Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Trading bonus gratuito

La prima vera raccomandazione però è quella di rivolgersi ad un operatore che sia regolamentato secondo le disposizioni internazionali e nazionali.

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Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Insomma non scegliere mai un nome sconosciuto che ti promette mari e monti, perché finiresti con l'andare incontro ad una brutta scottatura. Alcuni broker che fino a qualche tempo fa offrivano BONUS, oggi invece propongono dei servizi aggiuntivi ai propri clienti. Ad esempio i segnali di trading. Si tratta di avvisi inviati ai clienti tramite sms, sulla piattaforma o via mail, per avvisarli riguardo operazioni potenzialmente profittevoli.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito). Eccole.

Qualunque investitore cerca sempre un buon operatore che abbia anche una app trading per fare operazioni ovunque ci si trovi. Bisogna anzitutto ricordarsi che la prima regola fondamentale per fare trading online in modo efficiente, è quella di rivolgersi all'operatore giusto.
Ogni broker infatti ha la sua piattaforma e ognuno pratica determinate condizioni (deposito minimo, asset su cui negoziare, ecc).

La prima vera raccomandazione però è quella di rivolgersi ad un operatore che sia regolamentato secondo le disposizioni internazionali e nazionali.
Insomma non scegliere mai un nome sconosciuto che ti promette mari e monti, perché finiresti con l'andare incontro ad una brutta scottatura.

App trading. Ma ora i BONUS SONO VIETATI

Tra le condizioni che i trader devono valutare è la presenza di una app per smartphone/tablet, in modo da poter fare trading anche in versione mobile. Fortunatamente tutti i broker nel corso del tempo si sono adeguati all'evoluzione del mercato, e OGGI TUTTI OFFRONO QUESTA POSSIBILITA'.
Va anche sottolineato che quasi tutte le app sono funzionali, intuitive e semplici.

Tuttavia anziché cercare una buona app (lo sono tutte) bisogna cercare un buon broker. Altrove abbiamo pubblicato una guida e una TABELLA con le proposte di molti validi operatori (la trovi qui), mentre in questo articolo ci focalizzeremo su quelli che propongono particolari benefit ai propri clienti.

Dall'agosto 2018 infatti è scattato per i clienti europei il DIVIETO DI FARE TRADING CON BONUS, per cui i broker non possono più offrirli. Tuttavia questo non vuol dire che essi non possano proporre dei servizi aggiuntivi o delle promozioni particolari ai propri clienti.
Vediamone alcune.

Chi propone APP + servizi aggiuntivi

Adesso passeremo in rassegna alcuni operatori che consentono di fare trading tramite app e che presentano anche dei particolari vantaggi per i propri clienti (che spesso sono anche più utili dei bonus con o senza deposito).

Il benefit operativo: segnali di trading

Alcuni broker che fino a qualche tempo fa offrivano BONUS, oggi invece propongono dei servizi aggiuntivi ai propri clienti. Ad esempio i segnali di trading. Si tratta di avvisi inviati ai clienti tramite sms, sulla piattaforma o via mail, per avvisarli riguardo operazioni potenzialmente profittevoli.

Questo servizio viene ad esempio offerto dal broker .
Come vedi nell'immagine sottostante, il servizio indica la direzione del segnale (rialzista/ribassista) ma anche se ci sono pattern tecnici che sostengono tale previsione. Ma vengono indicate anche la qualità del segnale, il timeframe su cui si manifesta, la sua affidabilità.
Il servizio è disponibile SOLO per i titolari di un , ed è accessibile dalla propria area riservata.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Anche un altro famoso broker, , propone un servizio che non è soltanto di segnali di trading, ma qualcosa di molto più ampio.
Partiamo dalla premessa che questo servizio si trova integrato sulla , che è la piattaforma unica di questo broker.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Come vediamo sulla piattaforma, c'è una sezione apposita che si chiama ANALISI DI MERCATO, dove si trovano ANALISI TECNICHE con i principali LIVELLI DI PREZZO da monitorare, ma anche dei veri e propri SEGNALI DI TRADING e le raccomandazioni delle principali banche d'affari come morgan stanley, barclays, deutsche bank e altre. .
Lo stesso servizio prevede l'invio di questi importanti aggiornamenti anche sul proprio smartphone.


Cominciare la propria carriera da trader con un bonus senza dubbio era un bel vantaggio. Adesso che l'ESMA li ha vietati, non è il caso di fasciarsi la testa. Il primo vero requisito che deve avere un buon broker non è se offre un bonus senza deposito, ma se è solido e affidabile.
A tal proposito ti proponiamo la nostra tabella, per guidarti nella scelta del miglior broker affidabile per le tue esigenze.
Buon trading!

Expose what is the meaning of forex no deposit bonus. You gain a real forex trading account with original money on it no deposit required from your side

Youвђ™re probably interested in forex live trading. It is a good way to increase your wealth if you have the right skills and knowledge about the industry as a whole. However, itвђ™s worth to mention that there are a lot of pitfalls in forex trading. If you fail to become an expert in trading before investing large sums of money in it, you may be leading yourself towards financial ruin.

Now, sure, you have read dozens of articles on forex and how to make a profit on it. You have seen dozens of people talk about their immense fortunes earned by trading. What you havenвђ™t seen is thousands of people who only suffered losses when they started trading. Donвђ™t become one of them, trade with skill.

You canвђ™t get experience unless you fail. But how do you get trading skills if you donвђ™t want to lose your own money to learn? The answer is to get a no deposit forex bonus on a forex trading platform.

It is a free bonus (no deposit required) with no deposit required and no strings attached. You just have to register to get anywhere from $30 to $500 for free to get you started in trading. Make sure you don't waste the money and work hard to learn the basics.

Is bonus with no deposit on forex a scam?

While the industry has seen some fraudulent projects, most places that offer trading bonuses with no deposit are trustworthy. The thing is there are so many trading platforms that they have to compete against each other to win new paying customers. Giving away some free money for you to learn how to trade is only beneficial for them.
Profit from their offers. Browse the list of trading platforms that offer no deposit bonuses and chose the most beneficial option fo you.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Forex no deposit bonus is risk free and deposit free bonus. You don’t need any deposit, the broker will give you bonus after opening a new account. Just you need to register with a forex broker and verify your account. Then you can start your live trading.

This how forex broker makes their potential client. Forex broker utilizes no deposit bonuses to pull in new customers, particularly in the event that they are new brokers, to expand their demographic as quickly as conceivable which is the reason they offer such free rewards.

Presently, forex trading becoming more popular, so there are too many traders and they want to start deposit free welcome mean no deposit bonus. Luckily, there is various forex broker offering no deposit bonus for beginners. They offer amazing bonuses, often $5 USD to 100 USD.

How free bonus is important?

Most of the brokers offering bonus. In any case, the greater part of them is unregulated. They are doing it is a great way to find new clients and they can’t find another good way. But regulated forex broker is good they offer some good bonuses for a newbie to familiar with live trading and their trading platform. We reviewed unregulated forex broker offer a free bonus with too many conditions and trading period is very short like 15 days, 20 days maximum 30 days, also you can’t withdraw the bonus, you have to trade required standard lot volume within a short time. Also, you fell trouble with leverage, the maximum amount of withdrawing and withdrawal method and other things. Then?

However, forex free reward is significant for currency traders. A regulated broker always offers a good bonus with some easy conditions to familiar with them. I think finding a trustable broker is important, so a beginner can join with a regulated broker bonus and they have to check some important factors like leverage, speared, fees and commissions and other things. One other thing is a security issue and trading platform.

So you already got it free bonus is important and joining with a regulated broker is better.

In this case, if you are a newbie in this forex trading market, obviously you can start with a free no deposit bonus. Forex is an extremely entangled and professional market, you need some experience to success on trade. In this case, if you are new in the FX market, utilizing a free reward can enable you to make some profit and increase some knowledge on how the market actually work you can make money more.

When you get familiar with your way (strategy, techniques), you don’t need the free reward again. You'd have the option to trade and make plenty of benefits by live trading. Moreover, experience traders, sometime takes a free bonus to multiply their profit and test a new strategy.

Terms and conditions for free forex bonuses

The different broker set different terms and conditions. There are a lot of terms and conditions in a free bonus, some terms and conditions are really hard. Like you have to trade a certain number of standard lot volume to withdraw profit. But there have also some good trader they regularly making money with this free bonuses. They use tricky techniques, they always hunt bonus presenting a website to choose an amazing bonus. The choose bonus then joins, start trading make some money, and build up their special strategy.

On the other hand, some other brokers will give you one time to withdraw conditions. Some will ask to deposit for withdrawing and some will say to start live trading and internal transfer your amount.

Discover more about the free bonuses

You have learned a lot already from here, but sometimes beginner asks some question us this like:

Is forex free bonus is a welcome bonus?

Actually, most of the time broker gives the bonus after joining with them so you can say it is forex welcome bonus.

Also, some reputed broker gives a bonus to their old clients and new clients, its deposit bonus like a 20% deposit bonus. Example: a trader after deposit $100 the broker will give $20 and the trader will able to trade with $100.

Does forex broker give no deposit bonus without verification?

Yes! Usually, a broker doesn’t provide the free bonus without verification. First things you need to fill-up at least your name and email, you have to confirm your email id for the complete creation of account.

Usually, the broker wants some individual data like ID card, passport or utility document after opening or before withdrawing profit.

But sometimes it happens that forex broker offers no deposit bonus without any verification.

Can I make money with a free bonus?

Why not? The broker gives the bonus to trade on the real market. It totally depends on you, if you can make some profit it’s obviously yours. But we suggest free bonus for newbie and learn something and for familiar with real market trading and for preparing themselves for the future.

So you can make with free bonus and withdraw it after meeting the terms and conditions.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

What is the best thing in a free bonus?

The best thing is if you have a no fund you can start live trading, you can learn new thing and if you can make some profit further you can trade it with a forex deposit bonus that will boost your trading capital.

So you have to start with a free bonus wisely.


Forex no deposit or deposit free trading bonus is a kind of blessing for a newbie, they can start live trading with it easily. Here is some good opportunity will help you to take a decision to choose a free bonus.

  • You can start live trading without any deposit

  • You can change your broker platform of a broker

  • You can earn some money and grow your confidence

You can change your trading instruments (currency pair, stocks, indices, share, commodities, and crypto currency)

You can start trade without pressure and risk free

You can develop your trading plan, strategy, and pattern

So you may say the free bonus is a really good opportunity to learn real forex trading, familiar with live trading environment and prepare yourself to take the challenge (forex trading contest)


Day trading with bonus funds can give your account a boost. From no deposit bonus schemes to explaining why free bonuses are usually not free at all, we explore the bonus and promotion offers at a range of brokers. We detail the types of bonus available, why forex trading bonuses might differ and which strategy can maximise bonus returns. We also reveal why the key to bonuses is always to read the terms and conditions…

This page also lists all bonus offers and similar promotions available to traders in the united kingdom 2021.

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Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

What is a bonus?

A bonus provides you with free money for trading and is normally offered by a broker as an incentive to attract new clients who can then try trading with little or no risk.

There are different types of bonus offers and requirements for getting the bonus paid out to your account. We detail these below.

No deposit bonus

The “no deposit bonus” is the most lenient of bonuses, as it does not require you to deposit any funds at all before you get the bonus. Normally a broker wants you to at least deposit some funds with them before you can get your bonus, but with a “no deposit” bonus they allow anyone to get the bonus after creating a new account.

Note that there might still be requirements to fulfil before you can get your trading profits paid out, and those requirements might be stricter for this kind of bonus than for others. Normally you have to trade a certain total volume before you can withdraw the profits derived from the bonus money.

Considering how generous it is to hand out free money to new traders, that makes a lot of sense. Make sure you are ok with those requirements before you sign up.

Welcome bonus

A “welcome bonus” is a way to reward new traders who sign up for an account, to make them feel welcome and to make it easier for new clients to start trading right away. A welcome bonus might require you to make a deposit, so make sure you agree with the bonus requirements before you sign up.

Deposit match bonus

The “deposit match bonus” will match a percentage of your deposit, up to a certain maximum amount.

For example, if the bonus is a 30% match up to $5,000, and you deposit $1,000, you will get an additional $300 from the broker ($1,000 * 30%). With this example offer the most you can get is $5000, which you would get when depositing at least $16,667 ($16,667 * 30% = $5,000). Even if you deposit more than that, you will still only get the maximum $5,000.

Note – we have seen alternate definitions of the maximum amount, where 30% match up to $5,000 would rather mean that even if you deposit more that $5,000, you will only get the 30% paid out on $5,000. In other words, the maximum amount pertains to the maximum deposit on which you will get the 30% bonus, and NOT how much bonus you can maximally get.

OBS! For a serious trader the distinction between the two maximum amount definitions can make a big difference, so make sure you understand the requirements before signing up and depositing.


Most bonus types have requirements regarding how much you have to trade before you can withdraw profits. For some traders this is ok, while to others it becomes a source of frustration.

Due to bonus abuse by many unscrupulous traders, the requirements have by necessity become so strict that you might be better off without one. However, it’s impossible to give individual advice, as it comes down to how much money you want to trade with and how long you can wait before you make a withdrawal.

In the long run a bonus will not make a huge difference to many traders, and might make things feel more complicated and thus spoil the joy of trading. Only use a bonus if you feel it makes sense to you personally.

Do I have to accept a broker's trading bonus?

Normally you don’t have to accept a bonus deal just because a broker is offering one. You might have to explicitly opt out of a bonus however, so make sure to check the terms and conditions when signing up.

Is a bonus basically free money?

While a bonus offer can sometimes sound like free cash with no requirements involved, there are always terms and conditions attached. If this wasn’t the case, what would stop dishonest traders from just withdrawing the funds without trading?

Trading bonus gratuito

A bonus could be a promoting incentive offered by a broker to influence a dealer to register a live cash account with them. They extremely FREE cash was given to the broker in exchange for either notifying or finance your account.

Previously, bonuses weren't existing within the marketplace for binary options, however as competition became more durable between the assorted brokers, several of them started giving the primary deposit bonus as a method of attracting new customers. This is often why several brokers currently supply a sort of bonus or the opposite for every new client.

Binary options no deposit bonus

Nowadays, binary trading has become a really common style of investment, which suggests that additional and additional binary broker’s area unit change of integrity the fold daily.

Today, the majority brokerage corporations within the binaries business supply some quite bonus or the opposite, either for brand spanking new customers or returning customers.

What is actually binary options no deposit bonus?

A binary options no deposit bonus is a forex welcome bonus. The brokers give the bonus for join with them, which directly deposited brokers trading account without any kind of initial deposit. So, without thinking we can call it is a good chance to gather real-life trading experience with various brokers and platform ideas.

Importance of binary options no deposit bonus

Actually, the no deposit bonus is really important for a newbie. When they have come in the first market or first trade, they are really very worried. How to start, how will it be? Therefore, they have made a bad for mental pressure. But, when he is free from pressure, then he feels it easy. He is very must interested to get the benefit. For this reason, anybody starts trading without invest own money and can do soothing better. I hope you understand why a no deposit bonus important.

Basic information of binary options no deposit bonus

The no deposit bonus condition always depends on the individual brokers. But some common characteristics carries:

  • Binary option no deposit bonus is always welcome deposit bonus.

  • The only way to get the bonus is to sign up with a broker.

  • The binary options bonus is one time accessible for one time.

  • The bonus is not possible to any kind internal transfer.

  • Of course, the bonus is for trading function only as means can’t be withdrawn.

  • After trading, if you can be made bonus profit, the profit is withdrawal.

General example to get a binary option no deposit bonus

Every bonus has some basic terms and conditions and some steps to get a bonus. This is one:

  • Simply register or open an account.

  • Verify your account with correct data and fill the required information field.

  • If have the condition that you need to send a request for the bonus, send a request to get the bonus otherwise the bonus will automatically be added to your account.

  • Start your trading, after made profit you can withdraw the profit within limited times.

  • Please, read every bonus terms and condition very carefully.

Which is better binary options deposit or no deposit bonus?

A bonus is a bonus. Bonus means some extra for you. The no deposit bonus is a good way to start binary options trading. Brokers offered the bonus to join more customers and deposit bonus is for stay with them. Those two bonuses benefits for a broker not for you. But, but it’s sure that both bonuses are a good chance for you.

Three major FAQ:

All are no deposit bonus trusted and safe?

The bonus is not fact! Just chose a safe bonus, trustworthy brokers safe for your funds. If a broker is good then the bonus may be trusted and safe. To choose a safe broker you may visit our broker's review or best brokers page and must compare them.

Can I withdraw the bonus profit without any problem?

Yes, why not! If you can compete profit withdraw requirements like times (example 1month), minimum trading lots and without any restriction of your account then you should.

Can I get the no deposit bonus more time?

No! You cannot do it. The no deposit bonus one time for one account. But you should get it by opening accounts in another trading platform. If your first account in MT4 platform then you can open another account on the MT5 platform. In that case, before opening another account, check that on another platform the bonus is available or not.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Binary option no deposit bonus

One of the first things you will know is that many brokers offer a binary trading no deposit bonus. This means that you will not have to deposit any money to obtain started as a binary options trader. Obviously, this is an tremendously attractive proposal for possible traders.

As professionals in the trading area, we have utilized all of our knowledge and skill to offer you with a top lead to the best binary options no deposit bonus offerings from brokers. This will help you get to grips with how binary options no deposit bonuses work, and how you can decide the broker and bonus which works best for you and your trading style.

What is a binary options no deposit bonus?

A binary trading no deposit bonus is one of the most common things you will come across when getting started in binary options trading. At its core, this is a entirely free amount of money to begin trading with and requires no deposit to get started. It is an excellent way for brokers to pull towards you customers, and allows traders to get started with live trading without any first funding.

How does a no deposit bonus work in binary options trading?

The workings of a binary options no deposit bonus are fairly simple from the outset. This is a free bonus which traders can receive simply through a confirmed registration on a binary trading site that offers it. The move is risk-free for traders, and an ideal way to begin live trading without a financial risk, meaning a shift for traders in terms of risk/reward ratio. The bonus is characteristically credited to the account upon verifying your ID and residence documents for trading.

Typically, these types of binary bonus options are offered to new traders up to the value of $100 as a binary options no deposit welcome bonus. Sign-up bonuses will typically range in value from $10 to $100.

The terms and conditions applied to these kinds of no deposit bonuses are known to be very preventive. This makes it very hard for traders to really benefit from no deposit bonuses in a significant fashion, other than to treat them likewise to as one would a demo account with a forex broker.

The main differences between no deposit and deposit bonuses :

As popular as free binary trading no deposit bonus offerings are, there are also other bonus types. The main option bonus type offered by binary trading brokers are deposit bonuses. These often come in the form of a deposit match bonus, and be different in several ways from the no deposit options.

Deposit requirement :

One of the key elementary differences when it comes to a binary options deposit bonus is that clearly, a deposit is necessary. This is not the case with the no deposit binary bonus options.

Bonus size :

The characteristic bonus size when it comes to no deposit bonus options are between $10-$100. Some can get a larger binary trading no deposit bonus, but these should be viewed with some caution. Deposit bonuses on the other hand can regularly reach as much as $500, thanks to deposit matching.

Fixed amount vs changeable percentage :

As noted, the nature of binary option bonus no deposit types is that they are a fixed sum. This is the result of them not being reliant upon deposits. Deposit bonuses in binary trading in the meantime can range between 5% – 50% depending on your broker and conditions.

Trading and withdrawal conditions :

Trading necessities and withdrawal conditions are usually very tough for both deposit types. These may contain specific limitations on when bonuses can be withdrawn. The conditions on even the best free binary trading no deposit bonuses are often particularly tougher. You should cautiously review the terms and conditions prior to compliant any bonus. This may fundamentally make entering and exiting trades much more not easy than usual.

How to claim A binary options no deposit bonus :

The steps concerned in choosing your ideal no deposit bonus binary options are fairly simple, even if you have never traded before. There are just a few basic points to follow and you can rapidly and easily learn how to make money from binary options with your new no deposit bonus.

Choose a reputable broker :

There are many binary trading brokers out there. Performing sufficient due assiduousness and study will be vital to your success. In spite of the enticement, you should resist headfirst in with the broker who offers the most good-looking no deposit bonuses. A proportionately more beautiful bonus offering can be indicative of tougher bonus limitations and trading conditions on a binary trading platform.

Register and verify your account :

These steps will also be necessary to claim your binary trading no deposit bonus. Registration is usually a simple and fast process, and ID and proof of residence confirmation can frequently be completed by automatically uploading the necessary documents.

Thoroughly read terms and conditions :

Before tolerant any binary options no deposit bonus, you should take an in-depth look at the terms and conditions to ensure that bonus trading targets and conditions are both obvious and attainable.

Start trading :

Once you have finished these steps and are pleased, you are ready to begin trading with your binary options bonus and implementing your trading theories, no deposit necessary.

The pros and cons of A binary options no deposit bonus :

As with all forms of trading and bonus offerings, there are advantage and disadvantages associated with binary options no deposit bonus offerings. These should all be in use into deliberation before deciding to connect in binary options trading.

Pros :

No financial outlay :

A binary trading no deposit bonus efficiently gives you a free chance to begin trading with no risk. In spite of how preventive the trading terms may be, this is an excellent chance to learn more about the binary options trading market.

The ability to learn and experimentation :

There are many similarities between the no deposit bonus circumstances and trading through a demo forex trading account with a top broker. You have the same capability to experience live market trading conditions at no risk, allowing you to expand your trading style without fear of costly mistakes. This educational experience is important in all types of market.

Cons :

Terms and conditions can be so preventive with binary trading brokers that realizing any real benefit from your no deposit bonus becomes highly demanding, if not impossible. This is why you will need to cautiously look at the terms prior to committing to a exacting trading broker.

Impractical turnover rates :

The trading terms and conditions mentioned can often see no deposit binary bonus offerings withdrawn in an irrationally short period of time, or requiring impractical turnover rates of as much as 20-30 times the bonus amount before profits can be withdrawn.

Declining popularity :

The fame and use of no deposit binary options bonuses has mainly been on the refuse from major binary trading brokers. This is due to the fact they have been largely unproductive in attracting traders, often due to their highly warning trading conditions.

As the fame of no deposits bonuses has waned, they have often been replaced by “risk-free” trades. These are trades which can be placed and refunded to the trader in the event they are ineffective.

Finally, the stipulation of a binary options no deposit bonus can be a positive thing, as long as the trading conditions are somewhat positive, or at least attainable for you. You should also always be obtainable with an opt-out option, and not feel overly pressured to contribute in bonus trading. Binary trading sites who promote their offerings through force and over-enthusiasm should be treated with caution and cynicism.

Conclusion :

Forex brokers are firmly regulated and offer you reward that binary option traders do not. If you think forex trading could be for you, check the list of recommended brokers and get into the thrilling world of forex today.

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What is a bonus?

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We aim to only publish real offers from serious actors. If you think we have listed a potential scam please contact us immediately at info@cryptocoinzone.Com

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Many companies uses different kinds of offers or bonuses to attract new users. Crypto related business are no different and many have a welcome offer or sign up bonus to attract new users. We aim to list the best current crypto bonuses.

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All bonuses and and welcome offers does involve some kind of terms and conditions. It simple means that the company wants something in return to give away a welcome bonus. That can be many different tasks but usually involves a KYC process to make sure there is no spam traffic. Other tasks that can be requested are social media tasks or start using the underlying platform and accomplish different tasks. Remember to always read the terms and conditions before you accept a crypto bonus.

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There are always scams and unserious companies that will ask for an initial investment. Always do your own research to make sure you minimize your risk to deposit into a sca. Try to avoid to make a first deposit into new companies with hidden founders and unprofessional websites. Also, new companies that promises unrealistic financial returns are most likely a scam. Do NEVER invest in a company that guarantee any kind of return over time. Many scams to guarantee a daily profit of something like 1% and that is, of course, a 100% scam.

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There are always scams and unserious companies that will ask for an initial investment. Always do your own research to make sure you minimize your risk to deposit into a sca. Try to avoid to make a first deposit into new companies with hidden founders and unprofessional websites. Also, new companies that promises unrealistics financial returns are most likely a scam.

What is a no deposit crypto bonus?

A no deposit crypto bonus is a welcome offer where the company doesn’t ask for a deposit in return to release the crypto bonus. These kind of crypto bonuses can seem to be less risky since it doesn’t involve deposits directly. However, be careful if its only an approach to get more details from you before they start to ask for more information.

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Casino companies have one thing in common, they try to take money from the people. We have one vision, try to maximize every personal wallet or investment. We only list bonuses and offers we believe can benefit you. Casino companies, are per definition, the opposite.

What is an airdrop?

An airdrop is a free distribution of a new token. The reason why an airdrop is beneficial is when a company believe they have created a useful product that the crowd can benefit from. In contrast to an ICO, you will get a community who can use your platform. An ICO only involve investors who are looking for profitable return but probably not to use the product, at least not as primary reason.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito). Eccole.

Qualunque investitore cerca sempre un buon operatore che abbia anche una app trading per fare operazioni ovunque ci si trovi. Bisogna anzitutto ricordarsi che la prima regola fondamentale per fare trading online in modo efficiente, è quella di rivolgersi all'operatore giusto.
Ogni broker infatti ha la sua piattaforma e ognuno pratica determinate condizioni (deposito minimo, asset su cui negoziare, ecc).

La prima vera raccomandazione però è quella di rivolgersi ad un operatore che sia regolamentato secondo le disposizioni internazionali e nazionali.
Insomma non scegliere mai un nome sconosciuto che ti promette mari e monti, perché finiresti con l'andare incontro ad una brutta scottatura.

App trading. Ma ora i BONUS SONO VIETATI

Tra le condizioni che i trader devono valutare è la presenza di una app per smartphone/tablet, in modo da poter fare trading anche in versione mobile. Fortunatamente tutti i broker nel corso del tempo si sono adeguati all'evoluzione del mercato, e OGGI TUTTI OFFRONO QUESTA POSSIBILITA'.
Va anche sottolineato che quasi tutte le app sono funzionali, intuitive e semplici.

Tuttavia anziché cercare una buona app (lo sono tutte) bisogna cercare un buon broker. Altrove abbiamo pubblicato una guida e una TABELLA con le proposte di molti validi operatori (la trovi qui), mentre in questo articolo ci focalizzeremo su quelli che propongono particolari benefit ai propri clienti.

Dall'agosto 2018 infatti è scattato per i clienti europei il DIVIETO DI FARE TRADING CON BONUS, per cui i broker non possono più offrirli. Tuttavia questo non vuol dire che essi non possano proporre dei servizi aggiuntivi o delle promozioni particolari ai propri clienti.
Vediamone alcune.

Chi propone APP + servizi aggiuntivi

Adesso passeremo in rassegna alcuni operatori che consentono di fare trading tramite app e che presentano anche dei particolari vantaggi per i propri clienti (che spesso sono anche più utili dei bonus con o senza deposito).

Il benefit operativo: segnali di trading

Alcuni broker che fino a qualche tempo fa offrivano BONUS, oggi invece propongono dei servizi aggiuntivi ai propri clienti. Ad esempio i segnali di trading. Si tratta di avvisi inviati ai clienti tramite sms, sulla piattaforma o via mail, per avvisarli riguardo operazioni potenzialmente profittevoli.

Questo servizio viene ad esempio offerto dal broker .
Come vedi nell'immagine sottostante, il servizio indica la direzione del segnale (rialzista/ribassista) ma anche se ci sono pattern tecnici che sostengono tale previsione. Ma vengono indicate anche la qualità del segnale, il timeframe su cui si manifesta, la sua affidabilità.
Il servizio è disponibile SOLO per i titolari di un , ed è accessibile dalla propria area riservata.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Anche un altro famoso broker, , propone un servizio che non è soltanto di segnali di trading, ma qualcosa di molto più ampio.
Partiamo dalla premessa che questo servizio si trova integrato sulla , che è la piattaforma unica di questo broker.

Migliori APP trading con BONUS (con/senza deposito), trading bonus gratuito.

Come vediamo sulla piattaforma, c'è una sezione apposita che si chiama ANALISI DI MERCATO, dove si trovano ANALISI TECNICHE con i principali LIVELLI DI PREZZO da monitorare, ma anche dei veri e propri SEGNALI DI TRADING e le raccomandazioni delle principali banche d'affari come morgan stanley, barclays, deutsche bank e altre. .
Lo stesso servizio prevede l'invio di questi importanti aggiornamenti anche sul proprio smartphone.


Cominciare la propria carriera da trader con un bonus senza dubbio era un bel vantaggio. Adesso che l'ESMA li ha vietati, non è il caso di fasciarsi la testa. Il primo vero requisito che deve avere un buon broker non è se offre un bonus senza deposito, ma se è solido e affidabile.
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