Free real money forex no deposit, free forex trading account with real money.
Free forex trading account with real money
In as much as this is basically to encourage people to trade the forex market, it is also important t know that there are terms and conditions attached to the forex no deposit accounts.
Top forex bonus list
These terms and conditions help the forex broker stay safe and not exposed to huge risks seeing as they are the ones sponsoring their new clients with their no deposit accounts. Some of the terms and conditions are 2. Once the client registers with the broker and is set to trade, the broke gives the trader access to an account with a certain amount of real money with which the trader can trade the live forex market on the condition that the trader does not withdraw the money. The money is there and can be traded with but the trader does not have the ability to make withdrawals from the no deposit account until some conditions are met.
Free real money forex no deposit

Among forex brokers, there is a tough competition going on as to who will get the most number of novice traders. The race for new clients is so important to forex brokers that they are willing to sponsor their new clients by giving them access to take part in live forex trades without making any deposit. This is called the fore no deposit account.
With this development, it is now possible to actually trade the forex market without making any financial commitments at all. The normal trend was to sign up with a broker and make some deposits in your real account before you can start trading the forex market, but things has changed and broker have devised new ways of getting new clients every day. Once you sign up with the broker, you get real money in your account with which you can trade the forex market with.
In as much as this is basically to encourage people to trade the forex market, it is also important t know that there are terms and conditions attached to the forex no deposit accounts. These terms and conditions help the forex broker stay safe and not exposed to huge risks seeing as they are the ones sponsoring their new clients with their no deposit accounts. Some of the terms and conditions are
1. The trader must register with the broker and trade with the platform offered by the broker. This is the main reason why brokers go as far as offering traders the opportunity to trade the forex market without any deposit.
2. Once the client registers with the broker and is set to trade, the broke gives the trader access to an account with a certain amount of real money with which the trader can trade the live forex market on the condition that the trader does not withdraw the money. The money is there and can be traded with but the trader does not have the ability to make withdrawals from the no deposit account until some conditions are met.
3. For the trader to withdraw some real money from his or her no deposit account, the trader must have accumulated some trade points and made some profits. Form the profit made, the trader is expected to make some deposit to his account, which will serve as a trade capital, after which the trader can freely withdraw the rest of the profit made.
The content of this article reflects the author’s opinion and does not necessarily reflect the official position of liteforex. The material published on this page is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered as the provision of investment advice for the purposes of directive 2004/39/EC.
How to make money trading forex online
Chances are at one time or another, you’ve been asked by well-meaning friends to join the train of online forex traders. Or your interest has been piqued by the business and you’ve been told by numerous online sources that the best way to make money is trading forex online. Either way, it’s always important to understand the pros and cons of any venture you wish to embark on. Best believe it, it is not always bright and shiny in the online forex trading world.
- It is easy to trade in online markets
- You have access to a great amount of leverage making it easier for small retail traders to start their journey even with little capital
Are the stories real? Can you make A living trading forex?
The internet today is rife with numerous forex trading victories. Are they just another cheap PR to get unsuspecting victims to embark on forex trading? The truth is there have been plenty of genuine forex trading success stories. But it all depends on you. How willing are you to work? How ready are you to learn the process?
Professional forex trader ezekiel chew has put down some seven noteworthy ways to become an excellent forex trader, beat the majority, and scale to impressive heights.
1. Learn the trade before you trade
Despite how exciting the process of trading may seem, it is always better you look, or in this case study, before you leap. That’s right. The better part of your excitement should be spent learning the art of trading.
Any tom, dick, and harry can open an account and start trading, but it takes so much more to make the money you dream of. Not to mention the tendency to be easily frustrated and to incur huge amounts of debt when you do not understand the process well.
How can you learn? A proper forex trading course is the best place to start your journey towards a successful forex trading path. They’ll teach you all the rudiments of trading independently and provide you with ample knowledge of trading strategies for the long run. You’re also sure to get follow on support when you embark on trading.
Make sure to be wary of scammers who promise quick success in a short period. A simple hack is that a good trading school will never promise such. They’ll only promise to teach you everything you need to know to trade effectively.
2. Set up A demo trading account
If you want to practice the trading process and get accustomed to the nitty-gritty involved, a demo account is an answer to your prayers. It enables you to practice forex trading on a “demo” capital, which is not real capital. This is because a demo account does not require capital to function.
Some of the perks are it helps you to get used to the trading interface and the process of placing orders on dummy trades. So when you do eventually start really trading, your boat would be smooth-sailing. A demo trading account provision is available on several trading platforms.
3. Beginning A piecemeal at A time
Trust us, you do not want to throw in a large amount of money at the initial stage of your trading quest. For one thing, a lot is at stake when you do, plus the emotional upheaval this may cause.
As a newbie, it’s best you start trading with a small amount of money and in the process, master the skill. You'll also have a lesser tendency to risk your account in the process. Leverage and margin also give you the ability to start really small. A good trading school will teach you all you need to know about leverage and margin.
4. Do not feel overwhelmed; price action is all that matters
Do not fall into the bandwagon of nouveau traders who clutter their chart with so many indices. Best believe it, at the end of the day, price action trading is all that matters. This cluttering of your chart also diverts your attention from what matters in the grand scheme of things, and you’re often rendered immobile from the numerous factors to consider.
And of a truth, technical analysis is not hard to decipher. It’s all about buying at very low prices and selling at a high price. The same way a trader would want to purchase goods in a store or from a manufacturer at low prices and sell to customers at a high price.
You will find that a good number of institutional traders do not care to crowd their charts with several indicators. They simply analyze prize levels and make a decision either to buy or sell within these prize ranges.
5. Find A forex trading strategy that works
We like to think that several indicators on a chart are like several stick-it notes on a refrigerator. You most likely placed them there to remind you of important things. But because they are many, they end up confusing and even frustrating you.
A good forex trading strategy that works need not be complicated. What is important is that it gives you an edge in the market. Look at trading in the long run. When your wins are more than your losses, you will be profitable. Finding the right forex trading strategy that is time tested through a series of successful backtesting is highly important.
Start off by mastering one strategy in a single pair. Swing trading strategies are one of them. Only move on to the next pair or strategy when you are profitable in a series of three sets of 20 trades. This way, you have a clear idea on whether or not you are profitable when compared to someone who is trading a range of different strategies and various pairs.
6. Trade within your limit
It is important to remember that a lot could go wrong with any trade at any given time. Do not be tempted to trade outside your accepted risk exposure in a week. Especially as a new trader, you could easily bankrupt your account in a short time when you trade above your limit.
Another advice is to count your losses and never keep a trade beyond the loss of its value. If chances allow, you ought to move to protective stop loss to decrease your losses. You also want to go the extra mile of protecting your profits by taking profits at strong levels.
One more thing: you should make use of trailing stops to protect winnings and at the same time creating an avenue for it to grow.
7. Keep track of your trading journey
There’s a reason why companies hire firms to audit their account. While your forex trading may not be the same as a company, they are both business ventures with the aim of making a profit. This way, you can determine how your trading has been going within a period of time. Your losses too should be accurately accounted for.
Keeping a record also serves as a practical lesson. Trading is essentially a lot of learning and a little doing. How fast you learn from your mistakes and apply your newfound knowledge will go a long way in projecting your profits and boosting your morale.
We understand that the art of forex trading can prove to be an emotional rollercoaster especially for the newly indoctrinated. However, it is important to take any losses with a grain of salt, for it is a part of the whole process of trading. Sometimes you win, other times you lose. What is important, however, is that you learn from your losses and wins too.
One strategy is to always make plans and be deliberate about those plans. Try to map out a clear cut pattern to attain any goal you set. Diligence and experience are what make a successful forex trader. And a right attitude to loss is what makes it a learning experience.
Some of the things you could include in your record taking include:
- The date the trade was made
- Screenshot of the chart of every trade
- Explanation of where the trade was taken and reasons for the execution
- Write out your performance in the trade
- Write out how your performance makes you feel.
Creating a word document can help with all this.
Forex demo trading brokers
Congratulations, you are ready to test out forex trading and looking for a forex broker to do it with. The best way to do this is to open a free demo account with one of the forex demo trading brokers listed below. In this article we’ll explain the things you need to know about to choose a forex demo account and how to get the most out of this risk-free benefit.
The difference between a forex demo and real account
A demo account allows a new trader, or experienced trader who wants to test out a new forex broker, a way to trade without risk. This is sometimes referred to as ‘paper-trading’ as opposed to real money trading.
The term ‘paper-trading’ comes from the pre-digital era. Before computer trading, investors would test their ideas by writing on a piece of paper their ‘imaginary’ purchase of an asset – in most cases an equity share or commodity – at a certain price, time and date they made ‘their purchase’. Then they would monitor the market’s price movements by checking the daily prices in the newspaper.
The investor would later decide when they wanted to “sell” the asset by marking the time and date they wanted to exit the position. This allowed traders to hone their skills and get a sense of the markets though ‘paper-trading’, which carried no risk but allowed them to learn. Real money trading should only occur when you are ready to deposit real money into a live account with a broker. This carries a burden of risk, meaning you can lose your deposited money if you make losing trades. However, real money trading also rewards the prepared investor with actual profits when trading is going well and decisions are on the correct side of financial market momentum.
A demo account is a great way to learn how to trade and discover how a new broker’s platform works. However, it is important to keep in mind that an asset on a demo account may carry a different spread between the bid and ask prices compared to what the same broker offers in a real money live account. Most brokers restrict the amount of time your demo account will remain open, with a maximum period of one month being typical. Of course, if you have a few email addresses, there is nothing to stop you re-registering once your demo account expires. That being said, graduating to a real money trading account can be a good thing as spending too long trading only a demo account can hinder your development as a trader.
While it is sometimes an difficult step for new traders to switch from a demo to a real money live account, it is also a necessary step. Your use of the demo account will teach you to practice the art of opening positions and closing them, and also reinforce the necessary traits of practicing risk management which will always be important.
Best all-around: high floating leverage + fast execution

Best all-around: high floating leverage + fast execution
ECN trading with leverage up to 1:500

Deposit $500 and trade with $1000!
ECN trading with leverage up to 1:500
Highly regulated, choice of fixed or floating spreads

Mifid, central bank of ireland, FSA, ASIC, BVI, FFAJ, FSCA, ADMG - FRSA
Highly regulated, choice of fixed or floating spreads
Wide range of cfds + trailing stop losses

Wide range of cfds + trailing stop losses
Best broker for social traders and crypto traders : 75% of retail CFD accounts lose money

Best broker for social traders and crypto traders : 75% of retail CFD accounts lose money
How to use a forex demo account
Today, with high speed computers and trading apps, traders practice their ‘paper-trading’ on free demo accounts offered by most forex / CFD brokers. This gives you an opportunity to learn more about the financial markets and get a taste for what live ‘real money’ trading will feel like. A demo account allows you to trade assets at no risk. You cannot lose real money with a demo account. This is because your broker’s demo account allocates you a certain amount of ‘paper’ money which is for demonstration purposes only, and allows you to trade this ‘paper’ money to practice what it will feel like in a live ‘real money’ environment.
A forex demo account can also give a very good primary grasp about what your chosen broker offers regarding with assets can be traded, which types of trade orders are permitted, plus a dynamic sense of ‘market feel’. Another important use of a demo account is in testing the broker’s trading platform’s capability to handle software which places trades at a high frequency and/or automatically . You will need to check with your broker to see what trading software can be used on their trading platforms. For example, brokers using the metatrader 4 trading platform often accept trading with algos and robots.
You should be aware that some brokers won’t allow the use of algos or robots because their servers and platforms are not developed for this type of trading. If you do not tell your broker you are using trading mandates and software such as algos or robots the broker may have a right to cancel the outcome of your trading on a live account – in a demo account of course, it does not matter. If you are trading a live account with real money, be sure to communicate with your chosen broker directly to make sure you can fully test your desired tools on their demo account.
Are forex demo accounts accurate?
In a forex demo account, you can open a position which allows you to buy or sell in the marketplace depending on your choice of market direction. Your demo account allows you to experience the natural speed of the market, the pace at which assets change value, and the ability to choose position sizes - to put full trades on at market prices to execute trades which carry no risk.
Checking out what the spreads are is important, but it is equally important to learn if a certain asset carries overnight trading costs known as swaps, plus the fundamentals of trade execution and the kind of mistakes that are easy to make so you can tell how to best avoid them in the future. Using a demo account allows you to practice choosing your assets to trade, and the buy and sell status; size of position wanted allows you to become accustomed to these needed inputs to make your transactions. When you switch from a demo to a real money environment you will feel more comfortable with the needed decision-making processes and its effect on the outcome of your trades because of your practice with the forex demo account.
Like differentials in spreads which can exist between a demo and a real money account, differentials can also exist regarding the time you have to place a trade before the quote requotes or even expires. Demo accounts sometimes allow you more time within the trade decision making process. Real money time parameters for selecting trades can fluctuate due to live market price action, while in a demo account they usually will not. Also note that while spreads will sometimes be different on a demo account compared to a real money account, the price quotes for assets are frequently accurate. You can check this by watching the live market and looking at the prices for assets being provided at the same time by your demo account. However, it is important to note that the prices in the ‘live’ market you are often looking at are delayed depending on your source. This is because live quotes to the financial markets are considered valuable tools. You should ask your broker if you are seeing live market prices or if they are on a delay. Accurate pricing is crucial to understand the real feel of the marketplace and most demo accounts provide live quotes.
Forex trading demo account for beginners
Brokers are happy to have you trade on their demo accounts to learn and become an informed trader, but they do not want you to stay in the demo environment forever because they want you to open a live account eventually and deposit some funds. Demo accounts are also a burden on the broker’s computer servers, which is another reason they don’t want traders to use them for too long. The psychological aspects of trading are important and demo accounts give a new trader the ability to ‘feel’ the marketplace. It is important to note the effect on a traders psyche when they are placing a trading. There is an impact emotionally when carrying a position for any length of time and the decision making process becomes affected due to the nature of the markets which can be fast and sometimes volatile. A demo account allows you to become accustomed to the financial markets and the pace at which assets change values. Forex pairs, and ? Cfds offering indexes, equities and commodities will be available to examine and grow accustomed to, regarding the manner and rules with which each of them are treated by the broker.
While making money is a fundamental goal of every trader, a demo account allows you to trade with the goal of learning and not worrying about losing real money. Understanding the capabilities your broker offers and taking the opportunity to become fully accustomed to the real money trading environment is very important for new traders, and there’s no better way to do this than with a forex demo account. The widespread appeal of the forex demo account means that almost every forex broker offers one and you can sign up quite easily on the broker’s website.
How to create a demo account for forex trading
When you find a broker you like, you will usually see an offer in their website for a ‘free online demo account’. You will probably be asked to register your name, email address, and a few more personal details when you register for the account. After you have completed that process you will be prompted to either open an account or ‘get started’ – it is the second option which will activate your demo account. You will receive a username and a password along with a few instructions about using the demo account and you can then begin to “paper trade” immediately. The forex demo account allows you to test your chosen broker’s platform(s) and learn. They will usually contact you by email or phone if you provided your telephone number as part of the registration process to check on your progress and introduce themselves further in order to help you.
Best forex demo accounts
Luke jacobi
Contributor, benzinga
Want to jump straight to the answer? The best forex broker for most people is definitely forex.Com
Trading forex in a demo account offers a great way to get started operating in the world’s largest financial market. You generally just need to open a demo account with an online broker of your choice to get your feet wet. That involves selecting among the various forex brokers available, which requires some initial research on your part to determine the most suitable one for your experience level and trading requirements.
Why choose a demo account?
Trading in a demo account can really help forex beginners who might otherwise have to learn how to trade forex using real money and the financial risks that come with it. While demo trading lacks the emotional rush involved in risking real funds, it does train you to watch the market. It can also give you a good feel for how exchange rates move without risking any real money.
Virtual trading removes the key psychological element involved in risk-taking that can make or break a trader. Even though it does not accurately assess your trading abilities, it can help you practice. You can also use demo account trading to assess the historical performance of your trade plan and train yourself to use a trading platform.
Basically, a forex demo account offers an educational tool for novices to begin trading forex and test their strategies in a real-time trading environment without taking the associated financial risks involved in trading a real money account.
Best forex demo accounts
These days you have a lot of options to choose from among the various online forex brokers to trade currencies through, although traders based in the U.S. Have fewer choices as a result of regulatory restrictions.
Below you will find benzinga’s picks for the top forex and/or contract for difference (CFD) brokers that offer demo accounts in 5 key categories. You will also find details about each broker along with a screenshot of the trading platform you can check out via demo account trading. After deciding on a reputable broker, you can get in touch with them directly to open and start trading in a demo account.
Account minimum
Pairs offered
Minimum trade size
1. Best overall: FOREX.Com
FOREX.Com offers a demo account to prospective clients and ranks as the best forex broker overall. You can practice trading up to 80 currency pairs on FOREX.Com’s advanced trading platforms, even if you live in the U.S.
Non-U.S. Residents can also use the popular metatrader platform that allows you to automate your trading plans and backtest new strategies.
You can check out benzinga’s FOREX.Com review for more information about this excellent broker.

Account minimum
Pairs offered
Minimum trade size
2. Best for social trading: etoro
Etoro specializes in social trading that allows you to follow and copy the trades of expert traders who have an established track record with proven profitability.
Etoro also lets you trade more than 2,000 different assets in a demo account, and virtually any trader should find its intuitive forex platforms and apps easy to use, although it does not support the popular metatrader platforms.
Etoro also has excellent educational resources and it accepts U.S. Residents of most states as clients.

Account minimum
Pairs offered
Minimum trade size
3. Best for virtual funding amount: avatrade
If you want a substantial amount of virtual money to practice trading with, then avatrade offers an impressive sum of $100,000 to initially fund your demo account.
That makes this broker our top pick from a virtual funding standpoint.
Avatrade also excels when it comes to the number and variety of trading platforms supported, which include metatrader, zulutrade and an impressive forex and options trading platform called avaoptions.

4. Best for ease of use: easymarkets
Beginner forex traders looking for a broker with the easiest-to-use trading platform will find easymarkets a good choice to open a demo account with. Versions for phone, tablet and desktop devices are all available.

5. Best for unlimited demo time: plus500
Plus500 is a top CFD provider with over 1,000 assets available for trading in a demo account that includes 70 forex currency pairs, as well as stocks, cryptocurrencies, exchange-traded funds (etfs), indices and options. The broker does not accept U.S. Clients.
Plus500 desktop and mobile trading platforms have an intuitive interface that both novices and experienced traders will find very accessible to use for demo account trading. The broker also offers unlimited time on its demo accounts, which makes them ideal for building a long-term performance track record.

Account minimum
6. Best for customizable apps: IG
IG offers a few smart ways to trade forex:
- IG’s web trading platform
- Mobile apps
- Metatrader 4
- Prorealtime
IG’s clients can trade global currency markets at low spreads. IG, as a leading forex provider, offers and intuitive trading platform and customizable apps.
You can develop your trading knowledge with IG’s free online courses, webinars and seminars as well, called the IG academy.
You pay a spread on every trade. Here are a few pairs that include IG’s costs and value per pip:
Market name | value per pip | min spread | ave spread* | margin req |
EUR/USD | $10 | 0.8 | 0.9 | 2% |
AUD/USD | $10 | 1 | 1.2 | 3% |
EUR/GBP | £10 | 1 | 1.7 | 5% |
GBP/USD | $10 | 1 | 1.4 | 5% |
potential matches | IG group – product | |||
potential matches | IG group – product | |||
potential matches | IG group – product |
market name | value per pip | min spread | ave spread* | margin req |
EUR/USD | $10 | 0.8 | 0.9 | 2% |
AUD/USD | $10 | 1 | 1.2 | 3% |
EUR/GBP | £10 | 1 | 1.7 | 5% |
GBP/USD | $10 | 1 | 1.4 | 5% |
potential matches | IG group – product | |||
potential matches | IG group – product | |||
potential matches | IG group – product | |||
potential matches | IG group – product |
Risk and reward in forex trading
Forex traders make money just like stock traders do by taking positions that rise in value. They also make losses by taking positions that lose in value. When trading positions remain open, any profits or losses stay unrealized, but they become realized when the position is closed out.
Almost all online forex brokers let traders increase the risk they can take and potentially magnify their profits by leveraging. Leverage is generally expressed as a ratio of the size of the position you can control when you place 1 base currency unit on deposit to use as margin. A 200:1 leverage ratio, therefore, means you can control a $200 position by placing just $1 on deposit as margin.
To trade successfully, typically only consider making transactions that meet a certain minimum risk/reward ratio that you find acceptable. For instance, you could risk 100 pips on 1 trade to potentially gain 300 pips if your market view turns out to be correct. This results in an estimated risk/reward ratio of 100:300 or 1:3 on that trade.
Opening a demo account helps you choose a broker
Selecting the right forex broker is one of the most important decisions you will make as a forex trader, so choose wisely. In addition to finding one that fits your trading requirements, you’ll also want a reliable and reputable broker that submits to a strong regulatory agency for oversight.
Opening a demo account with any online broker that you would consider using makes total sense. You can use a demo account to learn how to use the broker’s trading platform, to practice trading and to test out new trading strategies in a real-time trading environment without the risk of actual financial loss.
These top forex brokers all offer demo accounts and were selected for this review for a variety of reasons that depend on the category we felt they excelled in. Essential requirements for each online broker chosen included having responsible regulatory oversight, a decent overall reputation with clients, an extended period in business and a significant amount of currency pairs clients can trade.
FOREX.Com demo account

The power to conquer the markets
Trade with precision
Professional charting
Actionable insights
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Metatrader 4
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- Web and mobile trading support
*based on active metatrader servers per broker, jan 2018.
The markets are moving. Stop missing out.
Try a demo account

By opening this demo account you confirm your acceptance of our demo account terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclosures.
Try a demo account

By opening this demo account you confirm your acceptance of our demo account terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclosures.
It's your world. Trade it.
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Cfds are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 74% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how cfds work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
CFD and forex trading are leveraged products and your capital is at risk. They may not be suitable for everyone. Please ensure you fully understand the risks involved by reading our full risk warning.
FOREX.Com is a trading name of GAIN capital UK limited. GAIN capital UK ltd is a company incorporated in england and wales with UK companies house number 1761813 and with its registered office at devon house, 58 st katharine’s way, london, E1W 1JP. GAIN capital UK ltd is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority in the UK, with FCA register number 113942. GAIN capital UK ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of stonex group inc.
FOREX.Com is a trademark of GAIN capital UK ltd.
This website uses cookies to provide you with the very best experience and to know you better. By visiting our website with your browser set to allow cookies, you consent to our use of cookies as described in our privacy policy.
FOREX.Com products and services are not intended for belgium residents.
We use cookies, and by continuing to use this site or clicking "agree" you agree to their use. Full details are in our cookie policy.
FOREX trading accounts
Choose an account type that best suits your trading style.
FOREX.Com account
- Advanced trading platforms with customizable interfaces
- Trade forex, equities and more, all on one account
- Fast, reliable trade executions
Metatrader account
- Dedicated FX trading platform
- Exclusive in-platform market news and analysis
- Trades execute at the best available price
DMA account
- Trade on prices as low as 0.1 on all major FX pairs
- Get commission discounts as low as $20/m traded
- Split the spread and place orders within the top of book spreads
What information do I need when opening an account?
We will need you to provide us with your name and address to establish your identity. Typically, we can verify your identity instantly. For more information, see our account document faqs.
What markets does FOREX.Com offer?
You can trade over 80 currency pairs at FOREX.Com. View our full range of markets.
When is forex market open for trading?
You can trade forex at FOREX.Com 24 hours a day, five days a week. For details, read our forex trading times article.
Is there a charge for central clearing?
We provide central counterparty clearing through an omnibus segregated clearing account (OSCA) free of charge as standard to all clients. If you wish to open an individual segregated clearing account (ISCA), fees apply:
- For an individual these charges are: £13,000 account opening fee, plus account maintenance and transaction charges
- For a corporate entity these charges are: £200,000 account opening fee, plus account maintenance and transaction charges
Try a demo account

By opening this demo account you confirm your acceptance of our demo account terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclosures.
Try a demo account

By opening this demo account you confirm your acceptance of our demo account terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclosures.
It's your world. Trade it.
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Cfds are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 74% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how cfds work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
CFD and forex trading are leveraged products and your capital is at risk. They may not be suitable for everyone. Please ensure you fully understand the risks involved by reading our full risk warning.
FOREX.Com is a trading name of GAIN capital UK limited. GAIN capital UK ltd is a company incorporated in england and wales with UK companies house number 1761813 and with its registered office at devon house, 58 st katharine’s way, london, E1W 1JP. GAIN capital UK ltd is authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority in the UK, with FCA register number 113942. GAIN capital UK ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of stonex group inc.
FOREX.Com is a trademark of GAIN capital UK ltd.
This website uses cookies to provide you with the very best experience and to know you better. By visiting our website with your browser set to allow cookies, you consent to our use of cookies as described in our privacy policy.
FOREX.Com products and services are not intended for belgium residents.
We use cookies, and by continuing to use this site or clicking "agree" you agree to their use. Full details are in our cookie policy.
Open an account
Ideal for traders who want a traditional, spread pricing, currency trading experience
For traders who are seeking ultra-tight spreads with fixed commissions.
Not available on metatrader.
Not available on metatrader.
Recommended bal. $25,000, min. Trade size 100K
Active trader program
- Cash rebates of up to $10/mil volume traded
- Professional guidance from your own market strategist
- Reimbursement of any bank fees on all wire transfers
Related faqs
How do I open a joint or corporate account?
What are the differences between a demo and live account?
How does FOREX.Com make money?
Try a demo account

Try a demo account

It's your world. Trade it.
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Please note that foreign exchange and other leveraged trading involves significant risk of loss. It is not suitable for all investors and you should make sure you understand the risks involved, seeking independent advice if necessary.
Contracts for difference (cfds) are not available to US residents.
FOREX.Com is a trading name of GAIN global markets inc. Which is authorized and regulated by the cayman islands monetary authority under the securities investment business law of the cayman islands (as revised) with license number 25033.
FOREX.Com may, from time to time, offer payment processing services with respect to card deposits through its affiliate, GAIN capital UK ltd, devon house, 58 st katharine’s way, london, E1W 1JP, united kingdom.
GAIN global markets inc. Is part of the GAIN capital holdings, inc. Group of companies, which has its principal place of business at 135 US hwy 202/206, bedminster, NJ 07921, USA. All are separate but affiliated subsidiaries of stonex group inc.
Best forex robots 2021
For a long period, we professionally research the forex automated trading market. Over the years, we have gained experience that we systematically share with you in our reviews. Choosing an EA is a very important procedure, as it involves using it on a real account in order to make money. In the table, we have put together the ratings and results of the best trading robots performing.

ROFX is the best way to get started with forex. The system, based on machine learning and customizable patterns using AI, allows you to have up to 10% of monthly profit without the need for any effort. In confirmation of their capabilities, the first deposit to a real account with a robot was the amount of ten million dollars. ROFX provides a well-designed PAMM system that means that all robot performs go on the company servers.

Forex fury is an incredibly popular robot showing a stable and predictable profit. On the one hand, the robot allows you to make many settings to adjust the trading to the needs of the trader, but on the other hand, it requires not a little knowledge in order to effectively manage it. The robot holds its winning rating at a level above 90%, which in itself is a unique phenomenon in the world of trading robots.

Forex robotron is another example of the success of forex trading using a fully-automated trading robot. Trading with it shows high and predictable results. The monthly gain is more than 20%. At the same time, the robot requires deep knowledge and understanding of trading processes in order to achieve similar results. That is why it can be difficult for beginners to master working with it.
Each experienced forex trader has gone through a long phase of formation, ups, and downs. Many of them nulled their accounts several times while learning to trade. All this time, traders had to analyze the history of trades, follow the news, and trades on their own so on day after day. With the advent of trading robots, many of these routine functions were taken over by them.
The robot is a fully automatic program and doesn’t require you present. This allows beginners to start trading forex immediately after the deployment of the program and does not require previous experience. This is a great advantage for those who want to try their hand at forex trading.
The robot provides work in a fully automatic mode, giving a stable passive income. At the same time, its owner can control all its aspects of the activity, configure it at its discretion, control the current trading process from market analysis, to entering and exiting a position.
Robots are usually developed based on some strategies that have already brought substantial profit to their owners. By applying them at the core of the robot, devs thus allow you to get your profit too. A feature of some robots is that developers maintain the availability of analysis of the history of trading operations so that traders can use this data to improve their own strategies.
- Knowledge-free to start earning money on forex
- Fully-automated trading, without needing of understanding performing processes
- Usually, the seller provides back-tests and shows a robot perform on a real or demo account
- 30(60)-days money-back guarantee is an option from many sellers.
- Completely removes influence of the emotional statements during trading
- A robot can run on many accounts, as well as, trade effectively many currency pairs at the same time
- It can perform 24/7 giving you opportunities to spend your time whatever you want
- Free-trial a robot for applying it on the demo account is also quite often option
- You know the strongest sides of a robot you chose, so you can easily improve your own strategy.
- You can easily compare the official robot performing with the performing of your copy, so you’ll be able to simply find out when your robot becomes a scam.
- Running a robot on your PC is required to be online 24/7 and get a stable connection.
- There’s high enough chance to get a scam instead of a trading assistant.
- Price varies depending on futures, patterns, amount of currency pairs, etc.
- 30(60)-days money-back guarantee is an option from many sellers.
- Sometimes, there’s a high level of the min account balance for smooth trading with low risks.
Here are some functions which are applied in almost every good trading robot:
The forex robot is usually designed with the settings that are responsible for managing current trading transactions. These are the following functions: hard stop loss, trailing stop loss, and take profit features. Both experienced traders and beginners should take into account that without these functions, they will not receive full-fledged automated trading.
A developed set of patterns that include not only the parameters of the trade but also the specified criteria for market analysis. Thanks to this system, the robot is able to independently decide on the selection of the most successful entry and exit points. Typically, the robot is programmed to use technical analysis and indicators: order flow, support and resistance levels, and RSI or MACD.
With automated trading, a lot depends on how accurate and fast the robot is in making decisions. The EA must provide its owner with timely entry and exit points from transactions, which in turn should significantly increase the profitability of its work. The ability to enter a deal at the lowest point and exit it at the peak distinguishes a good robot from a bad one.
- Trade accuracy
- Numbers of traded currecny pairs
- Different risks level management
- Performing and order execution speed
- Official performing data (gain, profit) from myfxbook and fxblue sites
- Pricing for buying/subscriptions
- Support availability
- User interface
- Bitcoin or other crypto trading availability
- Customization of the standart patterns

It’s a computer program developed by devs and traders. It works on the proven patterns that allow you to make profit using robot owners’ trading experience.
A trading robot (EA) fits everyone. For beginners, it suggests the smooth start of trading on the forex. For good traders it lets relax more, using combined strategies of robots and trader to get better results with same amount of spent time.
Robots prices start from $99 to $25000 depends on futures and strategies. Most of the robots start to work well from a $1000 deposit
Not at all. From buying to applying usually goes about 10 minutes. No special knowledge is needed.
Yes, it does. Every robot is developed with the stop-loss system that allows you to lose not so much if it’s happened
It mostly depends on the risk you trade with. Our experience tells +100% of annually gain is good profitability.

We are all aware that forex refers to a currency market where traders buy currencies and sell them. For a trader to earn some money at forex, they should have the currency of a country, which they can exchange for another country’s currency. As a result, a trader will either get a profit or loss.
In forex trading, you can decide whether to invest some money or trade without a deposit. Top forex brokers do provide a free no-deposit bonus to traders. In such a case then you can trade at forex with no money.
Whether you opt to trade with or without an investment, the truth is that each case has its own risks. This is true especially if you don’t have the necessary experience and knowledge on how to trade in forex. That is why you should learn some basics on how to start forex trading business with no money.
Forex has a daily trades amounting to 5.3 trillion dollars, making it the top fiscal market across the globe. This alone poses a great chance for traders to earn huge profits. Trading without an investment is risk-free in itself. This article is for anyone who desires to take this path.
Here’s how to begin trading in forex without money

First, you must have a clear understanding that it is not possible to make high profits in forex with no investment. If you desire to be a serious trader and want to gain huge profits in the long-run, then you should open a trading account and deposit some money on it.
Nonetheless, you can still earn money at forex with no investment but the profit will not be as big. The best part with no investment trading is that you’ll not risk your money.
Trading forex is in itself risky – that’s why many people shy away from it. There are many scams assuring people that they can earn millions even if they have no capital investment. Don’t let these scams fool you – even a bit!
Luckily, you can earn money at forex without a deposit. The thing is that it will take a long time to accumulate as much as you would desire.
- Forex trading with zero capital using demo accounts or with no-deposit bonus
Every reputable forex broker will give traders a chance to open new demo accounts. Such an account will let you use virtual currency to trade at forex. But you cannot withdraw this fund as it belongs to your broker, or you can try forex no-deposit bonus and you can withdraw if you make a profit.As an inexperienced and new trader, it is advisable you start with a demo account or no deposit bonus. If you so wish to take this path, then, just be aware that you can make a profit. But it’s a great starting point to learn how to trade when you invest real money.
- Affiliate programs
Besides opening a demo account, you can trade using affiliate programs. This is a chance to make extra money in forex without trading as per se. Just select a broker and promote them. As a result, you’ll get a commission if you happen to attract people. This is a current trend for traders to earn money with no investment.
Participating in an affiliate programs entails attracting new clients. These clients must be willing to trade in forex. That’s how you’ll earn your bonus. Affiliate programs have different terms and conditions. Some will allow you to receive bonuses whether or not the client trades. Therefore, it’s great to check out the terms for your affiliate program and see how much you can get.
Once you attract a client, your broker will automatically transfer your bonus into your trading account. Here you have an option to withdraw the money or trade with it in forex.
- Contests
Some brokers do arrange contests for real and demo accounts on a regular basis. Unlike other competitions, the ones in forex are simple. To become a winner, you must boost the income on your virtual account at least several times within the shortest period possible. As a result, you’ll receive money on your real account – as a reward.
Therefore, you can trade at forex with no investment. If you choose to trade using a demo account, then you should increase profits for a specific amount within a specific time period. And you’ll get a bonus on your real trading account.
So taking part in the contest can make you a great trader at forex even if you don’t have an investment. However, for you to be successful with demo contests, you must know how to trade with cryptocurrency pairs. Cryptocurrency is a great asset for a trader to earn high profits due to its volatility.
- 4. Posts, reviews, and comments on different information portals
Brokers do reward traders who place interesting comments on forex forums. You can also receive bonuses when you participate in forex opinion polls. Similarly, publishing articles and surveys about forex can earn you bonuses on your real account.
Apart from earning money, you can also gain reputation and experience same as that of a professional analyst. Brokers are willing to pay a lot for forex reviews. So you can take advantage and write them some damn good reviews.
The bottom line
Those who make an investment in forex are not the only ones who can gain profit. Even the ones with no money can too. Notably, though, if you want to earn huge amounts of money at forex you should invest money. On the same note, you should have the knowledge and experience of trading in forex.
Nowadays, people can trade with no capital at first and open real accounts later on. And with time, they become successful in trading. As a newbie in this field, it is advisable you begin the first step and proceed as you gain experience/knowledge.
Hopefully, you now have a clue on how you can start forex trading business with no money at all. You can use either of these options as a chance to gain experience on how to trade in forex without risking your money.
So, let's see, what we have: FOREX NO DEPOSIT ACCOUNT at free forex trading account with real money
- Top forex bonus list
- Free real money forex no deposit
- How to make money trading forex online
- Pros
- Con
- Are the stories real? Can you make A living trading forex?
- 1. Learn the trade before you trade
- 3. Beginning A piecemeal at A time
- 4. Do not feel overwhelmed; price action is all that matters
- 5. Find A forex trading strategy that works
- 6. Trade within your limit
- Forex demo trading brokers
- The difference between a forex demo and real account
- How to use a forex demo account
- Are forex demo accounts accurate?
- Forex trading demo account for beginners
- How to create a demo account for forex trading
- Best forex demo accounts
- Why choose a demo account?
- Best forex demo accounts
- Account minimum
- Pairs offered
- Minimum trade size
- Spread
- Commisions
- 1. Best overall: FOREX.Com
- 2. Best for social trading: etoro
- 3. Best for virtual funding amount: avatrade
- 4. Best for ease of use: easymarkets
- 5. Best for unlimited demo time: plus500
- 6. Best for customizable apps: IG
- Risk and reward in forex trading
- Opening a demo account helps you choose a broker
- Methodology
- FOREX.Com demo account
- The power to conquer the markets
- Metatrader 4
- The markets are moving. Stop missing out.
- Try a demo account
- Try a demo account
- FOREX trading accounts
- Try a demo account
- Try a demo account
- Open an account
- Active trader program
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- Fxdailyreport.Com
- Here’s how to begin trading in forex without money
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