Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

Roboforex malaysia

Roboforex menyediakan tawaran promosi terbaik kepada pelanggan mereka di pasaran kewangan. Thai yang telah memenangi beberapa kali, seorang jurulatih yang berpengalaman, dan master of sports yang dihormati.

Top forex bonus list

Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

Kelebihan dagangan broker forex roboforex

Tiada had dalam menyediakan faedah yang luar biasa untuk pelanggan roboforex.

  • Spread yang kecil
    dari 0 pip

  • Pelaksanaan pesanan

  • 3 akaun matawang
    (EUR, USD, GOLD)

  • Akaun mikro dengan
    saiz minimum 0.01

  • 8
    kelas aset

  • Program affiliate
    50% pembayaran

Roboforex bonus program

Roboforex menyediakan tawaran promosi terbaik kepada pelanggan mereka di pasaran kewangan.

Mulakan dagangan dengan roboforex sekarang dan dapatkan faedah yang hebat!

Bonus saham keuntungan
sehingga 60%

  • Bonus sehingga 20,000 USD.

  • Boleh digunakan ketika "drawdown".

  • Deposit serendah 10 USD.

  • Keluarkan keuntungan yang anda terima apabila berdagang dana anda sendiri.

Dapatkan bonus

  • Cashback (rebat)
    sehingga 15%

    • Terima cashback untuk jumlah dagangan hanya 10 lot.

    • Tersedia untuk semua pelanggan yang telah disahkan.

    • Menerima wang sebenar sebagai cashback dan mengeluarkannya serta-merta.

    Ketahui lebih lanjut

  • Sehingga 10%
    pada baki akaun

    • Pembayaran untuk jumlah dagangan bermula dari 1 lot.

    • Tiada sekatan: keluarkan serta merta.

    • Terima % pada baki akaun setiap bulan.

    Ketahui lebih lanjut

  • Jenis akaun

    • Deposit pertama

    • Jenis pelaksanaan

    • Spread

    • Instrumen

    • Bonus

    • Platform


    Jenis akaun yang paling popular di roboforex, di mana bersesuaian untuk pemula dan pedagang berpengalaman.


    Akaun "prime" menggabungkan semua ciri terbaik akaun ECN dan sesuai untuk pedagang profesional.


    Akaun pro-cent memberikan peluang untuk berdagang lot mikro dan paling sesuai untuk pemula, yang ingin menguji keadaan perdagangan kami dengan pelaburan minimum.

    ECN merupakan jenis akaun yang direka khas untuk pedagang profesional di mana mereka lebih menyukai keadaan perdagangan dengan spread yang kecil.

    R trader

    R trader adalah platform web multi-aset, yang menggabungkan teknologi moden, klasik tetapi dibawa ke reka bentuk peringkat baru, dan akses ke pasaran kewangan utama dunia.

    • Deposit pertama 100 USD

    • Jenis pelaksanaan pelaksanaan pasaran

    • Spread floating dari 0 mata

    • Instrumen lebih 12,000 saham, indeks,
      forex, ETF, CFD, cryptocurrencies

    • Bonus tidak tersedia

    • Platform R trader - web platform

  • Membuka akaun demo di roboforex, anda boleh menguji keadaan dagangan kami - instrumen, spread, swap, kelajuan pelaksanaan - tanpa melabur wang sebenar.

    • Deposit pertama tidak diperlukan

    • Jenis pelaksanaan pelaksanaan pasaran

    • Spread bergantung kepada jenis akaun

    • Instrumen bergantung kepada jenis akaun

    • Bonus jumlah tawaran yang terhad

    • Platform

        bergantung kepada jenis akaun

  • Platform dagangan

    Platform yang paling popular untuk diperdagangkan di pasaran forex, yang termasuk pangkalan data pengetahuan, robot dagangan, dan indikator.

    • 3 jenis pelaksanaan pesanan

    • 9 jenis time frame untuk berdagang

    • 50 indikator bersepadu untuk analisis teknikal

    • Pelbagai jenis pesanan

  • Versi terkini platform metatrader dengan peluang untuk memilih daripada sistem netting dan hedging.

    • 4 jenis pelaksanaan pesanan

    • Penguji multi-currency

    • Kedalaman pasaran

    • 6 jenis pesanan pending

  • Platform dagangan roboforex

    Bagi pedagang yang memilih untuk sentiasa bergerak aktif, kami mempersembahkan platform perdagangan roboforex yang eksklusif: webtrader dan mobiletrader.

    • Berdagang dari mana-mana pelayar atau peranti mudah alih (ios, android).

    • Dapatkan fungsi yang sama seperti pada platform desktop.

    • Kawal kedudukan dan pesanan anda dari mana-mana tempat di dunia.

  • Platform dagangan berasaskan web multi-aset yang paling pantas dalam carta kewangan industri dan alat analisis teknikal lanjutan.

    • Lebih 12,000 saham, indeks, FX, ETF, cryptocurrencies.

    • Deposit minimum: 100 USD.

    • Pembina robot dagangan. Tidak perlu kemahiran pengaturcaraan.

  • Pusat platform perdagangan

    Platform dagangan eksklusif

    Bagi pedagang yang memilih untuk sentiasa bergerak aktif, kami mempersembahkan platform perdagangan roboforex yang eksklusif: webtrader dan mobiletrader.

    Keselamatan dana pelanggan

    Dana anda dijamin sepenuhnya apabila anda berdagang dengan roboforex.

    • Aktiviti yang dikawal selia:
      no. Lesen IFSC 000138/107

    • Perlindungan baki

    • Peserta dana pampasan
      suruhanjaya kewangan

    • Sijil kualiti pelaksanaan untuk

    mula berdagang sekarang

    8 kelas asset

    Temui pasaran utama dunia melalui akaun dan platform roboforex.


    Kami menawarkan akses telus dan boleh dipercayai untuk berdagang FX dengan lebih daripada 40 pasangan mata wang

    Faedah dagangan forex

    • Institusi spread dari 0 mata

    • Platform metatrader4, metatrader5, ctrader,
      R trader

    • Leverage: sehingga 1:2000

    • Pelaksanaan terpantas

    baca lebih lanjut

    Akses kepada lebih daripada 12,000 saham melalui platform R trader dan lebih daripada 50 melalui terminal metatrader 4/5

    Manfaat dagangan saham

    • Deposit minimum: 100 USD

    • Data pasaran bursa saham dalam talian secara percuma

    • Leverage sehingga 1:20

    • Platform metatrader4, metatrader5, R trader

    baca lebih lanjut

    Dalam format yang paling kerap diniagakan, indeks ditakrifkan sebagai portfolio stok yang mewakili sektor pasaran atau pasaran tertentu

    Manfaat dagangan indeks

    • Platform metatrader4, metatrader5, R trader

    • Spread kecil- tiada mark up

    • Leverage: sehingga 1:100

    • Lebih daripada 10 instrumen

    baca lebih lanjut

    Perdagangan industri ETF yang berkembang pesat dengan lebih daripada $ 3 trilion dalam aset pengurusan

    Faedah dagangan ETF

    • Deposit minimum: 100 USD

    • Platform R trader

    • Leverage sehingga 1:20

    • Acara-acara korporat disokong dan dikendalikan oleh sistem secara automatik

    baca lebih lanjut
    Komoditi lembut

    Perdagangan ETF pada komoditi yang ditanam seperti kopi, koko, gula, jagung, gandum, kacang soya, buah-buahan.

    Manfaat perdagangan komoditi lembut

    • Deposit minimum: 100 USD

    • Platform R trader

    • Lebih daripada 100 instrumen

    • Leverage sehingga 1:20

    baca lebih lanjut

    Perdagangan CFD dan komoditi ETF di pasaran tenaga termasuk minyak, gas asli, minyak pemanasan, etanol dan asid tereftalat tulen.

    Faedah perdagangan tenaga

    • Spread yang kecil

    • Platform metatrader4, R trader

    • Instrumen paling ideal untuk pedagang

    • Deposit minimum: 10 USD

    • Leverage sehingga 1:100

    baca lebih lanjut

    Perdagangan CFD dan komoditi ETF pada logam berharga termasuk emas, platinum, palladium, perak serta pasangan emas/dolar dan silver/dollar.

    Faedah dagangan logam

    • Hedge terhadap ketidakstabilan politik dan kelemahan dolar

    • Deposit minimum: 10 USD

    • Platform metatrader4, metatrader5, ctrader,
      R trader

    • Leverage: sehingga 1:1000

    baca lebih lanjut

    Bitcoin, litecoin dan ethereum terbukti mempunyai potensi besar untuk pelaburan dan spekulasi

    Manfaat dagangan cryptocurrency

    • Platform metatrader4, metatrader5, R stock

    • Lebih 7 matawang crypto

    • Leverage: sehingga 1:50

    • Perdagangan 24/7

    baca lebih lanjut

    0% komisen

    Apabila pelanggan kami mendepositkan akaun dagangan mereka, komisen adalah 0%. Roboforex merangkumi semua perbelanjaan. Pilih sistem pembayaran mengikut kemudahan anda, bukan keberkesanan kos.

    Roboforex juga membayar komisen pelanggannya untuk pengeluaran dana dua kali sebulan.

    Pengeluaran segera

    • Sistem pengeluaran automatik: pengeluaran dalam masa satu minit untuk kaedah pembayaran tertentu

    • Sistem beroperasi 24/7.

    • Ia mudah, cepat dan boleh dipercayai dengan roboforex.

    Lebih daripada 20 pilihan deposit

    Menjadi pelabur di forex

    Untuk pelaburan jangka pendek

    • Pilih antara lebih 1,000 pedagang.

    • Dapatkan statistik terperinci mengenai prestasi pedagang.

    • Hentikan langganan pada bila-bila masa.

    Platform copyfx akan menjadi sempurna bagi mereka yang mencari cara mudah tetapi boleh dipercayai untuk melabur dalam forex.

    Analisis pasaran roboforex

    Berita syarikat

    Roboforex: perubahan dalam jadual perdagangan (cuti krismas dan tahun baru)

    Roboforex menerima anugerah berprestij dari sektor kewangan

    Roboforex team melancarkan rfund - dana pelaburan alternatif baru

    Kalendar ekonomi

    Exclusive market analytics

    Claws & horns adalah syarikat analisis bebas yang menyediakan broker dengan set alat analisis yang diperlukan.

    Fxwirepro ™ adalah sebuah syarikat analisis utama, yang menyediakan peserta pasaran kewangan dengan laporan penyelidikan dalam mod masa sebenar.

    Pemenang lebih daripada 10 anugerah berprestij

    Roboforex diiktiraf oleh pakar industri kewangan yang paling dihormati.

    Lebih daripada 800,000 dari 169 negara.

    Best investment products (global)

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    Pelumba yang berpengalaman dengan lebih daripada 60,000 kilometer perjalanan di eropah, afrika, dan australia.

    Penaja rasmi pejuang muay thai andrei kulebin seorang juara dunia tinju

    Thai yang telah memenangi beberapa kali, seorang jurulatih yang berpengalaman, dan master of sports yang dihormati.

    Roboforex ltd adalah broker antarabangsa yang dikawalselia oleh IFSC, nombor lesen 000138/107, reg. Nombor 128.572.

    Peringatan risiko: terdapat risiko tinggi yang terlibat apabila berdagang produk leveraged seperti forex / cfds. 58.42% daripada akaun pelabur runcit kehilangan wang apabila berdagang CFD dengan pembekal ini. Anda tidak boleh berisiko lebih daripada yang anda mampu untuk kehilangan, mungkin anda mungkin kehilangan lebih daripada keseluruhan pelaburan anda. Anda tidak harus berdagang atau melabur melainkan anda memahami sepenuhnya tahap pendedahan anda terhadap risiko kerugian. Apabila berdagang atau melabur, anda mesti mengambil kira tahap pengalaman anda. Perkhidmatan perdagangan-salinan menandakan risiko tambahan kepada pelaburan anda disebabkan sifat produk tersebut. Jika risiko yang terlibat nampaknya tidak jelas kepada anda, sila memohon kepada pakar luar untuk nasihat bebas. Roboforex ltd tidak mensasarkan pelanggan EU / EEA. Kami tidak bekerja di wilayah amerika syarikat, kanada, jepun, australia, bonaire, curaçao, timor timur, liberia, saipan, rusia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turki, guinea-bissau, mikronesia, kepulauan mariana utara, svalbard dan jan mayen, sudan selatan, dan negara terhad lain.

    Di roboforex, kami faham bahawa peniaga harus menumpukan semua usaha mereka untuk berdagang dan tidak bimbang tentang tahap keselamatan modal yang sesuai. Oleh itu, syarikat mengambil langkah tambahan untuk memastikan pematuhan terhadap kewajipannya kepada pelanggan. Kami telah melaksanakan program insurans liabiliti sivil untuk had 5,000,000 EUR, yang meliputi liputan pasaran utama terhadap komisen, penipuan, kesilapan, kecuaian dan risiko lain yang mungkin menyebabkan kerugian kewangan pelanggan.

    © roboforex, 2009-2021.
    Hak cipta terpelihara.

    Roboforex malaysia - roboforex broker review

    Roboforex malaysia is a reputable international online forex broker headquartered in cyprus. This award-winning broker is regulated by cysec in cyprus and IFSC in belize and has been around for 9 years, providing quality services to more than 800,000 clients in 160 countries.

    Roboforex clients benefit from various products, more than 8,700 tradable instruments in 8 classes of assets (forex, stock, indices, ETF, commodities, energies, metals, and cryptocurrencies) with a tight spread from 0 pip and flexible leverage up to 1:1000. Moreover, the company offers different types of accounts (cent (micro), ECN, prime) and 6 trading platforms (MT4, MT5, ctrader, R webtrader, R mobiletrader, and R trader) to suit every traderвђ™s needs.

    At roboforex malaysia, clients can deposit and withdraw their funds instantly via more than 20 deposit options (webmoney, skrill, neteller, bitcoin, visa, mastercard, local malaysian banks and more) with 0% commission. All newly registered clients will have the opportunity to receive roboforex $30 FREE bonus from the broker. Moreover, roboforex offers investment platform - RAMM investment (with integrated risk management system & profit optimization) to investors and professional traders.

    Roboforex provides 24/7 malaysian support via live chat, phone, and email. To expand clients' knowledge and skills for trading, roboforex offers webinars, forecasts, trading news, analytics, economic calendar, and other educational resources.

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Roboforex malaysia account types

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Roboforex malaysia offers different types of trading accounts that can accommodate the needs of all its clients with different levels of trading expertise. Moreover, these accounts are offered in fractional pip pricing to obtain the most accurate market price, as well as instant market executions, which means that all orders are executed at the most recent price. All roboforex trading accounts are available not only via metatrader 4 and metatrader 5 but also ctrader, as well as their own roboforex web trader trading platforms.

    The all-classic trading account, or roboforex pro-standard account, is the most famous account type at roboforex, suitable for both beginner and experienced traders. The pro-standard account has low capital requirements, only a minimum deposit of 10 USD/10 EUR/100 CNY, and high leverage up to 1:2000. By using the pro-standard account, traders will be able to place an unlimited number of trading positions with floating spreads a low as 1.3 pips and no commission. The pro-standard account is accessible via all roboforex trading platforms, allowing traders to trade in various trading instruments such as 36 currency pairs, metals, cfds, and cryptocurrencies, with at least 1 unit of margin.

    New traders are recommended to practice with roboforex demo account, then start their live trading with the roboforex pro-cent account. The pro-cent account is accessible only via metatrader 4, metatrader 5, and web trader, allowing traders to trade in micro lots with a minimum margin of 0.1 units and tight floating spread as low as 1.3 pips and no commission. The minimum deposit required for this account is 10 USD/10 EUR/100 CNY with leverage as high as 1:2000 and up to 200 trading positions in 36 currency pairs, metals, cfds, and cryptocurrencies.

    If you are an experienced trader, you can enjoy the roboforex ECN-pro account. The ECN-based account offers even tighter floating spreads as low as 0 pip with a 20$ commission for every 1 million USD of trading volume, and leverage as high as 1:300. Only a minimum of 10 USD/10 EUR/100 CNY deposit and 3.33 units of margin are required to trade in 36 currency pairs, metals, cfds, and cryptocurrencies using the ECN-pro account. This account is also accessible via all roboforex trading platforms.

    High-capital professional traders who enjoy more challenges can make use of the roboforex exclusive VIP prime account. The prime account offers trading conditions at the level of liquidity providers, starting from a minimum deposit of 5,000 USD and at least ten units of margin. Traders will be able to trade in tighter spreads as low as 0 pip by using the roboforex prime account. In this account, 15$ commission is charged for every 1 million USD traded, but traders can use leverage as high as 1:100 to the minimum in 28 currency pairs, metals, cfds, and cryptocurrencies via metatrader 4, webtrader, and mobile trading platforms.

    ROBOFOREX LP opened representative office in malaysia

    Dear clients and partners!

    Roboforex is glad to inform you about opening ROBOFOREX LP representative office in malaysia. More detailed information can be found in “contacts” section of our site.

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    1. Home

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    5. ROBOFOREX LP opened representative office in malaysia

    Roboforex ltd is an international broker regulated by the IFSC, license no. 000138/107, reg. Number 128.572.

    Risk warning: there is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as forex/cfds. 58.42% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose the entire amount of your account balance. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice. Roboforex ltd does not target EU/EEA clients. We don't work on the territory of the USA, canada, japan, australia, bonaire, curaçao, east timor, liberia, saipan, russia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turkey, guinea-bissau, micronesia, northern mariana islands, svalbard and jan mayen, south sudan, and other restricted countries.

    At roboforex, we understand that traders should focus all their efforts on trading and not worry about the appropriate level of safety of their capital. Therefore, the company took additional measures to ensure compliance with its obligations to the clients. We have implemented a civil liability insurance program for a limit of 5,000,000 EUR, which includes market-leading coverage against omissions, fraud, errors, negligence, and other risks that may lead to financial losses of clients.

    © roboforex, 2009-2021.
    All rights reserved.


    Trade currencies on the global financial market on competitive conditions

    Spreads from 0 pips

    At roboforex, you have an opportunity to trade with tight spreads from 0 pips.

    Leverage up to 1:2000

    Trade with the leverage value up to 1:2000 regardless of the account type.

    High execution speed

    Order execution from 0.1 second.

    More than 40 currency pairs

    Trade more than 40 currency pairs, including EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, and EURGBP.

    Our top forex instruments

    Roboforex trading platforms

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Best trading platforms in the industry

    Roboforex clients have an opportunity to trade on their accounts with competitive conditions from any device that is convenient for them. Choose a trading platform, which meets your requirements most of all, and trade with high order execution.

    Available on the following account types

    Roboforex offers its clients several types of accounts and they can choose the one that is the most suitable for them.


    Pro-standard accounts are an excellent choice for both experts and beginners of the currency market.

    • Initial deposit 10 USD / 10 EUR / 100 CNY

    • Execution type market execution

    • Spreads floating from 1.3 pips

    • Bonuses all offers

    ECN accounts are intended for professional traders, who prefer best possible trading conditions.

    • Initial deposit 10 USD / 10 EUR / 100 CNY

    • Execution type market execution

    • Spreads floating from 0 pips

    • Bonuses reduced number of promotions

    clients' choice


    “prime” account type is best for “advanced” traders and includes most attractive features of “ECN” accounts.

    • Initial deposit 10 USD / 10 EUR / 100 CNY

    • Execution type market execution

    • Spreads floating from 0 pips

    • Bonuses reduced number of promotions

    premium conditions


    Using pro-cent accounts, beginners and more experienced traders will have an opportunity to test their trading strategies.

    • Initial deposit 10 USD / 10 EUR / 100 CNY

    • Execution type market execution

    • Spreads floating from 1.3 pips

    • Bonuses all promotions

    for algo testing

    R trader

    R trader is a multi-asset web platform, which combines modern technologies, a classic but taken to a new level design, and access to the world’s major financial markets.

    • Initial deposit 100 USD

    • Execution type market execution

    • Spreads floating from 0.1 pips

    • Bonuses not available

    for stock trading

    Benefit from roboforex promotions

    Roboforex offers its clients the best promotional programs on financial markets start trading with roboforex right now and discover a great variety of bonuses!

    Profit share bonus up to 60%

    • Bonus up to 20,000 USD.

    • Can be used during "drawdown".

    • Deposit from 10 USD.

    • Withdraw the profit received when trading your own funds.

    Recieve bonus popular

  • Classic bonus up to 120%

    • Bonus up to 50,000 USD.

    • Сan’t be used during "drawdown".

    • Deposit from 10 USD.

    • Trade with bonus funds and withdraw the profit.

    Recieve bonus

  • Cashback (rebates) up to 15%

    • Receive cashback for the trading volume of just 10 lots.

    • Available for all verified clients.

    • Receive real money as cashback and withdraw it instantly.

    Read more popular

  • We pay up to 10% on an account balance

    • Payments for the trading volume starting from 1 lot.

    • No restrictions: withdraw instantly.

    • Receive % on account balance every month.

    Read more

  • The forex market that is opened 24/5 and considered to be the largest and most liquid trading facility in the world. The turnover is more than 4 trillion dollars per day and this number is more than any other market. Forex is intended for buying and selling different global currencies, which are paired into single trading instruments. For example, the euro vs. The US dollar (EURUSD). One of the currencies is a good, the other one is a tool for paying for this good. The profit form trading is gained due to the currency exchange rate change to one of the directions as the time goes by.

    One can trade on forex even without significant investments, because most of the brokers provide traders with access to trading with the leverage. Thanks to this, traders can perform trading operations that involve bigger amounts of money than they actually have on their accounts. The leverage may increase the profit a trader receive from transactions, but at the same time it may increase their losses as well.

    On the forex market, one can trade a great variety of currency pairs, which are basically divided into three major groups:

    • Majors are the most popular pairs featuring the USD and currencies of other influential countries (EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, etc.).

    • Crosses are the pairs without the USD (AUDCAD, EURJPY, AUDNZD, etc.). As a rule, they are less active than majors, but may sometimes behave quite surprising while being traded.

    • Exotics are low-liquid pairs with large spread, movements of which are not easy to forecast. These pairs feature the USD and currencies of the countries, which are not among advanced global economies (USDRUB, USDMXN, etc.).

    Several criteria may influence the choice of currency pairs for trading:

    • The pair must be easily analyzed and forecasted, while force-majeure risks must be dialed down.

    • When it comes to intraday trading, it’s better to choose highly-volatile currency pairs.

    • Consideration must be given to the time for trading. For example, USDJPY is more active during the asian trading session, while EURUSD – during the european and american ones.

    • It’s not recommended to choose pairs with large spreads.

    Every trader chooses trading instruments based on their trading strategies, experience, and attitude to risks. The most popular currency pairs with beginners are EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, and NZDUSD, while more experienced traders prefer a wider range – EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY, EURJPY, GBPJPY, and AUDJPY.

    Welcome bonus 30 USD

    Register and receive initial funds for trading.

    Initial funds

    For new clients of the company, who verified their personal information.

    Withdraw the profit

    From trading using both your own and extra funds.

    No restrictions

    Welcome bonus funds aren’t written off from your account even during "drawdown".

    How to receive welcome bonus

    Open an account

    Bonus funds are available for cent and standard MT4/MT5-based accounts with USD or EUR as a base currency.

    Verify your account

    Pass the simple verification procedure of your identity, address, and phone number in your members area.

    Deposit funds to your account

    Deposit at least 10 USD to your account via a bank card * .

    * - funds can be deposited only via china unionpay, maestro, mastercard, and VISA cards. Deposits made by means of virtual cards issued by payment systems, as well as prepaid cards are not taken into account.

    What types of accounts can I receive 30 USD to?

    Initial 30 USD are available to all newly registered roboforex clients with cent and standard accounts.



    The most popular account type at roboforex, which is suitable for both beginners and experienced traders.

    Trading microlots. This account type is best for beginners, who want to test trading with small deposits.

    Experienced racers with more than 60,000 off road kilometers in europe, africa, and australia under their belt.

    A many-time thai boxing world champion, an experienced trainer, and an honored master of sports.

    Roboforex ltd is an international broker regulated by the IFSC, license no. 000138/107, reg. Number 128.572.

    Risk warning: there is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as forex/cfds. 58.42% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose the entire amount of your account balance. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice. Roboforex ltd does not target EU/EEA clients. We don't work on the territory of the USA, canada, japan, australia, bonaire, curaçao, east timor, liberia, saipan, russia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turkey, guinea-bissau, micronesia, northern mariana islands, svalbard and jan mayen, south sudan, and other restricted countries.

    At roboforex, we understand that traders should focus all their efforts on trading and not worry about the appropriate level of safety of their capital. Therefore, the company took additional measures to ensure compliance with its obligations to the clients. We have implemented a civil liability insurance program for a limit of 5,000,000 EUR, which includes market-leading coverage against omissions, fraud, errors, negligence, and other risks that may lead to financial losses of clients.

    © roboforex, 2009-2021.
    All rights reserved.


    Trade currencies on the global financial market on competitive conditions

    Spreads from 0 pips

    At roboforex, you have an opportunity to trade with tight spreads from 0 pips.

    Leverage up to 1:2000

    Trade with the leverage value up to 1:2000 regardless of the account type.

    High execution speed

    Order execution from 0.1 second.

    More than 40 currency pairs

    Trade more than 40 currency pairs, including EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, and EURGBP.

    Our top forex instruments

    Roboforex trading platforms

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Best trading platforms in the industry

    Roboforex clients have an opportunity to trade on their accounts with competitive conditions from any device that is convenient for them. Choose a trading platform, which meets your requirements most of all, and trade with high order execution.

    Available on the following account types

    Roboforex offers its clients several types of accounts and they can choose the one that is the most suitable for them.


    Pro-standard accounts are an excellent choice for both experts and beginners of the currency market.

    • Initial deposit 10 USD / 10 EUR / 100 CNY

    • Execution type market execution

    • Spreads floating from 1.3 pips

    • Bonuses all offers

    ECN accounts are intended for professional traders, who prefer best possible trading conditions.

    • Initial deposit 10 USD / 10 EUR / 100 CNY

    • Execution type market execution

    • Spreads floating from 0 pips

    • Bonuses reduced number of promotions

    clients' choice


    “prime” account type is best for “advanced” traders and includes most attractive features of “ECN” accounts.

    • Initial deposit 10 USD / 10 EUR / 100 CNY

    • Execution type market execution

    • Spreads floating from 0 pips

    • Bonuses reduced number of promotions

    premium conditions


    Using pro-cent accounts, beginners and more experienced traders will have an opportunity to test their trading strategies.

    • Initial deposit 10 USD / 10 EUR / 100 CNY

    • Execution type market execution

    • Spreads floating from 1.3 pips

    • Bonuses all promotions

    for algo testing

    R trader

    R trader is a multi-asset web platform, which combines modern technologies, a classic but taken to a new level design, and access to the world’s major financial markets.

    • Initial deposit 100 USD

    • Execution type market execution

    • Spreads floating from 0.1 pips

    • Bonuses not available

    for stock trading

    Benefit from roboforex promotions

    Roboforex offers its clients the best promotional programs on financial markets start trading with roboforex right now and discover a great variety of bonuses!

    Profit share bonus up to 60%

    • Bonus up to 20,000 USD.

    • Can be used during "drawdown".

    • Deposit from 10 USD.

    • Withdraw the profit received when trading your own funds.

    Recieve bonus popular

  • Classic bonus up to 120%

    • Bonus up to 50,000 USD.

    • Сan’t be used during "drawdown".

    • Deposit from 10 USD.

    • Trade with bonus funds and withdraw the profit.

    Recieve bonus

  • Cashback (rebates) up to 15%

    • Receive cashback for the trading volume of just 10 lots.

    • Available for all verified clients.

    • Receive real money as cashback and withdraw it instantly.

    Read more popular

  • We pay up to 10% on an account balance

    • Payments for the trading volume starting from 1 lot.

    • No restrictions: withdraw instantly.

    • Receive % on account balance every month.

    Read more

  • The forex market that is opened 24/5 and considered to be the largest and most liquid trading facility in the world. The turnover is more than 4 trillion dollars per day and this number is more than any other market. Forex is intended for buying and selling different global currencies, which are paired into single trading instruments. For example, the euro vs. The US dollar (EURUSD). One of the currencies is a good, the other one is a tool for paying for this good. The profit form trading is gained due to the currency exchange rate change to one of the directions as the time goes by.

    One can trade on forex even without significant investments, because most of the brokers provide traders with access to trading with the leverage. Thanks to this, traders can perform trading operations that involve bigger amounts of money than they actually have on their accounts. The leverage may increase the profit a trader receive from transactions, but at the same time it may increase their losses as well.

    On the forex market, one can trade a great variety of currency pairs, which are basically divided into three major groups:

    • Majors are the most popular pairs featuring the USD and currencies of other influential countries (EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, etc.).

    • Crosses are the pairs without the USD (AUDCAD, EURJPY, AUDNZD, etc.). As a rule, they are less active than majors, but may sometimes behave quite surprising while being traded.

    • Exotics are low-liquid pairs with large spread, movements of which are not easy to forecast. These pairs feature the USD and currencies of the countries, which are not among advanced global economies (USDRUB, USDMXN, etc.).

    Several criteria may influence the choice of currency pairs for trading:

    • The pair must be easily analyzed and forecasted, while force-majeure risks must be dialed down.

    • When it comes to intraday trading, it’s better to choose highly-volatile currency pairs.

    • Consideration must be given to the time for trading. For example, USDJPY is more active during the asian trading session, while EURUSD – during the european and american ones.

    • It’s not recommended to choose pairs with large spreads.

    Every trader chooses trading instruments based on their trading strategies, experience, and attitude to risks. The most popular currency pairs with beginners are EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, and NZDUSD, while more experienced traders prefer a wider range – EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY, EURJPY, GBPJPY, and AUDJPY.

    Welcome bonus 30 USD

    Welcome bonus deposit without having to invest your own funds to the account!

    Welcome bonus 30 USD is a special welcome deposit for roboforex clients, which is given on an individual basis at the discretion of the company. Join the program and you’ll get a chance to receive initial capital for trading!

    Opportunities for roboforex clients

    The initial capital

    Without investing your own funds to the account.

    Withdraw the profit

    You earned when trading using your own and extra funds without any limitations

    How to receive welcome bonus 30 USD?

    Activate the code in members area

    Go to "extra funds" section and enter the code (it was sent by e-mail and via SMS) into the corresponding field.

    Open a new account at roboforex

    Welcome bonus 30 USD is available for all metatrader4-based trading accounts of pro types. If you don’t have any accounts of these types yet, you can open one right now.

    Rules of the program and examples of calculation

    General provisions

    Welcome bonus 30 USD (hereinafter called welcome bonus) is a special welcome deposit for roboforex clients, which is given on an individual basis at the discretion of the company.

    The amount of welcome bonus is 30 USD or 3,000 cents (depending on the account type).

    Welcome bonus can be transferred to the account with EUR as the base currency. In this case, the amount will be converted into EUR according to the company’s internal exchange rate.

    Welcome bonus can be received only to the following types of metatrader4-based accounts with USD or EUR as the base currency: pro-cent, and pro-standard (except for copyfx and contestfx accounts).
    More about roboforex accounts types

    Each client can receive welcome bonus only once.

    The offer is valid for clients from all countries, except for republic of indonesia and islamic republic of pakistan.

    Welcome bonus is only available for the accounts with the leverage up to and including 1:1000.

    Receiving welcome bonus

    To receive welcome bonus, you have to activate the special code in your members area. The code is sent to the participant’s e-mail address, which he specified during the registration.

    To activate the code, you have to do the following:

    1. Go to "extra funds" section of your members area.

    2. Enter the code into the corresponding field.

    3. Read the conditions of the program and tick the box if you agree.

    Welcome bonus is transferred to the client’s account within 5 business days.

    Validity period of the code is limited to 30 days. If the code is not used during this period, it will be automatically cancelled and marked as "expired".

    Working with welcome bonus

      clients can use in trading both their own funds and welcome bonus extra funds without any limitations. In this case, the extra funds can be used during "drawdown" – i.E. If the equity on the client’s account becomes less than welcome bonus extra funds, the extra funds will not be written off from the client’s account until stop out takes place.

    During "drawdown", the client’s own funds will be written off in the first place, including the cases when these funds were deposited after receiving welcome bonus.

    Show an example

    Example: you deposited your account with 1,000 cents and received 3,000 cents as welcome bonus. After trading, your profit is -500 cents. This loss will be covered by means of the client’s own funds and the sum available for withdrawal will be 500 cents, which is the client’s own funds minus the profit.

    There are no special commission for withdrawal for the participants of the offer.

    Cancellation and writing off

    Once stop out takes place, all welcome bonus extra funds will be written off from the client’s account.

    The client has the right to reject the received welcome bonus at any moment.

    The profit received from trading using the extra funds and the client’s own funds will not be written off from the account in none of the above-mentioned cases.

    Please note that roboforex reserves the right to, at any time and without any given reason, refuse to grant welcome bonus or write off from the account of the previously issued welcome bonus, as well as revoke (cancel) all transactions that have been made using the welcome bonus extra funds. This condition is considered to be accepted (agreed with and accepted) by the client starting from the moment of depositing the “welcome bonus 30 USD” to his trading account.

    Experienced racers with more than 60,000 off road kilometers in europe, africa, and australia under their belt.

    A many-time thai boxing world champion, an experienced trainer, and an honored master of sports.

    Roboforex ltd is an international broker regulated by the IFSC, license no. 000138/107, reg. Number 128.572.

    Risk warning: there is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as forex/cfds. 58.42% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose the entire amount of your account balance. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice. Roboforex ltd does not target EU/EEA clients. We don't work on the territory of the USA, canada, japan, australia, bonaire, curaçao, east timor, liberia, saipan, russia, sint eustatius, tahiti, turkey, guinea-bissau, micronesia, northern mariana islands, svalbard and jan mayen, south sudan, and other restricted countries.

    At roboforex, we understand that traders should focus all their efforts on trading and not worry about the appropriate level of safety of their capital. Therefore, the company took additional measures to ensure compliance with its obligations to the clients. We have implemented a civil liability insurance program for a limit of 5,000,000 EUR, which includes market-leading coverage against omissions, fraud, errors, negligence, and other risks that may lead to financial losses of clients.

    © roboforex, 2009-2021.
    All rights reserved.

    Results of "malaysia tour 2015": roboforex is extending the sphere of the company’s influence in asia

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    Dear clients and partners!

    We’re pleased to inform you that "roboforex malaysia tour 2015" has finished, bringing a lot of positive emotions and impressions to all participants. As a part of the tour program, several free-of-charge seminars for traders and partners were held in 5 malaysian cities.

    " roboforex malaysia tour 2015 " is the first event of such level delivered by the company. The main result of the tour is the increased level of asian traders’ and investors’ credibility and loyalty to the company. Thanks to "roboforex malaysia tour 2015", participants of seminars managed to learn more about roboforex and get access to the company’s services.

    Results of "roboforex malaysia tour 2015":

    5 cities

    500 participants

    110 lottery winners

    We’d like to thank all malaysian traders, who attended our seminars. Emphatic success of "roboforex malaysia tour 2015" can be rightly considered as the starting point for holding such events in the future.

    Photo report from "roboforex malaysia tour 2015":

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.
    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.
    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.
    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.
    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.


    Roboforex malaysia

    Kelebihan dagangan broker forex RoboForex, roboforex malaysia.

    • 2009

    • 2010

    • 2011

    • 2012

    • 2013

    • 2014

    • 2015

    • 2016

    • 2017

    • 2018

    The chart shows data on the number of trading accounts opened at robomarkets/roboforex group.

    Robomarkets asia ltd

    An asian broker with the license at labuan financial services authority (labuan FSA) no. MB/19/0034. The company was established in 2019.

    Roboforex ltd

    An international company, which is regulated by the IFSC belize (international financial services commission belize), license no. IFSC/60/271/TS. The broker has been operating since 2009.

    Robomarkets ltd

    Robomarkets ltd, a multi-asset broker, is a european company regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec), license no 191/13. The company was founded in 2012.

    Robomarkets LLC

    The company is an official representative of roboforex brand in the republic of belarus. Robomarkets LLC has the certificate no. 15 dated 08.04.2019 issued by the national bank of the republic of belarus.

    About robomarkets asia

    Robomarkets asia is a member of robomarkets/roboforex group, which has been operating since 2009. Robomarkets asia is regulated by the labuan FSA, license no. MB/19/0034.

    From the moment of its foundation, robomarkets asia has always been focused on providing best trading conditions using innovative technologies and many years of experience. Robomarkets asia is an asian broker, which offers 7 asset types and more than 10,000 instruments for trading. We’re very proud of a variety of services we provide our clients and partners with, which are of the same quality for all, regardless their experience and amount of their investments.

    Robomarkets asia regulation

    Robomarkets asia is an asian broker, which is a member of robomarkets/roboforex group.

    Labuan FSA

    Robomarkets asia is regulated by labuan financial services authority ( labuan FSA ), license no. MB/19/0034.

    Labuan FSA’s key role is to license and regulate licensed entities operating within labuan IBFC and to ensure all such entities remain in compliance with the internal and international best standards adopted by the jurisdiction.

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    "starikovich-heskes team"
    sponsorship at the dakar 2017

    Winner of more than 10 prestigious awards

    Robomarkets/roboforex group was recognized by the most respected experts of the financial industry.

    More than 800,000 clients from 169 countries.

    So, let's see, what we have: roboforex menyediakan tawaran promosi terbaik kepada pelanggan mereka di pasaran kewangan. Mulakan dagangan dengan roboforex sekarang dan dapatkan faedah yang hebat! At roboforex malaysia

