- ESTOXX50: 3612,4 / 3614,2
- IBEX35: 8350,28 / 8354,51
- FTSE100: 6754,9 / 6756,9
- SP500: 3807,6 / 3808,4
- Xauusde: 1858,17 / 1858,62
- Xagusde: 25,372 / 25,415
- Xaueure: 1528,17 / 1528,82
- Xageure: 20,792 / 20,980
- Xpdusde: 2382,49 / 2391,76
- Xptusde: 1067,04 / 1070,11
- BTCUSD: 35265,629 / 35268,980
- BCHUSD: 477,585 / 479,595
- DSHUSD: 123,799 / 126,801
- ETCUSD: 7,165 / 7,419
- ETHUSD: 1093,150 / 1094,760
- LTCUSD: 139,26025 / 139,37976
Pilih layanan
Penawaran aktif
Kemungkinan bonus terbaik untuk trader!
Bonus deposit apapun 40%.
Kami percaya bahwa penting untuk mendapatkan jawaban atas semua pertanyaan terpenting dalam perjalanan untuk sukses menghasilkan uang di pasar keuangan.
Siap untuk memulai?
Dalam kebanyakan kasus, jumlah awal yang direkomendasikan adalah $ 1.000. Jumlah ini cukup untuk memperdagangkan instrumen apa pun, dapat menahan drawdown, memungkinkan untuk melindungi risiko volatilitas di pasar mata uang dengan perdagangan CFD komoditas.
Setelah anda register, akun trading standard akan dibuat untuk anda secara otomatis. Lakukan deposit menggunakan kartu bank, sistem pembayaran, atau cryptocurrency. Jika anda menyetor melalui kartu bank, anda harus melewati prosedur verifikasi dan memberikan semua dokumen yang diperlukan oleh sistem pemrosesan.
Mulai trading. Pertama, anda harus unduh platform trading: MT4, MT5 (untuk trader berpengalaman) atau mobile app grand trade (bekerja untuk semua orang), pilih instrumen dan mulai trading. Pasangan mata uang yang paling populer untuk diperdagangkan adalah EUR/USD, USD/CHF, USD/JPY, BTC/USD, ETH/USD, LTC/USD.
Jika anda lebih suka komoditas perdagangan, mengalihkan perhatian anda ke minyak, gas dan logam, dan jika anda tertarik pada saham dan indeks, anda dapat memilih dari kami wide selection of these instruments.
Jika anda tidak tahu apa yang harus dimulai, visit halaman kami untuk pemula atau hubungi manajer pribadi anda melalui sistem tiket di private office.
Apa yang kami tawarkan
RAMM adalah untuk investasi dan manajemen. Sambungkan ke strategi yang tersedia yang terbukti berhasil dan buat strategi anda sendiri. Layanan ini sepenuhnya otomatis dan mudah digunakan, memberikan tingkat perlindungan modal yang tinggi, memungkinkan menetapkan batasan untuk laba dan rugi, keuntungan mingguan.
Deposit awal yang direkomendasikan adalah $ 2.000. Jumlah minimum investasi dalam satu strategi adalah $ 50. Open akun RAMM.
Pilih portofolio investasi dan hasilkan uang dari saham perusahaan besar.
Ide yang tersedia untuk trading, saran gratis, tingkat keuntungan tinggi.
Anda juga dapat memanfaatkan layanan gratis kami dan memesan portofolio kustom.
Kami menawarkan 500 instrumen untuk perdagangan: CFD pada saham, indeks, logam, komoditas, pasangan mata uang, cryptocurrency.
Akun ECN dan crypto tersedia untuk trader profesional. Pemula mungkin tertarik dengan akun cent micro kami. Untuk sebagian besar klien, jenis akun yang disarankan adalah standar. Perdagangan algoritmik tersedia di semua akun, termasuk kemungkinan untuk membuat robot anda sendiri di metatrader 5. Platform perdagangan berikut tersedia di grand capital: metatrader 4 metatrader 5 dan aplikasi seluler grand trade.
Kami menetapkan persyaratan tinggi untuk penyedia likuiditas dan bertujuan untuk memberikan kondisi yang paling menguntungkan untuk pekerjaan anda dengan pasar: biaya kecil, instrumen yang sangat likuid, eksekusi segera, dukungan 24 / 7. Kami mengizinkan penggunaan robot dan YI apa pun, perdagangan dengan margin tinggi tersedia. Diversifikasi risiko dimungkinkan berkat berbagai akun dan instrumen. Klien kami selalu berada di bawah perlindungan komisi keuangan internasional finacom yang memiliki dana asuransi sebesar 20.000 euro untuk setiap klien. Selain itu, dana klien kami dilindungi oleh teknologi blockchain mutakhir serenity escrow yang mencegah manipulasi dengan deposit.
Dukungan kami
Kami untung ketika anda mendapat untung.
Grand capital adalah penyedia teknologi untuk perdagangan mata uang dan pasar derivatif sejak tahun 2006. Selama beberapa tahun ini, kami telah menjadi mitra keuangan lebih dari 500.000 pedagang di seluruh dunia. Operasi perusahaan yang stabil dan andal dipasangkan dengan pengalamannya yang luas di lapangan memungkinkan untuk menerapkan konsep kemitraan jangka panjang yang saling menguntungkan. Standar tinggi dari layanan dan teknologi yang disediakan memperoleh penghargaan bergengsi dari komunitas profesional. Pekerjaan kami adalah untuk kepentingan klien, dan pendapatan kami bergantung pada biaya untuk menggunakan layanan dan instrumen kami.
You become a part of the international trading community and use the most advanced services in the field of trading and investing. You participate in loyalty programs and get firsthand access to new instruments and technologies as they are introduced by the company. Each client gets their own personal manager who will help them become more successful. Working with a stable world-class company, you won’t have to worry about the safety of your funds.
Pertama, anda perlu memutuskan apakah anda ingin bekerja sebagai trader independen atau menginvestasikan dana. Jika anda berencana untuk berdagang sendiri, mulailah dengan standar akun klasik kami, jumlah setoran yang direkomendasikan adalah $ 500. Unduh aplikasi seluler. Kunjungi situs web page for beginners.
Jika anda berencana untuk memulai sebagai investor, open akun RAMM dan mulai menyalin strategi berkinerja terbaik dalam peringkat: ini benar-benar cara beresiko rendah dan menguntungkan untuk menghasilkan bagi investor dari tingkat pengalaman apa pun dengan anggaran apa pun.
Kompes jasa investasi comare
Mari kita mengambil langkah berikutnya bersama-sama
Trading dan investasikan dengan broker grand capital!
Grand capital adalah broker forex yang menyediakan layanan berkualitas tinggi untuk perdagangan online di pasar keuangan kepada klien di seluruh dunia sejak 2006. Perdagangan di metatrader 4 dan metatrader 5. Lebih dari 500 aset keuangan: pasangan mata uang, CFD pada saham perusahaan global, indeks, logam.
Unduh aplikasi seluler untuk trading
dan manajemen akun
Hanya akun demo yang saat ini tersedia
- Perdagangan forex dan CFD
- Deposit/penarikan

- Analisa pasaran
- Manajemen akun
- Perdagangan forex dan CFD
- Deposit/penarikan
- Analisa pasaran
- Manajemen akun
Instrumen perdagangan
Perdagangkan aset paling populer!
Kami menawarkan berbagai instrumen keuangan untuk trading online, membuat pasar tersedia untuk anda, selalu dan di mana-mana.
Grand capital review 2020
Grand capital review
Latest updates about grand capital
Reviewed broker: grand capital
Regulation: financial commission finacom, EDR hong kong external dispute resolution organization
Trading software of grand capital and it's features
Trading platforms: metatrader 4, webtrader
Account types: micro, standard, ECN, options (binary)
VIP account: account balance of $50,000 and above receive 24% annual interest, no payment fees and personal manager
Islamic swap free accounts: available
Maximum leverage up to 1:2,000
Spread types: fixed, variable
Variable spreads start from 2.2 pips
Fixed spreads start from 1.7 plus commission $5 per standard lot
Educational material: available
Segregated accounts for client funds: yes
Expert advisors: allowed
Grand capital review : promotions and bonuses
At the time of this grandcapital review, the broker offered the following:
To the moon
Get free SERENITY tokens for trading on ECN prime and/or standard account!
- The promotion is valid through january 15th, 2018
- Place at least 3 trades (involving any cryptocurrency) on ECN prime or at least 5 trades (involving any assets except stocks CFD) on a standard account.
- SERENITY tokens can be used to pay for serenity financial platform services or sold on an exchange after the ICO ends. The nominal price of 1 token is 0.1 ETH.
Any deposit bonus +40%
40% bonus for each deposit with no limit to the amount!
- Larger deposit – larger trading volume (get 40% more than what you deposit)
- Enlarge every deposit (deposit any amount unlimited number of times and claim the bonus each time)
- Withdrawable bonus (make the bonus funds withdrawable with active trading
Day of risk-free trading
"day of risk-free trading" provides all clients of grand capital trading on option accounts with a whole day of risk-free trading!
Welcome bonus $500
New! No deposit bonus more than offered by other brokers.
- $500 for 5-day trading;
- Withdrawable profit.
Grand capital review : deposits and withdrawals
Minimum deposit requirement: $10
Payment methods: credit cards, skrill, neteller, payeer, perfect money, fasapay, webmoney, okpay, moneta.Ru, regularpay, china unionpay
Grand capital review : support and education
Customer support: email, phone, online chat
Educational material including videos, live sessions, ebook is available in the learning section of the broker's website
How was the rating of grandcapital performed compared to other brokers?
This 2020 forex broker review has been conducted though thorough research and assessment of rating and ranking among almost 300 international forex brokers. The final grade is given based on grandcapital FX broker performance and features.
Overall our online grand capital review was conducted with the details obtained from the demo trading and the forex brokers website. If you would like to add details to this online grandcapital or you find inaccurate details grand capital broker review please get in touch with us and the changes will be applied.
Grand capital – forex broker rating and review 2021
![]() | grand capital ltd. Website |
status | |
regulation | financial commission, serenity |
trading software | metatrader 4, metatrader 5, web-trader, grand trade mobile app |
headquartered | suite 102 aarti chambers, mont fleuri, victoria, mahe, seychelles |
Grand capital, regulated by financial commission, serenity, is an international brokerage firm founded in 2006. The company’s offices operate in 40 countries of the world - in south asia, africa, europe, CIS, india, latin america. Grand capital speaks 15 languages and provides access to financial markets to over half a million customers from 188 countries. Grand capital offers 500+ instruments: forex, CFD on shares, metals, indices, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
The broker's scale of operation is supported and expanded by more than 18 thousand partners all over the world. Grand capital has created favorable partnership conditions for both active users without initial capital and businesses who want to expand their operation. The broker provides four affiliate program options: web partnership, regional representation, franchise and white label.
Every year, grand capital confirms its status as a reliable and advanced broker: the company is regularly awarded prestigious awards. Among the most recent awards are: “best affiliate program” from MENA financial expo 2016, “best trading technology” from moscow financial expo 2016, “best forex broker in africa” from africa financial expo 2017, “best forex ECN broker in africa” from CIO east africa 2019 and the “best investment service provider in africa 2020.”
- Finacom. Grand capital puts a special emphasis on transparency and trust. The company is regulated by the neutral and independent dispute resolution organization finacom and has been assigned category A - the highest category of broker’s reliability. The regulator guarantees a compensation fund of up to 20,000 USD per client.
- Serenity. Since 2018, the funds of grand capital clients are protected by the blockchain-based escrow serenity. In case of a dispute between a broker and a trader, serenity secures the deposit of any amount on a smart contract until the parties come to an agreement.

Trading platforms
Grand capital improves trading services and software every year to meet the demands of traders. Currently, the broker's clients can choose from four trading platforms. However, it’s not an exclusive choice: it’s possible to use several or all platforms at once.
- Grandtrade mobile app. Grandtrade is a convenient standalone mobile trading platform that does not require the installation of metatrader 4 and includes both personal area management and trading process. More than 200 trading instruments are available, including currencies, cryptocurrencies, cfds on currencies, indices, stocks, metals, energy resources, agricultural products and bonds. One user can open several types of accounts designed for different kinds of trading and easily switch between them without reauthorization. More than 10 payment systems (including cryptocurrencies and visa/mastercard bank cards) can be used for deposit/withdrawal directly on the platform. Available for ios and android.
- Metatrader 4. This trading platform is considered to be the most popular professional trading solution in the world. Its users get access to more than 500 trading instruments: 54 currency pairs, cryptocurrencies, as well as spot metals: gold and silver, cfds on stocks, indices and futures (major brands of crude materials and energy resources). It’s available for windows, macos, iphone/ipad, and android.
- Metatrader 5. Metatrader 5 is the next generation of the popular metatrader 4 platform. It is recognized as the perfect terminal by professional traders. The developers have preserved everything that made the previous version so great, while adding new features to meet the demands of modern traders. The platform provides access to more than 450 trading instruments. Available for windows, iphone / ipad, android.
- Webtrader. Webtrader is an online terminal for in-browser trading. Take advantage of professional analytic tools, indicators and charts. Webtrader's functionality is similar to metatrader 4, but doesn't require installation. It’s supported by all popular browsers and adapted for mobile.
Trading conditions
Over the past two years, the broker has significantly improved the trading conditions, making them some of the most favourable in the market. Grand capital offers spreads from 0.4 pips, low swaps, immediate order execution thanks to ECN technology, and high liquidity. Grand capital also compensates deposit fees of all payment systems and returns the difference to the client’s trading account.
Another recent offering implemented by the company is the floating leverage technology. It allows traders who operate with large volumes to limit risks, avoid uncontrolled account overload and prevent irreparable losses.
Grand capital sees its mission in making earning on financial markets accessible to everyone. Minimum amount of deposit on micro accounts is only 10 USD, and 100 USD on standard accounts. At the same time, the broker offers a leverage of up to 1: 500. Before making a real deposit, everyone can practice trading on a free demo account with a balance of 10,000 USD that simulates the current market conditions in real time.
Grand capital has become widely known among traders thanks to the regular contests with monetary prizes. For example, the main prize of a contest on real accounts is 300% of the equity difference, and the winner of a futures trading contest gets a no-deposit bonus of $ 1,000. The results are announced every week.
In addition to contests, the company offers profitable bonuses to reward active traders and provide an opportunity to earn more. Among the company’s most popular offerings is any deposit bonus 40%: profit made from trading the bonus funds can be freely withdrawn. Over time, the bonus becomes the property of the client: 3 USD per 1 traded lot.
Thanks to the broker’s support, grand capital clients continue to increase their income levels. As noted above, more than 500 instruments are available on metatrader 4, more than 450 are available on metatrader 5. These include currency pairs, cryptocurrencies, metals, indices, stocks of major corporations, as well as various cfds (currencies, indices, metals, stocks of the world’s major brands, oil, futures, timber). A trader has six account options to choose from: standard, crypto, micro, swapfree, ECN prime, MT5.
Professional traders should pay special attention to ECN account: it is implemented using the innovative technology provided by AMTS company. ECN prime provides access to the market of high liquidity and immediate order execution. Orders are executed in accordance with the best market quotes and not depending on any external circumstances.
Copy trading services
- RAMM platform (risk allocation & money management) is available at grand capital for both beginners making their first steps and experienced traders who want to save time. Today it is the most advanced and user friendly copy trading service. Investors only need to open a RAMM account, choose a strategy provided by an experienced trader, and start earning on par with professionals by copying their trades.
- LAMM (lot allocation management module) is a system that allows to copy trades of a selected trader and offers flexible configuration and lower risk of loss. On one side, an investor leaves trading to a trusted specialist, a professional trader. On the other side, the entire deposit remains under the investor’s control: the trader only makes their trades available for copying, but does not act as an account manager. As a result, in practice, LAMM offers a monthly return of up to 500% to investors who may not be highly qualified traders.
Investment portfolios
Grand capital offers ready-made investment portfolios that combine the most promising assets for you to invest and watch your profit grow.
Professional analysts select assets for each portfolio based on their reliability and expected profit. Traders get access to over 330 CFD instruments to manage, custom portfolios can be requested to suit your budget or preferences.
Different types of portfolios can be created by industry (stocks, precious metals, commodity and commodity futures, forex), by country (USA, europe), as well as by the level of risk and expected profit.
At the moment, CFD margin requirements in grand capital are among the most favorable in the market. Thanks to smart distribution of funds, the risks are carefully balanced.
Grand capital encourages the professional growth of traders and offers on-site and distance education. In some countries, traders have a chance to learn from experts at original training programs, watch analytical and educational webinars, get video lessons and textbooks on trading.
Daily market analysis, economic news and event calendar help clients make smart trading decisions. The company’s support team is always ready to address all technical issues, while the personal managers are there to answer all questions and resolve any problems 24/7.
Grand capital trading information
Grand capital — latest reviews and comments 2021
Grand capital has the most profitable partnership program among the brokers I collaborated with. I receive 50% of each trade, and it is easy to attract customers due to generous bonuses and regular contests with valubale prizes for traders.
Ibrahim 13 september, 2020 reply
My trading experience with grand capital has been great. Enjoying their tight spread, speed execution with wide range of trading instruments and fast withdrawal. But like other brokers that offers free bonus account that comes terms and conditions, i will advice you forget bonus account and open a live trading account. With live trading account you are on point with this broker.
I like this broker, the spread is perfect and what's also interesting is the commission free deposit unlike the broker I used before where I had to pay for my deposit. What I also like is the variety of accounts to accommodate every trader according to their levels of trading.
Trading accounts
The widest range of trading instruments: currency pairs, metals, CFD-contracts
best choice for forex trading.
Cryptocurrency trading is peaking! High profits and a true thrill of trading
68 cryptocurrency pairs
Account for experienced traders.
ECN account is perfect for scalping, trading on news and using robots.
Minimum deposit $500.
Great opportunity to start trading on cent account with deposits starting from $10
The perfect account for algorithmic trading in MT5. Small spreads and excellent execution.
No commission is charged when transferring positions through midnight.
Designed specifically for traders of islamic faith.
Wide range of trading
The widest range of trading instruments: currency pairs, metals, CFD-contracts
best choice for forex trading.
The perfect account for algorithmic trading in MT5. Small spreads and excellent execution.
ECN account is perfect for scalping, trading on news and using robots.
Account types compared
Floating leverage for MT5 and ECN prime accounts
Margin requirements listed below are only applicable to forex instruments (currency pairs)
Take advantage of our great deals
- Grand capital ltd.
- Contacts
- Company news
- Trading
- CFD, futures contracts
- Metatrader 4
- Investment
- Managers' rating
- Analytics
- Economic calendar
- Analytic reviews
- Partnership
- Contests
- Agreements
Risk disclosure: before starting to trade on currency exchange markets, please make sure that you understand the risks connected with trading using leverage and that you have sufficient level of training.
Privacy policy describes in which way the company collects, keeps and protects clients' personal data
- grandcapital ltd. 24598 IBC 2018 (suite 305, griffith corporate centre, P.O. Box 1510, beachmont, kingstown, st. Vincent and the grenadines)
- grand capital ltd. 036046 (suite 102 aarti chambers, mont fleuri, victoria, mahe, seychelles)
- this information is intended for investors outside of the united states who are not the US/japanese citizens and residents.
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Our advantages
Awards and achievements
Licenses and certificates
Quotes online
instrument | bid | ask | spread | percentage |
BTCUSD | 35202.484 | 35210.023 | 2.3 | -8.54% |
ETHUSD | 1090.520 | 1092.140 | 0.5 | -14.67% |
LTCUSD | 138.24025 | 138.34976 | 0.1 | -18.80% |
BCHUSD | 474.475 | 476.595 | 0.7 | -20.98% |
ETCUSD | 7.172 | 7.423 | 0.1 | -20.48% |
XMRUSD | 162.930 | 164.761 | 0.6 | -7.29% |
ZECUSD | 95.988 | 97.652 | 0.5 | +0.20% |
instrument | bid | ask | spread | percentage |
eurusde | 1.21569 | 1.21575 | 0.1 | -0.47% |
gbpusde | 1.35934 | 1.35943 | 0.1 | +0.39% |
audcade | 0.98493 | 0.98510 | 0.1 | +0.03% |
nzdusde | 0.71762 | 0.71782 | 0.1 | -0.74% |
eurjpye | 126.707 | 126.720 | 0.1 | -0.13% |
eurchfe | 1.08097 | 1.08110 | 0.1 | -0.13% |
USDRUB | 73.88880 | 74.19324 | 0.2 | -0.60% |
USDCNY | 6.4583 | 6.4603 | 0.1 | +0.05% |
instrument | bid | ask | spread | percentage |
#AA | 24.56 | 24.58 | 0.1 | +1.19% |
#CSCO | 45.36 | 45.38 | 0.1 | -0.09% |
#MCD | 214.23 | 214.30 | 0.1 | -0.54% |
#MSFT | 217.39 | 217.42 | 0.1 | +0.01% |
#APPLE | 128.93 | 128.95 | 0.1 | +0.26% |
#FORD | 9.27 | 9.31 | 0.1 | +3.46% |
#TESLA | 809.54 | 809.83 | 0.1 | -4.31% |
account | profitability for the last 3 months | age |
LO 2.0:4752263 | 277.48% | 101 days |
aisha is'haqu mohammed:4428442 | 169.63% | 773 days |
blackrock:532377 | 163.96% | 1422 days |
rafalk:4461092 | 132.82% | 749 days |
dimongerforex:4662305 | 85.5% | 265 days |
antoniobb:4740868 | 54.68% | 190 days |
hhay:4382011 | 46.46% | 410 days |
zouuumix:597800 | 41.23% | 1130 days |
- Grand capital ltd.
- Contacts
- Company news
- Trading
- CFD, futures contracts
- Metatrader 4
- Investment
- Managers' rating
- Analytics
- Economic calendar
- Analytic reviews
- Partnership
- Contests
- Agreements
Risk disclosure: before starting to trade on currency exchange markets, please make sure that you understand the risks connected with trading using leverage and that you have sufficient level of training.
Privacy policy describes in which way the company collects, keeps and protects clients' personal data
- grandcapital ltd. 24598 IBC 2018 (suite 305, griffith corporate centre, P.O. Box 1510, beachmont, kingstown, st. Vincent and the grenadines)
- grand capital ltd. 036046 (suite 102 aarti chambers, mont fleuri, victoria, mahe, seychelles)
- this information is intended for investors outside of the united states who are not the US/japanese citizens and residents.
- العربيّة
- Deutsch
- English
- Español
- فارسی
- Français
- Bahasa indonesia
- Bahasa melayu
- Polski
- Português
- Русский
- ภาษาไทย
- Українська
- Tiếng việt
- 简体中文
CFD – trading contracts for difference
The most liquid instruments with minimal investment amount are required!
- Highly liquid instruments with minimal investment amounts!
- Stocks of major international companies, gold, crude oil, lumber and currency pairs
- No actual asset is bought which guarantees minimal investment amounts
- Profit much higher than your initial investment
Ample opportunities
Advantages of cfds in grand capital
CFD types:

Oil has always been one of the most popular commodities, hence oil prices are always under a lot of attention.
It is a highly volatile market and very popular among traders around the world, because if you trade it right, it can quickly become your golden ticket.
Let’s look at a real example of one of grand capital client's trading experience. At the end of january 2015, brent crude was traded below $48 for a barrel. On january 30, 2015, the trader bought CFD on february oil futures brent (BRNH5) (he purchased 1 lot at the cost of only $2 800 with 1:20 leverage). The price went up and the trader started receiving profit. The price stopped at $56.50 due to a number of factors, including the largest in the last 35 years strike in the US oil industry. On february 3, 2015, the trader closed the deal with $6 300 profit in just 4 days.

One of the winning features of trading on financial markets is that you can purchase not only a contract expecting the price goes up, but speculate on the decrease of the price as well. Let’s look at a real example, which happened to one of grand capital clients who traded CFD copper futures contract:
The trader analyzed the march futures chart for HGH5 and expected the price would continue falling. When the price decreased dramatically on january 23, the trader sold 1 lot (1 lot = 25,000 GBP) at a price of $ 2.5630 per pound, using his own funds ($ 2,350). On january, 26 he saw the price had approached a level of growth and closed the deal at a price of $ 2.4651. His revenue for 4 days was $ 2,432.5.
How to earn trading CFD
Register and open a standard account
When creating an account, we suggest you to go through two-factor authentication. It will ensure that your funds are securely protected.
Deposit money into your account in a hassle-free way
We support a wide variety of deposit and withdrawal options, from bank transfers to mobile payments. Get free 40% bonus on each and every deposit.
Set up the terminal or use webtrader to trade in you browser
Download metatrader 4 for PC or any mobile device or use webtrader for online trading.
Choose your strategy and trading instruments
Learn more about trading instruments in contract specifications.
If you are not ready to open a real account, you can open a demo account first to learn trading on financial markets. CFD instruments can bring you extremely high returns.
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Договор на оказание услуг заключается на территории республики сейшельские острова. Услуги компании grand capital ltd оказываются на территории республики сейшельские острова. Регистрационный №036046. Правила и условия использования сайта
Risk disclosure: before starting to trade on currency exchange markets, please make sure that you understand the risks connected with trading using leverage and that you have sufficient level of training.
Privacy policy describes in which way the company collects, keeps and protects clients' personal data
- grandcapital ltd. 24598 IBC 2018 (suite 305, griffith corporate centre, P.O. Box 1510, beachmont, kingstown, st. Vincent and the grenadines)
- grand capital ltd. 036046 (suite 102 aarti chambers, mont fleuri, victoria, mahe, seychelles)
- this information is intended for investors outside of the united states who are not the US/japanese citizens and residents.
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Grandcapital broker

What do traders say about grand capital ?
After doing some research, we found out that a lot of traders are reporting grand capital and writting bad reviews about it.
It seems like they are not happy about it and they warn others not to trade with them.
It’s always important to know what other traders are thiking about a broker before using it and we can say that they are not saying good things about grand capital.

What do regulators say about grand capital ?
This is the most important thing you need to know about a broker before using it. Is grand capital regulated ? Is it an offshore company ?
Most brokers are unregulated or regulated by an offshore regulation authority which won’t help you in case of problem. Keep in mind that if a broker steal your funds, you won’t be able to complaint about it unless they are licensed by a serious regulator such as the cysec (cyprus securities and exchange commission).
An unregulated broker is clearly not authorized to operate in any regulated country and you should definitely not put any money into it.
Grand capital is an unregulated offshore broker owned by grandcapital ltd and located at suite 305, griffith corporate centre, P.O. Box 1510, beachmont, kingstown, st. Vincent and the grenadines.
They can be contacted by phone at this number : +60179861002 / +593987279765 / +22507062277 or you can send an email to info@grandcapital.Net / clients@grandcapital.Net / techsupport@grandcapital.Net.
You should definitely avoid any unregulated or offshore broker and grand capital is one of them.
Have you been scammed by grand capital ?
Have you been victim of this company ? Did you lose money with them ? Everyone does mistakes. Don’t worry, you are not alone, and we are here to help you.
Our team of experts is available 24/7 in order to help you recovering your hard-earned money.
After asking you some questions, they will be able to build a chargeback case to fight the broker and get your money back as soon as possible.
Chargeback is the solution
As we said before, the good news is that there is a solution and it’s called a chargeback.
But what is a chargeback ?
A chargeback is the retroactive cancellation and refund of a charge made using your credit card.
Not a lot of people know that, but there is a high probability of getting your money back when you build a chargeback case as long as it is built correctly from the beginning to the end.
Using a chargeback service like mychargeback may be the only way to build a correct chargeback case in order to get your money back as fast as possible.
Get your money back NOW !
Fill out the form below and get a FREE consultation today
Grand capital – welcome bonus $500
How to get:
1. Open page “promotions and bonuses”
2. Click button “get the bonus”
3. Fill in the registration form
4. Verify your passport and mobile number
How it works and withdrawal requirements:
1. After registration you get $500 on ‘welcome bonus $500’ account.
2. You trade 7 days to generate profit.
3. After 7 days the bonus will be removed, and profit will be transferred to standard account (profit $100 or more) or to micro account (profit less than $100).
4. To activate real account you need deposit an amount equal to or greater than the profit within 7 days.
5. To withdraw you need make 1 full standard lot for every $5 of profit.
More information:
‘welcome bonus $500’ account has the same trading conditions as standard account.
Maximum leverage is 1:100.
Information about the broker:
grandcapital is a broker from seychelles and from st. Vincent and the grenadines. The broker is a member of finacom and CRFIN. Grand capital provides a large selection of trading accounts. Broker offers attractive contests and bonuses.
Do you recommend this bonus?
[starthumbsblock tpl=25]
What’s new?
Easymarkets – up to 50% bonus
Bitterz – $25 worth of bitcoin
Templerfx – loyalty program
Instaforex – sniper contest
Roboforex – 60% profit share bonus
I like trading with grand capital due to its bonus programs. I started with a small deposit and then I was granted with 40% bonus, so I managed to increase my profit with no extra risk.
After reading these views
it seems this broker is ensnaring people
I had already made 150 profits from their bonus now it seems these guys are dishonest con men
imagine even when you make profits and deposit amount less than the profits made you can’t have your profits what a scam
who ever made this terms is a perfect reflectionot of a thief if not he had forgotten to take his pills that day
I like their bonus program. I deposited $1000, and received extra $400 as a bonus.
With grand capital my incomes have doubled. Never really thought I could really succeed in trading but by opening simple standard account I got an access to a huge number of instruments I always wanted to try. Trading signals I receive are very helpful, so now I truly know what ami doing by opening a trade. I’m still not being a pro, but I can see an improvement of my trading skills, no more losing deposits yet, which makes me so happy.
Guys, most no deposit bonuses have screwed up conditions. Please show me a borker that allows you to withdraw your profit on no-deposit bonus. I also want to know about such broker!! From what I understand, what this grand capital broker offers is a test-drive on the real account with free $500. I think it is a pretty cool idea, considering so many ppl complaining about brokers with trading on demo and live acc defferent. I have never used no deposit bonuses and not looking to change a broker, just saying…
Yeah, they have $30. There is a difference between $500 and $30. Not protecting the broker, just saying..
Thank god i read your experiencies and truth about all this before i wasted my time.Its good to read reviews
I think this no deposit bonus whole trading idea those not make any sense asking someone to deposit the same amount he/she made before withdrawer, the question is who is fooling who?. If the person has that amount why can’t he/she open a trading account and fund at once, please stay away from this broker, they are not serious.
This 500$ bonus is not that good it waste your time if you happen to make more than you can afford . Really bad … the brocker is showing its carelessness , why didn’t they let traders to just supplement the profit made.
Since i read your comments..I took their bonus and i destroy it..In only one day… ��
It requires a deposit amount equivalent to any profit made, otherwise they freeze the account. In my case, I made USD 900 profit and they would like me to deposit USD 900 to allow me continue trading. I spent 7 nights to make a profit from no deposit bonus of USD 500. I am now stranded. The no deposit bonus accounts are a gimmick to entice you into trading with the company. Don’t waste your time. There is no such thing as a freebee. Keep it simple. Deposit your money first and obtain a bonus against it instead.
Dear paresh,
we are sorry you’ve had unsatisfying experience with one of our offers. However, we must add that the bonus terms are freely available on our website. The bonus, indeed, requires a deposit upon the 7-day period. This bonus was designed for novice traders or prospective clients to provide them with an opportunity to try trading with grand capital without investing personal funds. After the bonus expires, the clients have an option whether to make a deposit to continue managing the profit, or open a new account and make a deposit on their own.
The thing is getting a novice traders make money they won’t afford to deposit . I think just get them deposit what they can afford in the next few days . I enjoyed my time with the brocker during this week but what I made is more than I can get to deposit. Just formulate a good condition to just what I stated up there. Also upon depositing what one will afford they will choose themselves account type.
To activate real account it is required deposit to claim profit from $500 bonus. If my deposit amount is not the same as the amount of profit, for example profit $390 and deposit $50 ,is it possible to claim my $390 profit?
Scam ,grand capital page is not like this. Is a very busy page with news,videos, and page green n white
Dear halley,
the deposit amount must equal the profit made.
Thank you,
grand capital team.
don’t wast your time
This company is shit
they never gave me $500 bonus
if you want money and time, you have to find another company but this shit
Nxxxii… they wasted my time. I was trading from the bonus because I don’t have the cash to fund a real ACC. Where on earth should I now get the deposit?? My profit is sitting there. Stupid broker
At firist three hours i made 130 usd at the second day them cancel my account without any reason [moderated] broker
This is so sad for a broker like this i made $14000 now am a new trader where in the world would i find that kind of cash,bad broker
They needed to be sanctioned
Just learn to read you all.. This is bonus to deposit , there are the terms and conditions on their site.. If you cant read the best way to save your money is not to trade.. Every broker will fukk you
Just now i am opened ., let us c ., �� !
I know this broker is really stupid and scamers.
If I made profits and the co. Got their money (bonus) back and I am making profits for the co (spreads) why they insist I make deposit, there is a smell of cheating and money swallowing there.
Its a bad company in russia. The livechat is not real, the webtrader is not running correct. There MT4 is not working correct, stay away from this broker if you like your money. Dont send them money!
4.8 in order to activate the real account must be made within 7 days to produce refill for an amount equal to or greater than the resulting profit to the bonus account, but not less than the minimum amount required for the first deposit.
These are serious jokers,join them at your own peril.
Don’t join them,they are newbies not serious ,I made profit of $656 in seven,as profit from $500,they ask me to deposit $656 so that the profit will not be deducted,they are only wasting our time,run away from their website
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Risk warning:
investors should be aware of the serious risks of investing in the forex market, binary options and other financial instruments. Trading on the forex and cfds using the leverage mechanism carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.
all content on the brokersofforex.Com is provided for informational purposes only and shall not in any way be regarded as financial advice. Brokersofforex.Com and persons associated with brokersofforex.Com disclaim liability for any loss resulting from the use of information contained on this website. The published comments are private opinions of the users. Brokersofforex.Com is not responsible for their content. Used names and trademarks belong to their respective owners and are used for informational purposes only.

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- Trading dan investasikan dengan broker grand capital!
- Unduh aplikasi seluler untuk tradingdan manajemen akun
- Instrumen perdagangan
- Grand capital review 2020
- Grand capital review
- Trading software of grand capital and it's features
- Grand capital review : promotions and bonuses
- Grand capital review : deposits and withdrawals
- Grand capital review : support and education
- How was the rating of grandcapital performed compared to other brokers?
- Grand capital – forex broker rating and review 2021
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- Grand capital trading information
- Grand capital — latest reviews and comments 2021
- Trading accounts
- Account types compared
- Floating leverage for MT5 and ECN prime accounts
- Take advantage of our great deals
- Contests
- Our advantages
- Quotes online
- CFD – trading contracts for difference
- Ample opportunities
- Advantages of cfds in grand capital
- CFD types:
- How to earn trading CFD
- Grandcapital broker
- What do traders say about grand capital ?
- What do regulators say about grand capital ?
- Have you been scammed by grand capital ?
- Chargeback is the solution
- Grand capital – welcome bonus $500
- What’s new?
- Easymarkets – up to 50% bonus
- Bitterz – $25 worth of bitcoin
- Templerfx – loyalty program
- Instaforex – sniper contest
- Roboforex – 60% profit share bonus
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