15 Must-Read Bitcoin; Crypto Trading Tips (Updated 2020), crypto coin trading tips.
Crypto coin trading tips
Thus, set your short and long-term goals and trade accordingly, i.E., do not risk funds you will need in the short term.
Top forex bonus list
Your overall goal should be aligned with all of your trading positions as well as your risk management. A word about public icos (or ieos, as they are now known in 2019): these are crypto token sales. Many new projects choose to hold a crowd-sale where they offer investors an early opportunity to buy a share of the project’s tokens at what is meant to be a reasonable price.
15 must-read bitcoin & crypto trading tips (updated 2020)
Last updated aug 9, 2020 @ 15:14
Safety rules are written in blood. That statement is familiar to every soldier serving his or her country. Although we are not talking about a risk to human life, losing one’s expensive bitcoins by making trading mistakes is definitely not fun.
So how can one avoid such mistakes and stay in the green? First, it is essential to note that trading requires your attention and 100% focus. Secondly, trading is not for everyone. The following tips are easy to internalize because these tips were “written in blood” (my blood). However, it’s difficult to apply them in real time. After all, humans are not rational.
New trading tips for 2019
Have a reason for every trade
Enter a trading position only when you know why you’re entering it, and have a clear strategy in mind.
Not all traders are profitable since this is a zero-sum game (for everyone who benefits, someone else loses on the other side). Large whales drive the altcoin market – yes, the same ones responsible for placing huge blocks of hundreds of bitcoins on the order book.
The whales are just waiting patiently for innocent little fish like us until we make trading mistakes. Even if you aspire to trade daily, sometimes it is better to do nothing instead of jumping into the rushing water and exposing yourself to substantial losses. There are days when you only keep your profits by not trading at all.
Clear stops, clear targets: have a plan
For each position, we must set a precise target level at which to take profit and, more importantly, a stop-loss level for cutting losses. Setting a stop-loss involves selecting the maximum amount of losses we can afford before the position gets closed.
Several factors must be considered in order to correctly choose a stop loss level. Most traders fail when they fall in love with their position or the coin itself.
They may say, “it will turn around and I will get out of this trade with a minimal loss, I’m sure.” they’re letting their egos take control of them, and compared to the traditional stock market where 2-3% is considered extreme volatility, crypto trades are a lot riskier: it’s not unusual to find a coin dumping by 80% just in a few hours, and nobody wants to be the one who is left holding it.
FOMO: be aware
Meet FOMO, or fear of missing out. Indeed, it isn’t fun to see such situations from the outside – when a specific coin is being pumped up like crazy with huge two-digit gains in just minutes.
That bold green candle yells at you, “you are the only one not holding me.” at exactly this point you will notice lame people flooding reddit and telegram trading groups and the exchanges’ trollboxes to talk about the ongoing pump.
A classic pump and dump. Source: steemit
What do we do then? It’s very simple: keep moving forward. True, it’s possible that many people ahead of us may have caught the rise and that the market could continue in one direction, but bare in mind that the whales (as mentioned above) are just waiting for small buyers on the way up to sell them the coins they bought for lower prices. The price has become high, and it’s clear that the current lucky holders only consist of those little fish. Needless to say, the next step is usually the bright red candle which sells through the whole order book.
Risk management: it’s not just for crypto
Pigs get fat; hogs get slaughtered. This statement tells the story of profits from our perspective. To be a profitable trader, you never look for the edge of the movement. You look for the small gains that will accumulate into a big one.
Manage risk wisely across your portfolio. For example, you should never invest more than a small percentage of your portfolio in a non-liquid (very high risk) market. To those positions we will assign greater tolerance; the stop and target levels will be chosen far from the buying level.
Cryptocurrencies are traded against bitcoin
The underlying asset creates volatile market conditions: most altcoins are mostly traded against bitcoin, rather than fiat.
Bitcoin is a volatile asset compared to almost any fiat currency, and this fact should be taken into consideration, especially when the price of bitcoin is moving sharply.
In past years, it was common for bitcoin and altcoins to exhibit an inverse correlation, i.E., when bitcoin rose, altcoins prices would fall against bitcoin, and vice versa. However, since 2018 the correlation has been unclear.
Regardless, when bitcoin is volatile, trading conditions are kind of foggy. During periods of fog, we can’t see far ahead, so it is better to have close targets and stop-losses set – or to not trade at all.
Must-have tips for trading altcoins
Most altcoins lose value over time. They may bleed in value slowly or rapidly, but the fact that the list of the largest 20 altcoins by market cap has changed so much over the past few years tells us a lot.
Take this into account when holding large amounts of altcoins for the medium and the longer term, and, of course, choose them wisely.
If you are considering holding altcoins for the longer term or building a long-term crypto portfolio, keep in mind that the projects or altcoins that have higher daily trading volumes and significant community backing are probably here to stay.
You should follow the coin’s chart and identify low and stable periods. Such periods are likely to be consolidation or accumulation periods on the part of whales, and when the right time comes, accompanied by positive project announcements, the pump will start, and the whales will sell for profit.
Icos, ieos and token sales
A word about public icos (or ieos, as they are now known in 2019): these are crypto token sales. Many new projects choose to hold a crowd-sale where they offer investors an early opportunity to buy a share of the project’s tokens at what is meant to be a reasonable price.
The motivation for investors is that the token will get listed on the secondary market, i.E. The crypto exchanges, and will yield a nice profit for early investors. In recent years, there have been many successful token sales: rois of 10x were not uncommon.
One example was augur’s ICO, which yielded investors a phenomenal 15x return on investment. Okay, but what’s the catch? Not all such projects reward their investors. Many sales proved to be complete scams. Not only were they not being traded at all, but some projects disappeared with the money, never to be heard from again.
So how do you know whether you should invest in a given token sale? We recently wrote about this, and a key factor is the amount of money the project aims to raise. A project which raises too little will probably not be able to develop a working product, while a project which raises a huge amount won’t have enough investors left out there to buy the tokens on the secondary market. Most important of all is risk management. Never put all your eggs in one basket and invest too much of your portfolio in one IEO or ICO. They are considered high risk.
Start today, right now
Here are some practical tips you can implement right away:
- Fees, fees, fees: making multiple trades means paying more fees. It’s always advisable and cheaper to post a new order to the order book as a market maker, and not to buy from the order book (taker).
- No pressure: don’t start trading unless you have the optimal conditions for making the right decisions, and always know when and how to get out of the trade (have a trading plan). Pressure always hurts your trading game. Never rush! Wait for the next opportunity; you will get there.
- Setting targets and placing sell orders: always set your targets by placing sell orders. You don’t know when a whale will pump up your coin to clean up the supply on the order book (and pay a reduced fee on the “maker” side, remember?).
Augur sell-off. Down 75% in one second, then back up
- A successful strategy involves placing low buy orders. The above chart is taken from the poloniex exchange in december 2016: a crazy flash crash took place, and augur’s price declined by 75%. After a short while, the market recovered completely. Anyone who had set low buy orders could easily double or triple his or her investment. Placing low buy orders requires special care; don’t wake up when you’re far away from the market to find that your buy order has executed and now the price is even lower.
- Buy the rumor, sell the news. When major news outlets publish news, it’s usually the right time to say goodbye to the coin involved.
- You have made a profitable trade, but as always, the moment you sold, the coin runs up again. First, meet murphy’s law. Second, read over what was written here previously and never enter a position under pressure or chase the FOMO. As long as there is profit, you are okay. Go on to your next trade and don’t find yourself losing it.
- Leave your ego aside. The goal here is not to be right with your trades, but to gain profit. Do not waste resources (time and money) trying to prove you should’ve been entering this or that position. Remember, no trader doesn’t sometimes lose. The equation is simple – the number of winning trades should be higher than losing trades.
- Bear markets are sometimes the best times to make profits: if you haven’t heard about it, learn how you can short bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
New bitcoin & altcoin trading tips for 2019
Ignore financial news and other traders
Don’t waste your time reading the news. The vast majority of the published analysis and news posts you will find in the traditional press is biased or promoted by a particular company or group. Better to invest your time in learning the long-term trends by reading financial pieces, not everyday news. You won’t find your next investment opportunity by reading the news. The opposite is true: if it appears in the news, then others must know about it, so it probably has no value. Buy the rumor, sell the news, remember?
Additionally, it’s best not to complicate your analysis by listening to other traders’ success stories. Competing with others can only lead to unhealthy FOMO trades. Your skills will only improve if you concentrate on yourself, rather than buying coins because one of your friends suggested it.
Have a long-term end goal
In the end, remember that you are trading for a reason while investing funds that you could completely lose. Examples of goals could be quitting your job, buying a house, or retiring.
Thus, set your short and long-term goals and trade accordingly, i.E., do not risk funds you will need in the short term. Your overall goal should be aligned with all of your trading positions as well as your risk management.
Identify crypto scams in seconds
Altcoins are very tempting, but remember that the cryptocurrency world received an enormous amount of attention, which brought many scammers into the field. The idea that “you are responsible for your funds, not the bank” is indeed revolutionary, but it can also lead inexperienced newbies to send their funds away, thinking about a “high ROI” or investing in an ICO or IEO that will “change the world.” unlike traditional finance, cryptocurrency has no insurance. Once you send your funds, they are no longer yours.
Learn how to identify crypto scams. Unfortunately, there are plenty of them around. Many entrepreneurs want your funds; not all of them want them for the right reasons. Don’t waste time; think about why you should not be investing instead of contributing your valuable cryptocurrency.
What you need to know about your long-term portfolio
In the long term, only a few cryptocurrencies will survive. Looking at the top 20 coins ranked by market cap, you can easily see that beyond first place, which of course belongs to bitcoin, most of the rest change from year to year. Since many won’t survive, you need to think wisely about which altcoins to include in your long-term crypto portfolio and what percentage portion of your portfolio each of those altcoins will comprise. You can’t time the market; another crypto bubble could develop at any time.
The profit is temporary until you meet the fiat
The fiat value of your crypto portfolio is key. As long as the everyday world’s money is fiat (dollars, euros and such), you should measure your total portfolio’s value in terms of fiat currency.
Remember, until the fiat reaches your bank account, you have not cashed out. Cryptocurrency has no insurance, and if you are not following security rules, you can quickly lose your funds despite being a successful crypto trader. Many investors saw their fiat holdings disappear despite holding them on exchanges after selling their crypto. The most famous example of this was the mt. Gox collapse in 2014. However, quadriga CX’s recent incident reminds us that when it comes to exchanges, things happen.
Create a group with your trading buddies
There is a lot of information associated with the crypto world, and things move very quickly. In order to stay up to date, find a reliable group of friends with whom to share trading ideas as well as fundamental and technical data. Whether on telegram or whatsapp, chart groups contain members who are worth listening to – and others who should be ignored.
Enjoyed these tips? There’s more
We will appreciate your share! We’ve also published more trading tips and a guide to common trading mistakes, which you can read here.
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About the author
Yuval gov view more posts by this author
Yuval gov has over 15 years of trading experience in the stock exchange, graduated from TAU - economics and management. Fell in love with the crypto space. Does crossfit to get away from FOMO. Contact yuval: linkedin
Top 5 safety tips in cryptocurrency trading – 2020 guide

The combination of economy and technology has led to one of the most popular things on the internet at the moment – bitcoin. There is almost no person who has not heard of this digital currency today, especially since its value started to grow. However, we often wonder how safe it is to trade cryptocurrencies and which are the most popular and perhaps the most profitable in the future? Take a look at our 5 safety tips in cryptocurrency trading.
What are cryptocurrencies?
For a large number of people, cryptocurrencies or digital currencies still represent a great unknown. It is not clear to them how they function, how they earn, save, and spend. So we will try to explain in a simple way what a cryptocurrency is. For starters, cryptocurrency is a digital currency that is used and distributed electronically. There are thousands of different ones, the exact number is impossible to determine – because many of them are quite insignificant and little known. These digital coins cannot be printed and are not tangible, which means that they are traded exclusively electronically.
Who are the common users and what can we buy with cryptocurrencies?
Statistics show that cryptocurrency users are mostly men in their twenties and thirties, who are solidly technically savvy. However, in periods when the price rises sharply – a large number of people outside the above category also appear. Cryptocurrencies can be used for paying mainly in some restaurants and cafes – although it is also possible to buy computer equipment or pay a gym membership fee. When it comes to online payment, there are virtually no restrictions. Almost everything you can pay with other methods – you can pay with cryptocurrencies. You can do it either through traders who sell directly for cryptocurrencies or through intermediary services that allow it.
Trading cryptocurrencies: where can we buy or sell them?
There are online services where you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies. There are also vending machines where cryptocurrency is bought and sold for cash. According to the law, in most countries, users must go through the verification procedure – similar to opening a bank account. Also, if you are buying cryptocurrencies, you need to have a crypto wallet to which cryptocurrencies are transferred at the time of purchase. Payment can be made to a bank account or payment card. If you are selling through an online service, a bank account is necessary – and it is used to make payments in the equivalent of your currency. There are also alternative ways of trading, for example – people find themselves through advertisements, so they trade without intermediaries.
How secure are cryptocurrencies?
Cryptocurrencies are a high-risk investment due to large price fluctuations. Although the potential profits are higher than on traditional stock exchanges – people should still be aware that profits are by no means guaranteed. If someone is thinking about investing – they should keep in mind the famous rule that applies to every type of investment: don’t invest more than you are willing to lose. Also, one should be thoroughly informed about what is being invested in. People often don’t do that, either because of laziness or because they are in a hurry to “catch” a good price.
5 safety tips
1. Be motivated
As in every business – in cryptocurrency trading, you have to show a high degree of motivation. You have competition, so it’s time to show ambition and competitive spirit – but also wisdom and good judgment. Whether you want to become a professional cryptocurrency trader, or just try to make some money – you need to have a motive to start a business in the crypto market. And this market is run by some big players – so you have to be prepared not only for gains but also for losses. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the trends in this market regularly, because experience shows that the situation can change in certain periods.
2. Select secure trading platform
If you want to trade cryptocurrencies and you do not know which platform to choose, inquire well in advance. It doesn’t matter which one you decide on, because the safety of your money comes first. Still, there are reliable platforms like binaryx. This platform is liquid, secure, and boasts a good user interface. What is important to note is that this platform has all the necessary licenses that provide you as a user with security. Also, the company itself additionally stores money in cold wallets located around the world and provides you with additional cybersecurity.
3. Protocol security: you are responsible for your money
If we talk about protocol security, cryptocurrencies (at least the strongest ones) are extremely secure. Hacker attacks happen all the time, but for example, bitcoin itself has never been hacked even though it has been around for more than 10 years. On the other hand, many individual users have been hacked for their negligence, as have many crypto exchanges. With cryptocurrencies, only you are responsible for keeping your money. This is sometimes difficult for people to understand and accept. If we lose a payment card, we get a new one from the bank. If we forget the password for facebook, we can reset it. With cryptocurrencies, no one can help us if we lose something, it’s all up to us.
4. Opt for A hardware wallet
Probably the best way to store cryptocurrencies are hardware wallets. However, it is also the only type of wallet that costs – because you have to buy a hardware wallet. They are mostly like small flash devices that plug into a computer when in use. They have a complex system for storing pairs of private keys and corresponding addresses. When using such wallets for the first time, the user copies 12 words (or 24) from the device. They can later be used to recover funds in case of loss of the device. Hardware wallets are used with another type of wallet – most often a desktop wallet or an online wallet. A desktop or online wallet only serves to create a transaction. This transaction is then sent to the hardware wallet for signature – and the hardware wallet returns the signed transaction which is then sent by the desktop or online wallet through the network.
5. Don’t run for big profits – take care about the risks
If you want to be a wise trader – you must not run into risky businesses. That means there is no huge gain overnight – so don’t run towards big and suspicious gains. Try to be satisfied with a small but secure profit that you can make through the use of specialized platforms. Of course, you should opt for reliable platforms – and that will allow you to make secure profit payments.
Tips on being A successful bitcoin trader
Bitcoin, a type of cryptocurrency, has piqued the interest of so many people. Because of the popularity of cryptocurrency, a market was born to specifically trade cryptocurrency. Since bitcoin is the most known cryptocurrency, many people started trading bitcoin online. If you want to become a trader as well, here are some bitcoin trading tips you need to consider in order to be successful.
1. Have enough savings before trading
Before you even start trading, don’t use all of your savings to trade bitcoin. That’s the number one rule to become a successful bitcoin trader. The price behavior of bitcoin can be very volatile. Most of the time, your decisions on bitcoin trades will only come from speculations, which is high risk.
Because of this, you must only trade an amount that you’ll be comfortable losing. By making it a rule to trade only what you can lose, you won’t be very tense and worried when you’re trading bitcoin since you can shoulder the losses. Taking away the thought of losing all of your savings will make you a better trader by preventing you from “panic selling.”
2. Set A limit for losses and profit
As mentioned, when trading bitcoin, prices can quickly go very high or very low. To prevent yourself from making impulse decisions when high volatility occurs, it’s very important for you to determine your limits. A tip is that you have to determine and set a price that you’re willing to cut loss or take profit before the trade.
Having a cut loss and a profit target price will help keep you level-headed in times of pressure during a trade. For instance, there will be a time when the prices start going down. Then, you start thinking that it’ll still go up and end up not selling. If the prices still keep going down, you’ll realize that you should’ve sold your bitcoin. Having a cut loss target will prevent your emotions from getting in the way.
On the other hand, if you don’t have any target price for taking your profits, you’ll start becoming greedy as the prices keep going up. However, there will be a time that prices will suddenly go down. By this time, it’ll be too late to sell. So, it’s also important to set a target to take your profit. Setting a target, both buying and selling, will help you avoid acting greedy on a trade.

3. Learn technical analysis
Amateurs in trading only consider market sentiment and speculation when trading. If you want to become a successful trader, you must also learn to look at the charts and use technical analysis to strategize your trades.
Technical analysis is the skill to use patterns and studying volume charts to make calculated decisions regarding your trade. At first, technical analysis may seem very intimidating for a newbie. But, if you have patience and get the hang of it, you’ll find that it ‘ll be very useful.
Here are some basic terms and techniques you can use when you do technical analysis.
- Candlestick – candlesticks literally look like candlesticks on the charts. These rectangles and lines resemble the range of prices during the day. One candlestick for the day quickly shows you the opening, closing, highest, and lowest price. Together in a chart, you can see the movement of prices in any range you pick.
- Order book – an order book is a list of volume and prices that traders are willing to sell or buy bitcoin. For instance, the “asks” will show you the volume and prices traders are willing to sell. On the other hand, the “bids” will show you the prices and volumes that traders are willing to buy. Basing on the prices and volume, you can make a calculated decision on your trade.
These are just two of the charts and tables most commonly used in technical analysis. If you research and learn about technical analysis, you’ll find more terms, charts, tables, and strategies. All of these will aid you in making your decisions when you start trading bitcoin. So, do your homework.
4. Be updated with current news and events
Even if you already do technical analysis, it’s still very important to stay informed of news and current events. Many times, the price of bitcoin is also affected by news regarding bitcoin.
Make sure that you follow news websites to get the latest news on bitcoin. Any knowledge that you get from news about bitcoin will affect your decisions regarding your trades.
5. Don’t ruminate on A mistake
Making a mistake in trading is inevitable. Often, bitcoin traders make the mistake of taking too much time thinking about that mistake. However, it doesn’t mean you failed if you started making mistakes.
To become a successful bitcoin trader, you must not ruminate on a mistake. Instead, take a step back and evaluate what happened. Try to figure out what you did wrong. Then, use and learn from that situation and experience. Take your learnings and use them on your next trade.
There won’t always be wins, but if there are losses, you must be strong enough to rise above it and go on to the next trade. Don’t let your mistakes discourage you from becoming a successful bitcoin trader. Use your mistakes for the better by learning from it and make you a stronger trader.
Conclusion on the bitcoin trading tips
These are just some bitcoin trading tips that can help get you started and become a successful bitcoin trader. However, you must still do extensive research and studying on trading bitcoin. There’s still so much to learn about bitcoin and its behavior in the market to trade it well and earn from it.
It’s a bit more complicated if you’re just beginning to trade bitcoin. But, with a little hard work and determination, you will be an expert in no time.
My 6 best cryptocurrency trading tips to succeed

Just because you’ve made 5 good trades doesn’t make you best investor or trader. I try to compile the best cryptocurrency trading tips to succeed.
Atozforex – cryptocurrency is not just a bunch of digital numbers that people have decided to use as money. The technology that was brought forth by bitcoin is essentially a decentralized public ledger system, known as the blockchain. This cryptographic blockchain technology is what makes bitcoin, litecoin, darkcoin, and other bitcoin-alternatives a “cryptocurrency.”
Best cryptocurrency trading tips
I have discussed with the experts of the finance market industry and I come up with some important tips which will help you to get success in cryptocurrency trading. As there are various best cryptocurrencies in the market which avail you to invest the way you like the most. Hence, here are my 6 best cryptocurrency trading tips to succeed.
Ignore biased sources
Firstly, you need to be always cautious because there are lots of fake coins, pump & dumps, schemes and ponzi’s. Many people who post on websites about fake trading policy, fishing pages, fake information and rumors and hoping for the investor to fall in. Don’t trust on that types of data, trust only on biased sources and make your decisions.
Invest within your means
Don’t invest your personal life policy fund or not the kid’s college tuition fees or paying the mortgage. One must be prepared to lose all the money allocated for the trading. You know the old saying, “plan for the worst, but hope for the best”? That applies here.
Set achievable goals
Digital currency is not a scheme when you get rich in seconds. You can set the goals too big if you are milliners, for the others set the realistic goals like 5%, 10%, 20% and so on; and stick to it.
Learn from your mistakes
In the market no one is the expert, no matter how experienced an investor you are, everyone is suffered from the bad time. But when that happens, pick yourself up and get back to that mistakes and try to solve that.
Chart your course
Follow the trends of the market over time, and learn how to read and interpret charts such as those offered at bitcoin wisdom. Analyze the data on real time, don’t make quick decisions on short time fluctuations. No matter where you have your money invested but always buy and sell based on long-term data.
Don’t panic
Take the time to sit back, research the most popular companies in the industry and study what’s going on in the market, and don’t make snap decisions.
What do you think about my 6 best cryptocurrency trading tips? Let us know in the comments section below.
5 cryptocurrency trading & investment tips

Sitting at a desk all day long and doing a mundane job can get tiring
Also does not give the satisfaction of making money.
For a better life, some people follow their passion, and some develop a new business and some start trading.
I am someone who falls under the latter category.
No, do not mistake me to be a crypto guru who can enlighten you on how to get rich. I am merely a trader like you and still am in the process of refining and perfecting my trading strategies.
In my brief journey of crypto trading, there are a few things I learned. Some of it helped me become successful, and some lessons were learnt through failures.
Trading can be exciting but overwhelming for anyone trying their hand at it for the first time.
Cryptocurrency investing tips
If you are interested in trade in cryptocurrencies, let me welcome you to the circle and share a few tips that will enable you to avoid making grave mistakes.
If you practice them religiously, who knows, you may even make a big buck.
1. Invest with a plan
Investing blindly was my first mistake.
I was too excited about trading in cryptocurrency that I forgot that everything needs a plan.
By blindly entering the market, you will be exposing yourself to greed and fear of the markets, and get exploited by your ignorance.
It is excellent if you have a mentor who can help you through your trading journey. If not, it is best to conduct your own research and gather as much information about the market as possible.
Also, make a plan for trading – meaning define your goal for trading, set a capital limit and analyse the currencies based on their merit.
Please do not succumb to promises of getting rich quick, as it often leads to disaster.
2. Stay away from greed
The more profit we begin to make, the more we want.
Suppose the price of a coin rises by 40%, the greed inside us may say “why not wait longer? You may get better returns”
Most traders make a grave mistake of waiting beyond their goals in the hope for higher profits. It is excellent if the coin does well, but imagine the scale of loss if the currency slumps beyond that point.
If you have set your goals at a certain percentage, it is best to pull out at least a certain amount of profit as soon as you reach that goal.
3. Don’t give in to FOMO [fear of missing out]
The fear of missing out has often driven traders to make purchases at an all-time high.
Just a hint of manipulation, some frenzy news on media and a good amount of FOMO is what led to the crazy rise in the price of bitcoin from $10,000 to $20,000 in 2017. But soon the market corrected itself, and the price fell to $11,000.
Even in the volatile crypto markets, if the value of a coin pumps that quickly, the market tends to correct itself in time.
So instead of letting FOMO drive your trades, it would be great if you allow logic, information and research to be the driving force of your trades.
4. Use price alerts & stop loss
When I started trading, I was literally glued to my screen and continuously monitored my coin’s price.
This practice took a negative toll on my daily life. Many traders have this habit because they do not want to miss when their currency reaches their target price.
By setting up price alerts, you can get notified when your currency reaches your target price without having to monitor it regularly.
For mitigating your losses, you can consider setting up stop-loss commands. Stop-loss can automatically sell for fiat currency when the price plummets.
5. Invest only what you can afford to lose
By now, you may be aware of the fact that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. There are chances of making enormous profits, and at the same time, there are chances that you may lose a part of your capital.
Avoid a significant impact of such losses on your regular lifestyle by investing the money that you can afford to lose.
Meaning, if you have a stash of cash that does not make a difference even if you don’t have it, consider investing that in cryptocurrencies. Most importantly, never invest borrowed money in the crypto market.
6. Bonus***: pay attention to bitcoin
Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency on the planet.
It is to altcoins as USD is to INR. By tracking the price of bitcoin, you may be able to tell if your currency will go up or down in price.
Any drastic change in the price of bitcoin may lead to the fall in the prices of altcoins. But the usual observation has been that when the cost of bitcoin rises or stays stagnant organically, the real growth in altcoins may follow.
Bottom line
Every person may have a different trading strategy. Still, the tips mentioned above are more general and can give success to any trader.
I have shared my opinions and suggestions on trading and would love to hear yours. Tweet us @coinswitch with your tips and lessons on crypto trading.

Content writer @coinswitch kuber. Believes in the power of words. A fervent follower of cryptocurrencies and other investment landscapes. On a mission to nudge humankind towards financial empowerment.
6# cryptocurrency trading tips for beginners
Cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrencies and again cryptocurrencies. We are talking about one of the most dominating markets today that successfully overshadowed in its growing popularity almost any other market in the world. By now you should be aware of the fact that the cryptocurrency market is very risky, but also very rewarding. Traders that want to succeed in crypto trading have to follow certain rules to stack the odds in their favour. We have selected for you top 6 tips that we consider to be the most important when it comes to cryptocurrency trading.
1#tip – portfolio diversification
In a stock, a commodity or any other financial market, portfolio diversification is extremely important and it is not anyhow different in the cryptocurrency market. Most people want to buy only bitcoin and hold it as their only cryptocurrency. However, by practising this you put your capital at a greater risk than if you had at least 3 to 5 other cryptocurrencies in your pocket. To completely rely on a single investment is not recommended. When the prices of cryptocurrencies rise, they usually rise in big. And if you have more different coins you significantly increase the odds of having at least one of them in the portfolio.
2#tip – determine your crypto strategy
Before jumping on the bandwagon, determine your cryptocurrency strategy and your style of trading. Cryptocurrencies are great as short-term investments as well as long-term investments. Traders who focus on short-term investing are called day traders and they tend to stay in a position for a maximum of hours. Their aim is to get in when the price seems low, get out when it skyrockets and run somewhere else with the made profit to open another position. From my point of view, day trading is more complex and risky. Nonetheless, the bigger risk is greatly rewarded and cryptocurrency day traders can double or triple their capital in no time. Not every investor, however, has the time or the will to learn how to day trade cryptocurrencies. Even more popular choice is long-term investing in cryptocurrencies. By choosing this option you do not need to watch the market every day and you don’t have to think that much about the current price as about the future price. In long-term investing, it is a little to no concern what is the current price because you trust it will rise by dozens, hundreds or thousands of percent.
3#tip – don’t panic when the price drops
The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility. And traders who decide to get their hands on cryptocurrencies can not panic when their coins suddenly lose their value, especially if they focus on long-term investing. Beginner traders who do not know how this market works and behaves can freak out and make a hasty decision which they later on regret. There is nothing worse than buying bitcoin when the price is $15 000, selling it in fear when it drops to $10 000 and then realizing that the price again climbed up, perhaps surpassing even the previous all-time price high. My tip is, therefore, not ever to base your decision on fear or panic.
4# tip – select a reputable broker
It does matter where you create your traders. Not only all companies have different fees on which you can save loads of money if you choose wisely. But there are also many scams or brokers with a bad reputation that are not worth trading with. Pick a crypto company that is trusted by traders and is licensed either by the european cysec or is in the register of the british FCA. 3 popular companies that comply with these requirements are as follows.
Broker | regulated by regulatory agencies ensure that brokers operate in a transparent and honest way. They protect the best interests of clients and also feature an investor compensation scheme which protects trader's deposits up to a certain limit. Some of the major regulators in the industry include the cysec in cyprus, the FCA in the UK and the ASIC in australia. | Min. Deposit | trading platforms A trading platform is a computer or mobile software program used to execute transactions within the financial markets. | Cryptocurrencies | ad disclosure the table below contains links to 3rd party websites of our top partners from whom we receive compensation at no additional cost to you. |
![]() | ASIC cysec FCA | £/€/$ 200 | in-house built platform | 30 crypto pairs | start tradingread a review |
![]() | cysec FCA | £/€/$ 1 | MT4 & xstation 5 | 33 crypto pairs | start tradingread a review |
![]() | ASIC cysec FCA | £/€/$ 100 | in-house built platform | 13 crypto pairs | start tradingread a review |
Cfds are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.
Between 74-89% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds.
You should consider whether you understand how cfds work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
5# tip – don’t fall for crypto scams
When binary options started out, there were so many scams that we didn’t even know about which to warn our readers first. And it is the same with cryptocurrencies. The more is certain trading instrument popular the more shady companies and scammers appear on the market. Cryptocurrency scams have very often similar signs which are quite easy to detect and are as follows: incredible investment returns, the system is only for a limited number of people, the system requires no knowledge about cryptocurrencies because it works fully automated and so on and so forth. One of the most known that we have exposed on the web are: the ethereum code, bitcoin loophole, bitcoin code. But know that there are also many others.
6# tip – know your financial options
You might have heard of people who sold everything they had in order to invest as much as possible in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin rose in its value by 1300% in 2017, from the price $959 which it had on 1.1.2017 to $13 580 – 31.12, some people might actually understand them, I, however, consider such radical decision to be insane and irrational. Bitcoin and the crypto market, in general, are still relatively new and even tho BTC turned out to be one of the best investments of 2017, we are still uncertain of the future development. Traders should only, therefore, invest money they can afford to lose
7 crypto trading tips and common mistakes

An individual who calls out any opportunity a scam while thousands of others are benefitting from it, the problem lies with one’s strategy. Crypto trading has evolved since 2009 when a blockchain-backed digital currency bitcoin was introduced. Bitcoin trading generates handsome profits as seen on the bitcoin era review on learnbonds and for sure it captivates one’s attention.
However, jumping straight into it without guidance and knowledge can land you into a complete economic disaster also. We’ve come up with 7 crypto trading tips and common mistakes that you can adapt to for making most out of your digital currency investments.
Play safe with your investments
For each of the individuals, the safe amount varies. Like any other trade, crypto can sometimes also show negative trends so you always have to find yourself on the safer side. It is not about going all-in but to act smart with the investment pools you manage. Check out how different cryptocurrencies and work out for you and diversify gradually and smartly.
No acts upon the gut feelings
In-depth trade analyses are always available for you to forecast market trends. This is quite important that you just don’t rush towards hassle trading and making decisions with no market insights. Do look at the graphs as they can change the perspectives of the decision making. Ignoring your gut feelings and emotions is the best strategy one can have.
Take notes of market cap performance
It is not just the dependency on the coin price that should be the basis of your trade decisions. The market cap performance calculations can be quite helpful in making the best possible decisions for each of the buying or selling you intend to carry out.
Make use of automated trading platforms
Automated trading platforms are vastly evolving and they have proved their effectiveness in bringing profits against the cryptocurrencies that are placed under automated trading. You can definitely try them out starting with small investment share to see how things go along with time.
Work carefully with the order book
A crypto coin supply and demand makes up the order book. It is a volatile currency because the price is somehow determined by the last executed transaction. You need to carefully plan and place the commands within the order book to ensure no transaction occurs at non-optimal rates.
Crypto markets evolve fast
With decentralized controls available, the market rates evolve fast and you have to be fully aware all the time so you can gain maximum benefit. Continuously check out for gold trading opportunities and the market news insights can help you grow even further in no time.
The profits are much better at initial mining stages
The individuals who know the secrets of crypto trading, they know they need to get hands-on of any particular cryptocurrency at the initial block mining stages. Once it gets mined, you own the assets against your time and efforts so the profits are comparatively high. Limited tokens can be mined with the blockchain technology so early decision-makers are at advantage situation.
You must ponder over these 7 tips for crypto trading. They will certainly help you in gaining more insights so you can right channel your investments and prevent losses while the probability for high ROI gets better. It is time to dig into this domain as the economic makeshifts are quickly happening during these crisis times.
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8 important crypto trading tips!

It can be really hard to find trading tips that actually works. The majority of tips that you can find online are really just boring click baits. We are going to share our 8 best trading tips with you today. These tips are easy to follow and works as long as you actually stick with them.
- Correct stop loss.
This may be a tip that you have read before but still a tip that many traders still struggle with. You may ask yourself the question “what is the correct stop loss for crypto trading?”. We will provide you with the correct answer.
There are two key facts that you need to know before entering your stop loss.
- What is the average volatility of the current coin?
- How much money am I willing to lose on any one trade?
You can easy answer the question on how much you should risk per trade by taking 1% – 2% of your total trading capital. How to understand what the average volatility of the cryptocurrency that you currently are trading you can use an average true range. This tool will help you analyse the average range of the market.
- Use your setups.
This may be the most important tips in our list. When analysing and really looking at your own setups you can start to see patterns. You will learn how the coins act and which kinds of patterns they create.
After a while you will get great on discovering patterns in the coins and therefore being able to make some great trades.
- Ignore the news.
The main goal for newspapers are to create content that excites their readers. The content does not always need to be truth. If you are reading an article about cryptocurrency trading you should never really trust what are being said.
When you see an article that is about cryptocurrency, the market or bitcoin – don’t read it. You should only take tip and listen to people that truly understands the market in the correct way.
- Trade what’s in front of you.
Step one for how to make money out of crypto trading is to understand how to read a crypto chart.
The crypto chart (when being read right) will start telling a story, this story will tell you what’s going on and if there is some negativity or positivity in the market. It can take years before traders actually starts to listen to the market and start to trade with the market.
Traders often get sloppy when there are few trading opportunities on the market. Often in this stage traders starts listening to friends or the media. To read more visit this site.
Be patient. If there are no trade today, just wait and only trade what you see.
- Don´t listen to others.
A trend that I often see is that traders takes advice from other traders on how to make money. If everyone jumped from a bridge – would you?
If you have a goal to be a serious crypto day trader you need to have the knowledge to listen to your guts. When listening to other traders you get a lot of information but no idea on how to use it.
Only listen to your own ideas and your own guts.
- Write everything down.
The trading business contains a lot of learn by doing. You will never understand the best trading tips until you have tried it. This is why it is so important for you to write everything down.
You often need to see it to truly understand it. Write down everything that happens on the market, what price patterns you see and the behaviour you need to see. In this way, you will recognize the setups much faster and earlier.
- Listen to your mistakes.
If you don´t analyse the mistakes you make you are probably going to make the same mistakes again. In the crypto trading business, there are many mistakes to be made.
- Take a wild chance.
- Trade too often.
- Trade too big.
- Trade only to make money.
- Listen to a friend’s advice.
When making a mistake – analyse it and try to learn something from it.
- Leave the ego at home.
The trading business can sometimes feel really lonely. A lot of traders writes about the huge amount of money they make – but let me tell you, the most is just fake.
The best tip on how to really succeed in the trading business you need to truly focus on yourself. Leave the ego at home and let this be a slow process that takes times.
Cryptocurrency: tips on trading picks

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Read this article to learn more about cryptocurrencies and trading as we’ll share our top tips.
The cryptocurrency market is decentralized, meaning it is not backed by a central authority like a government or a central bank. It first appeared in 2009 after the introduction of bitcoin, and it runs across a network of computers as cryptocurrencies are stored on the blockchain and exist only as a digital record. Today, there are multiple cryptocurrency markets as the industry continues to grow and more individuals are opting for crypto payments because they are faster and more secure than traditional methods of payment.
Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency on the market anymore. Many others have appeared since 2009, including ethereum, XRP, litecoin, tether, monero, etc. With over 5,000 cryptocurrencies, making the right choice is quite a challenge.
The choice can be even more difficult if you haven’t had a chance to deal with cryptocurrencies and trading before. So, by reading this article you will learn everything about cryptocurrencies and trading as we’ll share our top tips.
Decide on your preferred level of risk
Ultimately, it all comes down to how much you’re willing to risk to set sail in the unpredictable waters of cryptocurrency. With a continually growing number of cryptocurrencies on the market, bitcoin remains stable and predictable. Bitcoin’s all-time high was $20,000 and since then it has stayed below that number. If you want to avoid risks, it’s better to stick with a verified option like bitcoin.
Don’t get us wrong, there are other currencies worthy of investment, like ethereum, litecoin, and ripple. These currencies have proven to be stable and trustworthy over time.
However, there are more risky investments than there are safe ones. With that in mind, it’s not a bad idea to diversify your investments. What do we mean by that? Invest in more stable cryptocurrencies to strengthen your investment portfolio. It’s an excellent way to start out in the crypto world as most of these currencies keep their price fluctuations to a minimum.
Note possible ICO offerings
If you’re part of a digital currency company, you should be on the lookout for initial coin offerings (icos) as they represent the best and quickest way to come up with working capital. Similarly, with icos the company will be the first to roll out the new cryptocurrency. If you’ve ever been involved in the stock market, you’ll find this process similar as it involves “betting” that a company that can deliver something and getting returns on your initial investment.
With icos, you will have to rely on your intuition and understanding of the offering as there are no historical charts, reviews, or background information about the currency. Also, keep an eye on the team behind the offering and how the cryptocurrency stands out from the crowd. Since you’re starting out with a brand new cryptocurrency, investing in a great ICO could help you maximize your investments. Icos are great opportunities if you regularly keep track of the trends in the industry.
Crypto exchanges
Missing out on icos is possible as the market is quite competitive, but not all hope is lost if that happens to you. You’ll get a chance to purchase the cryptocurrencies on cryptocurrency exchanges.
Our advice is to stick with less-known exchange platforms as the possibility of finding a better investment is higher there. Renowned exchange platforms tend to limit the currencies they trade. Do more research before you opt for crypto exchange platforms.
Independent research is important
We are not discouraging you from listening to a company’s representatives, but we are saying that it’s not enough. You should do proper independent research so you can have a clearer picture of what you’re dealing with.
An important tip before you start trading any cryptocurrency is to look at their historical charts. Don’t get stuck at the price chart, but also pay attention to the market cap and circulation. When checking the cryptocurrency’s full history, look for stability. Ultimately, stability in this volatile market is of the essence. Any cryptocurrency you choose to invest in should ideally showcase continuous growth as well.
Don’t forget to find out more about the company offering the digital currency as you could gather plenty of information about their plans and potential problems. Opt for companies that are able to back their ideas and use innovative technology to advance in this competitive industry.
There are also some things that you should avoid when doing full background checks. If you come across currencies that have suffered significant drops in their market cap, large corrections, and big peaks, it’s best to give them a pass. Those are indications of a dying demand.
Stay well-informed
Once you make a decision about which cryptocurrency to invest in and trade, keep a watchful eye, and monitor your portfolio daily. Read crypto news and follow up on crypto investments. Independent research should still remain your number-one priority before investing.
Other cryptocurrencies might not have the same rapid growth path as bitcoin, but picking the right cryptocurrency to invest in can result in lucrative returns.

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So, let's see, what we have: how to trade bitcoin and altcoins - the complete guide for beginners and experienced traders. Trading cryptocurrencies is different from traditional stocks: FOMO, risk management, diversification, and more. At crypto coin trading tips
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- Clear stops, clear targets: have a plan
- FOMO: be aware
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- Icos, ieos and token sales
- Start today, right now
- New bitcoin & altcoin trading tips for 2019
- Ignore financial news and other traders
- Have a long-term end goal
- Identify crypto scams in seconds
- What you need to know about your long-term portfolio
- The profit is temporary until you meet the fiat
- Create a group with your trading buddies
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- What are cryptocurrencies?
- Who are the common users and what can we buy with cryptocurrencies?
- Trading cryptocurrencies: where can we buy or sell them?
- How secure are cryptocurrencies?
- 5 safety tips
- 1. Be motivated
- 2. Select secure trading platform
- 3. Protocol security: you are responsible for your money
- 4. Opt for A hardware wallet
- 5. Don’t run for big profits – take care about the risks
- Tips on being A successful bitcoin trader
- 1. Have enough savings before trading
- 2. Set A limit for losses and profit
- 3. Learn technical analysis
- 4. Be updated with current news and events
- 5. Don’t ruminate on A mistake
- Conclusion on the bitcoin trading tips
- My 6 best cryptocurrency trading tips to succeed
- Best cryptocurrency trading tips
- Ignore biased sources
- Invest within your means
- Set achievable goals
- Learn from your mistakes
- Chart your course
- Don’t panic
- 5 cryptocurrency trading & investment tips
- Cryptocurrency investing tips
- 1. Invest with a plan
- 2. Stay away from greed
- 3. Don’t give in to FOMO [fear of missing out]
- 4. Use price alerts & stop loss
- 5. Invest only what you can afford to lose
- 6. Bonus***: pay attention to bitcoin
- 6# cryptocurrency trading tips for beginners
- 1#tip – portfolio diversification
- 2#tip – determine your crypto strategy
- 3#tip – don’t panic when the price drops
- 4# tip – select a reputable broker
- 5# tip – don’t fall for crypto scams
- 6# tip – know your financial options
- 7 crypto trading tips and common mistakes
- Play safe with your investments
- No acts upon the gut feelings
- Take notes of market cap performance
- Make use of automated trading platforms
- Work carefully with the order book
- Crypto markets evolve fast
- The profits are much better at initial mining stages
- Download app
- 8 important crypto trading tips!
- Cryptocurrency: tips on trading picks
- Decide on your preferred level of risk
- Note possible ICO offerings
- Crypto exchanges
- Independent research is important
- Stay well-informed
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